Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 82797 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2016, 01:29:02 am »
Been dragging my feet abit on a couple games I got planned, cause they are pretty reasonable time sinks.  Hoping to get a PS4 here within the next month, so that'll give me a new batch of games to run through and I can start picking up the pace.  I'm still playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was technically something I was playing last year, but I'm gonna put it onto this years since I'm going to beat it and I'll likely put just as much time into it this year as I did last year, if not more lol

3 - Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) -  40 HOURS PLAYING

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2016, 01:52:47 am »
5. Mortal Kombat (PS3): This game literally had everything going for it; excellent reimagining of the first three MK games with an awesome story, great combat, amazing graphics. Hell, I'd almost go as far as to say it's one of the best fighting games of the 7th gen...and then there is the final battle with Shao Kahn. He is one of the cheapest, most unimaginative, and grossly overpowered final bosses I've ever had the displeasure of playing. My satisfaction with this game plummeted after trying a variety of tactics to beat him since, you know, fighting him was completely ineffective. While you can avoid playing against him in various other modes, story mode, which is arguably the best thing about this game, is ruined by him.

I will be taking a break from video games until I take my Network+ Certification test (aiming for late Feb or early March), but played this one pretty extensively right before. Sadly, a game I was so sure I'd love while playing it, was completely ruined by the final boss who is up there for cheapest asshole in a game ever. All well, happy to hit five games down before the first month of the year is over :)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2016, 08:16:47 am »
Main List

bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

28. Retro City Rampage DX (PC)
I went into this game expecting a GTA parody game, but so far this game parodies everything pop culture.  I'm kind of rushing through this game, I've never been too much of a fan of these top down sandbox action games.  The controls are too difficult for me to not kill myself.  But I'm giving it the good old college try.  This game is quite funny, lot's of little jokes here and there, definitely not my type of game though, it's very difficult to control vehicles and aiming weapons.
Rating: If you like top down shooters a la GTA, this is definitely the game for you.  It even has short levels that play like other games.  If you despise top down shooters, or are just not good at them, you may wanna pass on this one.

29. Hacknet (PC)
This is another one of those games I got as part of that deal with the devs at PAX South.  This game is really good.  I used to do some of this stuff back in college during my time in the security department, we strictly used honeypots though, so nothing was illegal.  This game's premise is basically you are dragged into the underground world of hacking to help a dead guy.  I presume the game ends at some point where you resolve the dead guy's request.  Sweet jeebus, if you get traced during a hack, your computer goes into failsafe mode and you have about a minute to alter your IP address otherwise the game deletes your save data.  I had to forkbomb my own computer a few times just to kind of "pause" the game so I could look up what I was supposed to do.  If you ever play this game, be prepared for that, that was harrowing.  This isn't a game to just pick up casually and come back to on a whim, you have to remember the names of executables and such.  Finally sat down and finished this game.
Rating: I really really liked this game, I did stuff like this back in college for security courses, and do it a little from time to time for work... of course it isn't as simple as typing the name of an executable, and they explain that at the very end of the game. Spoilers?  I don't know, I think it should be a given that hacking isn't this easy.  If you have any form of familiarity with using Linux, you should enjoy this game... otherwise you might be on a learning curve.  I have several other similar hacking games I'm going to try and play this year, but I think this one will be my #1.

30. Firewatch (PC)
I went into this game knowing that this was a short 3 hour-ish experience.  I've been looking forward to this game for some time, but I think I may have rushed the game.  I may go back and play it again and truly explore the game.  The beautiful environments make me want to just run around and find all the little nooks and crannies of the environment, but I did run through the game just doing the story... and as such I never found the main character's turtle pet.  I don't want to spoil anything, but for me personally, I found the ending kind of empty and shallow, but that's because I'm a fan of fan service, and when games don't give you that fan service or at least ultimate closure, it bums me the fuck out.
Rating: It's a great game, you'll love the environments, you may even get lost in the story (figuratively and literally).  Definitely a game worth playing, maybe even playing twice.  But with the short story and honestly limited amount of content aside from the beautiful and lush environments, it may be worth waiting for a sale.  But if you have no issue paying $20 for a great experience, even if it'll only last you 3-5 hours, definitely go check this game out.

