"Plagued" is wrong to say.
It's my
opinion, so it's not wrong to say.

You're entitled to your
opinion, just as I am. Believe it or not, just because you might have a different opinion than mine doesn't make mine wrong.

Did I say all DLC is bad? No, I didn't. Some game publishers/developers certainly do handle it the wrong way and go overboard with milking players for every last penny and I would say that those games have issues with DLC.
I never played the original game(s) - but this series is multiplayer-focused like CoD & Battlefield, right?
I'm not really sure if I'd call it multiplayer-focused, but I've never played the originals online so I don't have much to say on that.
Battlefront II had solid single player gameplay and excellent split-screen co-op though which made it fun to have friends over to play with. I hope this new one has similar gameplay options.
Star Wars Battlefront II isn't terribly expensive on the PS2, so I'd definitely have to recommend picking that up first if you want to get a good feel for the series before trying the new one.