Author Topic: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels  (Read 20788 times)

Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« on: November 27, 2014, 03:05:50 am »

Reviewtech USA - Rich, the guy who creates all the videos for this channel is the biggest hypocrite POS on all of youtube as far as I'm concerned. The guy also is a click bait whore that condemns other channels for doing the same thing . . .yeah ::)

Happyconsolegamer - He is a prime example of someone who likes talking about video games and owning them rather than playing them. I sometimes get the impression that he has maybe beaten about twenty games his whole life and bases his opinions of the thousands of other games he has on what he has read or heard about them online. His channel also annoys me in general for some reason.

Metal Jesus Rocks - It bothers me a little bit that he has to have guests on his show in half his videos to explain games that most other gamers are completely aware of, except for him of course. It's as if he supplements his overall lack of gaming knowledge(at least involving consoles) by having others explain the games and do the work for him. This brings me to another issue I have with his channel, his Hidden Gems videos. 90% of these so called Hidden Gems are anything but hidden.

Pro Jared - The guy annoys me, plain and simple.

Adam Koralik - While he does not have a ton of subs, he still has way too many for someone who is essentially a Sony hating, butthurt Sega fanboy. Don't get me wrong, I love Sega, but he definitely gives Sega fans a bad name.


The Game Chasers - Possibly my favorite youtube channel, their production quality is amazing for the show, both Billy and Jay are hilarious, and most of the episodes are very entertaining.

Pat the NES Punk - While many would argue that his channel does have a great deal of success, I feel like his videos are awesome, and especially the CUpodcast is very entertaining and has a lot of insightful opinions on gaming related topics. And Flea Market Madness!!!

Chargeback Forward - Sadly this channel is dead, but it had so much potential and the videos that its two creators posted were awesome and very entertaining. I don't think they ever saw more than 5000 subs at their peak which is really sad.

NES Complex - Definitely one of the most entertaining and fun video game related youtube channels, that sadly has had a drought of content recently. There are some awesome top games lists on it, as well as fun reviews on Nintendo Power issues and games.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 10:21:01 am »
Didn't we have another similar thread a while back? Anyone?

And I disagree on Pat... I just don't like the guy, I don't know why. I'm sure he's a nice dude but his character just bugs me.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2014, 10:29:26 am »
Didn't we have another similar thread a while back? Anyone?

And I disagree on Pat... I just don't like the guy, I don't know why. I'm sure he's a nice dude but his character just bugs me.

And I'd like to strangle Ian with a controller cable.

But yeah, we had a thread like this before and pretty much decided we all just have different tastes. And I still hate the terms "overrated / underrated". ;)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2014, 10:31:16 am »
Didn't we have another similar thread a while back? Anyone?

And I disagree on Pat... I just don't like the guy, I don't know why. I'm sure he's a nice dude but his character just bugs me.

I couldn't remember, but if there is another one, my bad. You can delete it if you need to.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 10:45:01 am by bikingjahuty »


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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2014, 01:34:32 pm »



Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2014, 01:46:18 pm »
-->(*Inserted Shameless Advertisement Here*) <--- In all seriousness I think Trophy Hunters Gaming and Did You Know Gaming are a couple missing from the list. Also I can disagree on Adam Koralik. I really like his channel.  Maybe it's because I've been watching his videos for a long time and have gotten used to the "OMG DREAMCAST!!!" style he has. Also does anybody watch The Completionist?

P.S. --> <-- (*You Won't Regret It*)


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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2014, 01:48:10 pm »
I don't see how having someone appear on your show to talk about something you don't know a lot about is a bad thing. Wouldn't you rather have someone knowledgeable than have someone just reciting you lines from Wikipedia or talking out of his ass? I don't see this as any different than when the guys at Pawn Stars has to call an expert over.

Anyways, as for my YouTube reviews picks, here's my list of stuff I watch. YouTube reviewers are actually big chunk of my viewing entertainment:

-Classic Game Room - Or "LordCarnage" as he calls it, now. This was the first review show I ever watched. It's nice that he STILL gives us regular reviews.

-CGRUndertow - But I HATE the PC reviewer guy, he just gets on my nerves. Derick is great, and the "newbs" usually aren't bad. Like CGR, it's nice that we get reviews on a regular basis from them.