31. Gas Guzzlers Extreme (PC)
I explained this game to my wife as Road Rash but with cars instead of bikes, but I guess more accurately this is basically a spiritual successor to the destruction derby games.  This game is actually quite fun, I just last night made it to the second portion of the game and unlocked a higher tier vehicle.  The game has a campaign, but it does certainly feel like the campaign could be endless, but worst case I'll stop playing once I unlock all of the vehicles.
Rating:  I actually really really liked this game, if it were released in physical form for a console, I would buy it day one.  Extremely fun.  Definitely recommend this game.

32. Please, Don't Touch Anything (PC)
It's an interesting concept, kind of feels like it should just be a flash game.  I think I got it on sale for like 49 cents, so I don't really regret it, I'll try to get my wife to play it, but she probably lose interest like I did.
Rating: Meh, not really worth anyone's time, but it requires a higher order thinking for a lot of the endings.

33. Rock of Ages (360)
I was in a weird mood this weekend, I didn't really want to play anything in particular, but I did want to re-watch Arrow, so I hooked up my 360 to my GAEMS and put Arrow on Netflix on my TV.  I thought I was gonna play Red Dead Redemption, but it required too much paying attention to, and I like Arrow and want to pay attention to it.  So I went through my XBLA library to find a game that I figured would be easy to not pay attention to and play.  Rolling rocks and destroying things, sounds pretty menial.  Kind of was, beat it over the course of half a season of Arrow.
Rating: Meh, like super meh, I don't think I could really recommend this game.  If this game is a game you are in the mood for, go play Katamari.

34. Mahjong (Android)
I had no intent of counting this one, because it's just some app I play when I have down time.  I can do a game in about 5 minutes win or lose, so it's good for pick up and play.  I also had no intent of counting it because I didn't think I'd get through all of the layouts, but I did.  I think I put in, if my average for time for winning a level is 4 minutes, is ~14 hours.  And that doesn't count all the times I lost, it only tracks the time when you win.

35. Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
I'm probably going to regret adding this game, because I hate this game so much.  This game was so close to being a fantastic experience, almost surpassing the Hot Pursuit reboot.  The game's one fucking downfall?  You can't pause, the first in EA's new line of always on experience games.  Yes, even if you set everything to off-line, singleplayer, turn off your internet, and shove a potato in your ethernet port, the game still acts as if you are playing online.  I mean, it would be unfair for the AI if you were allowed to pause the game to go take a piss.  Oh, you aren't racing and are hidden out in the desert where no one drives, so you can go take a leak?  We'll just spawn an angry police officer right behind you, this is a shooter game, no camping.  If you can't tell, I'm very bitter about what EA has done to this franchise.  Oh my gawd, the final race in the racer career is just plain difficult, 54 checkpoints, metric shit ton of cops, 5 other racers, and a spread out amount of repair shops.  I don't know how many times I got busted doing this race until I finally gave up and saved up the money to buy a more durable vehicle, not a faster vehicle, more durable.
Rating: Don't even bother with this piece of shit of a game, and don't bother with any NFS game that proceeds it.  Any game that doesn't let you pause in singleplayer mode is the most mentally challenged piece of dog excrement ever to exist, but I assure you, it always comes from the same dog (EA).

36. Road Redemption (PC)
I've actually played this one quite a bit this year since I bought it, but it kept crashing after a few levels in, so I didn't bother counting it until I could finish the campaign, kind of stupid that I treated this one as an all or none, but I just felt it didn't feel worth mentioning if I couldn't get passed level 3 without the game crashing.  I did however finally get to play through the full campaign.  Game has some nods at other franchises and other racing games.
Rating: If you feel you are a fan of the old school Road Rash games, this game is a must have, it's very fun to play, moderate replay value since you gain XP and Money to buy different skills and power ups.  If you are considering buying the game, keep in mind it is early access so it is fairly buggy, but the developer alleges that the price will go up once the game exits early access.

37. Godball (PC)
Basically Descruction Pinball.  You are tasked with basically destroying the world, using a pinball shaped from different animals.  Pretty basic stuff, pretty fun, in a Katamari Damacy destroy the world kind of way.  I think there is something around 51 levels, but I could be wrong, I don't feel like counting, maybe it's only 41.
Rating: It's free, it's fun, it's worth your time.

38. SuperTruck (PC)
Super Hot meets Clustertruck.  It's free and it's mostly fun... until you get to the last 2 levels.  My wrist hurts a lot, like holy cow it hurts a lot.
Rating: Ow.