-G4 Icons - So this isn't technically a YouTube show. But G4 doesn't exist anymore and I thought I'd share this for anyone that didn't know. EASILY the best gaming show to ever appear on television, IMO. It's a documentary-style show that follows different themes each episode in the history of gaming complete with old footage and interviews with programmers & designers. One episode might be on fighting games, another on the history of Mario.

-Game Sack - These guys really seem to know what they're talking about. And I usually always discover a new game I want to play after watching their videos. They post new videos pretty much weekly. And they're full half-hour episodes, like a real T.V. show. But they do come off a little amateur in their dialogue like they're stiffly reading from a script. Small complaint, though, it doesn't detract from the show.

-Gamester81 - Totally amateur. But it's cool to get perspective from a fellow collector that's much farther along on his collection. And he really does have some seriously rare stuff that's cool to see.

-Irate Gamer - He barely does anything gaming related anymore though, I was just about to unsubscribe and then he suddenly put up a new History of Video Games video. And before we get into an AVGN vs. Irate Gamer discussion, I don't agree. He's obviously similar, but I feel he's different enough to set him apart. It's apparent to me since IG's humor is a little more cartoonish with the recurring characters and storyline themes and such. And frankly, I don't like AVGN, he just seems too juvenile with the dick and fart jokes for me.

-MetalJesusRocks - I really like this guy. Not that he's the best at any one thing in particular. Just that he seems like a normal dude that you might hang out with if you knew him. I'm a gamer and a metal-head as well, so we agree on a lot of things, as well.

-ScrewAttacks's Top 10 - These are just quick and fun little countdown videos on various themes in gaming.

-TurboViews - Dang are his reviews getting longer and longer in-between. I think he's done most of the TG-16 library by now is the problem, lol. His reviews are always very well done and easily the most professional looking of the bunch that I have listed here. I could easily see his videos being a segment of some show on G4 (if it still existed).
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 01:57:15 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2014, 03:03:09 pm »



I've been fortunate enough to meet a few of these guys.
Pat is a pretty cool guy. I talked to him for a while at Retropalooza. He's an alright guy.
I talked to the Game Chasers a while too. Really cool guys.

As for under rated channels check out:

The Midwest Retro Gamers. It's a husband and wife looking for games. I can relate a little.

MichaelBTheGameGenie is a pretty cool channel. I like his Game and Watch series. It's Lets Plays, but the guy is likable.

Beat 'em Ups is a solid show. It's like Game Chasers in Australia. Fun stuff

Retro Liberty is a fantastic channel. Aaron and Ricky are fun, likable guys. The show has fantastic editing and is just fun to watch.

If I think of anymore, I'll try to let y'all know. I watch a lot of YouTube.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2014, 03:15:40 pm »

Reviewtech USA - Rich, the guy who creates all the videos for this channel is the biggest hypocrite POS on all of youtube as far as I'm concerned. The guy also is a click bait whore that condemns other channels for doing the same thing . . .yeah ::)

Happyconsolegamer - He is a prime example of someone who likes talking about video games and owning them rather than playing them. I sometimes get the impression that he has maybe beaten about twenty games his whole life and bases his opinions of the thousands of other games he has on what he has read or heard about them online. His channel also annoys me in general for some reason.

Metal Jesus Rocks - It bothers me a little bit that he has to have guests on his show in half his videos to explain games that most other gamers are completely aware of, except for him of course. It's as if he supplements his overall lack of gaming knowledge(at least involving consoles) by having others explain the games and do the work for him. This brings me to another issue I have with his channel, his Hidden Gems videos. 90% of these so called Hidden Gems are anything but hidden.

Pro Jared - The guy annoys me, plain and simple.

Adam Koralik - While he does not have a ton of subs, he still has way too many for someone who is essentially a Sony hating, butthurt Sega fanboy. Don't get me wrong, I love Sega, but he definitely gives Sega fans a bad name.


The Game Chasers - Possibly my favorite youtube channel, their production quality is amazing for the show, both Billy and Jay are hilarious, and most of the episodes are very entertaining.

Pat the NES Punk - While many would argue that his channel does have a great deal of success, I feel like his videos are awesome, and especially the CUpodcast is very entertaining and has a lot of insightful opinions on gaming related topics. And Flea Market Madness!!!