39. Assassin's Creed (360)
I started playing this game back in 2008, but I decided that Assassin's Creed was poop and never touched another Assassin's Creed game (as in to play) until a few days ago.  From what I remembered of this game, I couldn't remember much story, but I remembered that the gameplay seemed fairly repetitive and boring.  I guess that's the mood I'm in, because I'm kind of enjoying the game, minus the weird glitches and Altair humping invisible walls and trying to hang from a table.  Over the course of the past 8 years, I've picked up almost every main AC game in some manner (excluding Brotherhood, Rogue, and Syndicate), so I decided that once I got AC1 I would start playing the games.  I just FINALLY found AC1 for a good deal CIB, so I decided to start playing.  I tried to get the early games in the AC franchise back when GS did their 4 for $10 deal, but I couldn't find CIB copies of any of the games at any of my local GS stores.  Good lord the combat and running mechanics are whack in this game.  I kept trying to climb a ladder and kept missing it by a foot.
Rating: *WARNING:Long rating* I was saving my review for this until after I finished AC2, because many people told me the franchise gets better.  Some even told me to skip 1 altogether, but I refused.  After playing AC2, I realized some things about AC1.  The story is kind of lacking, there is no connection with the player to Altair, a lot of the gameplay is very repetitive, and the story leaves you kind of empty, Altair's story that is.  AC2 in every way was a better game... but, AC1 does feel necessary to the main plotline.  The game is a solid game if you can get past the slightly wonky parkour mechanics and repetitive nature.  AC2 probably summarizes this game fairly well, so you won't miss much by not playing it, but I suggest playing this game because I know I gave this franchise shit for so long, but I am now enjoying it and it is becoming one of my favorite franchises (despite the consistently wonky parkour mechanics, more in AC2)

40. Assassin's Creed II (360)
Just started it last night, I've only played through the intro, but from what little I've seen, the graphics are much better and the combat seems like it might wind up usable.  I finished the first Memory Block of the game last night.  I don't think they called it a Memory Block, I'll have to verify what they call it in this game, but it said I synched a whole memory unit or something.  I haven't been able to play much in the past few days, so I actually don't recall which memory block I am on, could be 6, could be 8.  I just made my way to Venizia (Venice).  I trucked through the rest of this game pretty quickly over the weekend, lots of rain, lots of video games.  My one complaint about this game, the wonky parkour mechanics.  Too many times did Ezio jump off of a building while I was trying to do the extended jump or when I was trying to jump from roof to roof he would jump and miss the next roof and fall to his doom.  It felt much more refined compared to AC1, but still fairly frustrating.  My only other complaint would maybe be that there still is nothing to do outside of the animus, I just wish there was slightly more character interaction outside of the animus, you know they are building up to something in the real world of the game.
Rating: Solid game, I absolutely loved this game, everything about it is amazing.  Definitely worth a play, this game makes you care about the characters in the game as opposed to the previous entry.

41. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (360)
Current Progress: Memory Sequence 4
I was kind of concerned about this game, I was afraid it was going to feel out of place and sort of side story like, but it seems to fit in fairly well.  Either the game assumes you fully completed AC2, or it reads your save file because Ezio had all of the stuff from AC2 maxed out, which I did.  I figured the game would do something to make you lose all of your progress, and it did.  There is a flash animation out there that pokes fun at this type of thing, I think it references Metroid 2, stating that Samus trips over a rock and lands above one of those drainage things in streets and all of her powerups fall in.  My complaints so far with this game, the parkour mechanics seem to have gotten worse.  Very quickly I ran into a situation where I needed to climb up a building and had severe trouble, and when I reached the top, I needed to climb one of those giant crosses.  Well Ezio doesn't seem to know how to climb it, so he jumps off the roof, repeatedly.  It's super tedious to do these things, almost painful, actually downright painful.  It seems this game instead of multiple open world maps, has just one giant open world map, I have yet to see any form of fast travel mechanic like the last entry, and Rome seems fairly large.  Good god, this game requires you to basically take over a district before you can do anything.  Not that big of a deal right?  No.  You have to defeat the district leader, but when you go to fight him, he runs away like a little bitch.  You'd think, oh well as long as you don't let him get too far from you, you just chase him and beat him, right?  No.  He has to stay within the small bounds of his little alley, if he gets outside of his alley, he de-spawns and you lose.  Booooooo.  Ezio is still stupid and doesn't know how to climb or jump, if you want to climb, he jumps; and if you want to jump, he just walks off of the ledge to his doom.  Despite the consistent bullshit of the parkour mechanics, this game gets better after you get through all of the tutorial missions.  maybe a smidge better than AC2.
Rating:Gooooooood stuff, an excellent sequel to an already great game.

42. Assassin's Creed: The Lost Archives (360)
I know this is DLC, but it is a stand alone story and experience and it actually plays more like Portal than Assassin's Creed, but I wanted to hear the story (even though I already knew) so I bought it.  Took a few hours to get through this, maybe less.  I'd say this is definitely skip-able.  I don't know if the information revealed in this is revealed any where else in the franchise, but you can read about it online.
Rating:Meh, skip it unless you like Portal but would be happy if it didn't have the portals.

43. Pocket Mortys (Android)
I started playing this the other day during my downtime and I'll try to continue until I beat it, but it seems like my downtime may go away now that I've got a stack of stuff to do.  Pokemon, Rick and Morty style.  This game has a nice mechanic where you can kind of bypass the grinding of an RPG game.  What you do is capture 2 Mortys of the same type and you combine them, they then "evolve" and become a higher level Morty of a different type of Morty.  So on the one hand you can grind like old games, or on the other hand you can spend your time trying to capture many of the same type of morty (capable of evolving multiple times preferably) to evolve them.
Rating: You like Pokemon?  You like Rick and Morty?  Why not?

44. Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360)
Just started this, sounds like their first step towards getting rid of the present day stuff.  This game seems to take place entirely in the Animus, but it sounds like the entire purpose of this game is to "kill off" Ezio and Altair.  I don't think it's spoilers since it appears to be the entire premise of the game, but I won't go into it regardless.  I've finally made my way to Constantinople, what I assume is the main location for the game.  It doesn't seem nearly as big as either Roma or the multitude of locations in the other titles.
Rating: This game did a lot of interesting things and a lot of new things.  Some of it turned me off, so I pretty much did 0 side stuff in this game, which is probably why I beat it so fast.  But, the one upside that makes me say this game is worth playing, it gives so much story to Altair, and that's pretty much my only reason for suggesting you play this game.

45. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (X1)
I decided to jump into this one after watching AC:Lineage, Ascendance, and Embers.  It almost has nothing to do with Ezio, but in Embers you meet the main character from China, so I decided I would play this before leaving the Ezio series behind.  Pretty fun 2.5D game.  Kind of Metal Gear Solid-esque.  You can sneak, assassinate, or fight your way through levels.  Fighting is by far the hardest, saying that the combat is difficult would be an understatement.
Rating: A really good game worth you effort if you like 2.5D stealth games.  Doesn't play much like AC games, doesn't have all of the same conspiracy stuff of other AC games, but it is faintly connected to the Ezio series, so it might be worth a play.

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:35:02 pm by ctracy87 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2016, 02:45:41 am »
4 - Slime Rancher (PC) - 5 Hours PLAYING - I stopped doing early access games, because too many were released far too early than they should have and I normally one should avoid doing these.  I caved in with Slime Rancher cause I thought it would be that perfect kind of casual gaming I love to have with a podcast.  That's what Minecraft was for me, a very mindless thing, though this isn't nearly on that level.  It's much simpler, like a casual Harvest Moon I guess, as there isn't a lot of depth yet.  It's of course not finished either, so stuff is missing/unfinished.  Like I think I've finished most of what I can really do now in that time, but it's very well put together.  Didn't have any real issues other than a few things acting up, showing that this is one of the early access games that definitely had more time before put into it.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2016, 12:17:17 pm »
Three more games down!!

Stella Glow, Devil Kings, and Jikandia: The Timeless Land.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2016, 02:17:55 pm »
Two more added to the list on pg.1- Dragon's Lair Trilogy and Chrono Phantasma Extend.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2016, 11:06:57 pm »
So I guess I'll give this a shot. Maybe it will motivate me to play games more instead of buying. Probably won't finish 52, but I'll aim at giving 52 games a shot.