Chargeback Forward - Sadly this channel is dead, but it had so much potential and the videos that its two creators posted were awesome and very entertaining. I don't think they ever saw more than 5000 subs at their peak which is really sad.

NES Complex - Definitely one of the most entertaining and fun video game related youtube channels, that sadly has had a drought of content recently. There are some awesome top games lists on it, as well as fun reviews on Nintendo Power issues and games.
I'd say i'm the most underrated channel.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2014, 03:23:35 pm »
I'd say LazyGameReviews is an underrated channel for sure. Not underrated in the sense that people don't like him but in the sense that not enoug people watch his videos. Fantastic insightful reviews and all-round good guy.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2014, 04:36:24 pm »


This is the only true answer.

I am not a huge fan of the Pat The NES Punk videos, but I do really enjoy the Completely Unnecessary Podcast and Flea Market Madness
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2014, 04:52:41 pm »
ProJared overrated? Hardly, he's an extremely funny guy.  His panels are hilarious because he kinda treats it like he would being more like a stand up comedian.  Has that kinda timing and humor also with those events.  I kinda wish he'd do less horror Lets Plays, not because I want another screamer like Markiplier, but because he's admittedly not scared by horror games, which takes a little enjoyment out of the watch since he's not really getting into as much of the tension.

Underrated though, I would echo Lazy Game Reviews as he makes very high quality videos and being that he plays new and old PC games, he isn't really fighting for the same viewing audience as many others are.  I don't think I even watch anyone who is mostly a pure PC gamer in the sense that he is and has that massive PC game collection.

The Completionist is very underrated though slowly growing with popularity.  The depths that man will go to complete games is ridiculous.  You don't see anyone else doing that along with having high quality video content.  I mean, the man completed Hyrule Warriors with over 200 hours, he's completed Smash Bros 4 after having it for just a few weeks and some of those challenges in it are ridiculous.  He's a very genuine guy which you have to respect.

Game Sack would be another underrated channel, very much cause of the variety in their videos.  They'll do in depth videos on specific consoles and the better games for them, they'll do themed videos, all videos have quality to them and they are definite collectors. 

And finally, while these guys are not really underrated, I think they have the popularity, but I love the Super Best Friends.  4 guys with a lot of character, that regularly do Let's Plays of a lot of different games among with usually doing short lets plays of new games on Machinima.  They have an epic long podcast where they discuss game news and argue about game things and I just really enjoy listening to them.

There's others I could probably add, but I think that's enough for now.  Overrated isn't too important to me.  Like I could easily put down someone like Pewdiepie who is awful, but I don't pay attention to him.

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2014, 05:25:45 pm »
Oh man! Finally I totally agree on reviewtechusa, he's done nothing but piss me off since he made youtube his full-time gig, I remember him posting about how terrible the Wii U was because it was formatting his Flash drive and he unplugged it, while it tells you "DO NOT UNPLUG" what an idiot
I don't really like Pat the NES punk or game chasers though both just kind of over stayed their welcome, I can only take so much of the ridiculous little kid humor
Sorry to say it too but I got sick of Gamesack, is it Joe?, the one that isn't bald just seemed like the videos were just an opportunity to show off his most expensive stuff

On the other hand I love LGR, not much of a PC gamer, but his humor, reviews and style are great same goes for PushingupRoses, she's awesome too
I also really dig Austin Mackert he mostly does let's plays now but I like his down-to-earth style and he just seems like a normal dude that doesn't have a massive collection but just loves games for what they are


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2014, 05:50:25 pm »
I agree for the most part about ReviewTech USA and Happy Console Gamer, but I still like MetalJesusRocks since he seems like a cool dude, and his Hidden Gem Videos seem more like aimed for the general public who may not know about those games, and are actually pretty helpful for collection purposes. ProJared is alright most of the time, and I also like Koralik's videos and discussions about consoles, even though I disagree with some of his points.  I also enjoy Nintendo Collecting as well as KidShoryuken as well.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2014, 07:17:02 pm »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

Got to agree with BikingJahuty on MetalJesusRocks, though.

And I like Pat the NES Punk, though I think his position is fair! (neither over nor underrated, in my opinion).