1. Alias (Xbox) - Just finished this. It's a solid budget game that was probably ignored by everyone who wasn't a fan of the show and dismissed as licensed TV show tie-ins often are. For the record, I never watched the show myself, but the story was entertaining enough. Voice acting by official cast was good, music was fitting. Gameplay is a combination of beat-em up and stealth, and in most cases it's your choice for the approach. My Xbox died towards the end of the game, so I started over on 360. The emulated version ran poorly and had more graphical glitches. The main boss fight was strangely kind of underwhelming, and the game overall felt a little short. But I enjoy the genre and I'd say it was pretty good for a bargain bin title.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2016, 12:08:49 am »
Got my PS4, so I got a few games to play on that, though I'm gonna probably spend this week trying to beat Wind Waker and Xenoblade Chronicles X so that they don't get left behind unfinished.

5 - Bloodborne (PS4) - 3 Hours PLAYING - I think most know this game lol It's a snappier, quicker, Dark Souls. Just as tough as always. Struggling on Cleric Beast at the moment, but that is mostly just needing to level up so I can deliver more damage.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2016, 03:03:46 pm »
Main List

More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.

46. Assassin's Creed III (360)
I actually own this for 360 and Wii U, from what I've read and seen it seems like the Wii U version is higher rated than any other platform, so I really consider playing on Wii U, but I'm gonna stick with 360 because I have xbox money and I like achievements.  Good god, the 2nd and 3rd sequence for this game.  I'll try not to spoil anything, but it feels so slow and out of place.  I truly considered giving up on this game like I gave up on the first AC game nearly 10 years ago.  But I persisted and made it through, and honestly, I suppose it was worth it, it built to something important and was somewhat necessary for the story.  But definitely one of those games that you have to give a solid few hours before you get into anything good.  That being said, I've almost completely skipped over all optional content with this game because this game feels so out of place.  I did manage 100% sync on story missions up to Sequence 9, then I just started giving up on that because I was spending an hour on a single mission in a single sequence trying to figure out how to get 100% sync.  So wasteful.  I'm really close to the end of the game, but I'm going to have to work late for the next 2 weeks so I might not get much free time to play.  This game doesn't do any forced tutorials for any of the side stuff, so you have to figure that out on your own.  There is no problem with that, I'm not saying the player needs their hand held, but without forcing an explanation of the side content, I will likely ignore it because they felt it wasn't important enough.  That being said, I may go and do the side content now that I'm done.
Rating: Just a little bit better than the first game, this game is slow paced and boring compared to the Ezio trilogy, but obviously a must play for the storyline.

47. Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (NDS)
I'm going by the progress listed in the walkthrough I found, not using the walkthrough other than to know what level I'm on.  I wasn't really planning on playing this one, but I got it cheap and decided why not.  I originally played through the first level or two to see if I can stand to play it.  I don't really like it, but when I went to check where I was and noticed that I'm a chunk of the way through the game I figured I'll just go for it.  The game is fairly bad, the controls aren't very intuitive and the gimmicky DS sections kind of suck and are pretty wonky.  The levels in this game are very quick and it's a fairly easy game, I wasn't expecting to get through this game so quickly, but I'm nearing the end.  It seems like the first few "world" or what have you have multiple parts, but the later worlds have shorter or single levels to them.
Rating: Meh, mostly painful, contributes nothing to continuity.  Definite pass.

48. Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD (360)
I kind of took a break before starting this game, and then I spent the weekend hunting for video games instead of actually playing video games, so not only did that cut into my ratio, but I found it particularly painful to hop back into Assassin's Creed.  Like... I really really didn't want to play Assassin's Creed anymore.  But, I made myself play, and this game has a different kind of story, the meta story that is, so it kept me interested enough to keep playing, would've been better if it was more obvious, as opposed to making itself aware a few sequences in.  There are some interesting mechanics in this game.  The character has 3 personas, Lady, Assassin, and Slave.  Lady can't really fight or climb, but she has certain skills and traits that are nice.  Slave can fight some, climb well, and blend in with slave groups.  Assassin is almost always wanted, can fight and do all that stuff, but sneaking is much harder as an Assassin.  Should be done by the weekend and then on to Black Flag.
Rating: Relatively short, fairly unique experience for the AC franchise, well worth the play.

49. Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (NDS)
I really wasn't planning on playing this game either, but since I finished Altair's Chronicles, I figured I might as well play through this one.  This game plays completely differently than the previous title.  The other title was a full 3D game, it played kind of clumsy.  This game is a 2.5D side scroller, run through a level point A to point B.  This probably won't be too painful, I just need to get used to the controls.
Rating: This game is actually a really good precursor to the Chronicles Trilogy.  This game plays fairly well, is quite enjoyable, and is actually referenced in one of the games, can't recall if it was Brotherhood or Revelations.

50. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS)
I have this marked as Fire Emblem Fates currently, because I have the SE cart with all 3 games and I have yet to figure out how to choose which path I want to do.  Once I figure out how to choose a path, I will mark them as the separate games, because if I play through all 3 modes, that is basically 3 different full feature games.  So far I've made my way to Chapter 7, so far there is no map for me to traverse like Awakening, no support stuff yet, can't really pause other than inside of a mission.  I assume I haven't reached that choice yet.  As soon as I started the next chapter and it let me choose.  I chose Birthright first.  I'm not playing this game like most purists do, I actually care about the support conversations, so I'm doing a lot of the challenges and such to build support.  Consequently, that levels up my characters so they are pretty strong.  So for every chapter I do finally complete, I probably do 4-6 challenge maps, maybe more.  I expect I won't put as much effort into Conquest, but I'll probably put just as much effort into Revelations.  I really didn't play this game like I played Fire Emblem: Awakening.  I played Awakening where I didn't bother about support so much and just worried about leveling up characters fairly evenly, about half way through the game I started working on support, but I mostly worked on S Rank support, so by the end of the game I had all of the children.  In Fates, I worked on support the entire game, but I didn't do a single S Rank.  With Awakening, I read all of the S Rank supports and decided whom I wanted with whom, like a horrible dating sim.  I couldn't find a comparable list of S-rank support conversation for Fates, so I didn't do it.  I also thought I still had a lot more time in the story.
Rating: AWESOME!!!  I really enjoyed the story of Birthright, I somehow doubt I'll like Conquest nearly as much, will update after Conquest.

51. Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
Probably the first PSP game I expect to beat, thinking about it, probably only second PSP game I've ever played.  First being Wild Arms XF, which I didn't get very far into, but I plan on jumping into after Bloodlines.  This is another Assassin's Creed game that I wasn't particularly planning on playing, but this game is the only thing that makes much of the Altair stuff in Revelations make any sense, so I feel like it is necessary to truly experience Revelations.
Rating: Plays only slightly better than the original Assassin's Creed, but has a much better story, well worth playing.

52. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
I've been about halfway done with this game for some time, and I was going to start Fire Emblem Fates, but my copy got delayed, so I started playing this instead, was kind of hoping I would beat it before Fire Emblem came in the mail, but alas, I've still got 2 whole mansions to get through still.  So I'll come back to this after I beat Fire Emblem Fates.  Back at this after finishing Birthright.  After I finish this I will try to finish Phoenix Wright before I go back to do Conquest and Revelations.
Rating: Fairly good sequel to the GCN game.  Modified the game mechanics very well to be an on the go handheld game.  Plays similar to the original game, plus some added mechanics.  Definitely recommend this for fans of the original.

53. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (X1)
This game, just like Liberation, you are a game tester/researcher, kind of stupid and lazy.  I'm really hoping they turn things around.  I was really hoping for Desmond to become this Grade A, Tier 1, Master God-like Assassin with all of the bleeding effects, and then we would get a modern day, no Animus Assassin's Creed game, totally bummed that it might never happen.  I won't get into spoilers, but I'm still rather confused about this game's character.  They made it sound like he's an Assassin, but it certainly doesn't seem that way, at all.  But I'm sure they'll get to the point eventually.  So far this game feels like the Wind Waker of the franchise, in more ways than one.  World is mostly water and about borderline pointlessly floating around in the ocean.  Also, it seems to be one of the most liked games, which is kind of a surprise.  I have some Xbox money that will be expiring in June, I need to verify how much.  I may spend that money on AC DLC, but I don't quite know enough about Adewale to know if I care about playing through his little side story, but I probably will after this game.  Good grief this game is annoying, I've never been a fan of water levels or sea based combat, so this game is slightly painful for me.  I really want to enjoy this game, but the ship controls are wonky at best.  When I do brace for impact, my ship immediately makes a 90 degree turn, which usually result in me T-boning something.  Good grief, this game consistently wants you to upgrade your ship, I'm wording this wrong.  For every mission you do, they want you to basically plunder 20 ships and majorly upgrade your ship.  It makes it nearly impossible to just run through the story and not do any side stuff, so now I'm doing side stuff.  This game almost forces you to have a high completion rate to beat the game.  I was going to buy and play through Freedom Cry, mostly just to buff my played game count, but it really seems unnecessary for the franchise, I do have about $70 in promo money for xbox that expires in less than a month, so maybe I'll change my mind.
Rating: Actually one of the best AC games I've played since AC2 and Brotherhood, I still like AC2 and Brotherhood more, but this is definitely #3 on my list so far.  Really recommend this.

54. Kirby Block Ball (GB)
I played this game quite a bit while I wasn't feeling well a day or two ago, but I only got to Stage 4 and then I gave up, I might pick it up again and try to get further.  I decided to jump back into this one and I've gotten further, this game is pretty tough.
Rating: I can really only suggest this game if you like Breakout, it's basically that.

55. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
I played through most of this game years ago, almost 10 years ago, so I'm finally finishing this game, probably won't take me more than an hour or so.  From what I remember of this game, you can't proceed to the next section without gathering all of the information you can/need from your current situation, which is great and doesn't make you screw yourself if you miss something.  The actual trial and testimony sections are relatively tough and unforgiving if you aren't paying attention.  Took me a while to figure out exactly what was going on because I left off in the middle of a testimony.  Definitely not a game you can leave for 10 years and just jump back into, at least not easily. pfffffbbbbbbbbt.  This game, right at the end of the game, requires the mic, and my mic doesn't work.  I have another DS, but I don't know if the mic works on it either, but I'll give it a try later.  I moved this down the list because I might not finish it.  My other DS is fine, just has a lot of dead pixels on the top screen.  Finished this game, took several hours of game play to get through the last day of the final act.
Rating: I don't know what it is about this game, but it's difficult for me to recommend.  Might be because it took me 10 years to beat, but  I'll give the second game a chance and see if it changes my opinion.

56. My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)
Good grief, the tutorial for this game is painfully long, it wasn't until the final tutorial I figured out that I could skip the tutorial altogether.  This will probably be a quick game because I play Picross a lot, but the Mega Picross might take me a while since that's kind of a new thing Nintendo came up with.  This is one of those games where it's relatively difficult to track your progress, and you progress so fast, so I'm just going to say what mode I'm beating at the moment.  I finished Picross mode, and I'm more than halfway done with Mega Picross, did a little bit of Micross just to see what it is.
Rating: The fact that this game is essentially only obtainable for free, why not, but it is an objectively good Picross game.

57. Assassin's Creed: Rogue (360)
Just started on this last night, haven't even jumped into the Animus after the intro stuff.  Another "game tester/researcher" game.  I'd venture to guess that you aren't the same tester from the last game, mostly because your desk is in a different location on the same floor as the last game.  Don't yet know if this is still a part of the Sample 17 project.  This game feels slightly similar to Liberation in some manner, so I expect this game to be fairly quick.  It's called the Helix Project, not the Sample 17 project, but it's the same floor, layout, and everything as Sample 17, so I don't know if they are cutting out Sample 17 altogether or what.  I'm really not feeling this game, I don't know if it's burn out from playing 10+ Assassin's Creed games, or if this game is just bland, or what the issue is.
Rating: While not a bad game, all this game really does is sort of set up Unity, sort of, but not really at all, nothing is explained as to WHY they set up the events of Unity.  Not a bad game, actually a pretty good AC game, probably my 4th favorite game, maybe 5th.

58. F-Zero GP Legend (GBA)
I didn't actually intend on playing this game.  I did a giant overhaul of our handheld gaming area.  It used to be fairly uninviting, I think I've even posted a photo of it at one point, it just plainly kind of sucked.  But I moved stuff around, hooked up a TV (which doesn't make much sense for handhelds, right?  WRONG), and then I hooked up a PSTV and a Gamecube with a GameBoy Player.  So I decided to test it out and grabbed the first game I could find, which just so happened to be one of the newest entries to my collection (Thanks davifus), F-Zero GP Legend.  So I turned it on, plugged in the game, and somehow I wound up playing for a good portion of my evening.  I beat Rick Wheeler's story mode, and I'm halfway through Captain Falcon's story mode, racing against Blood Falcon.  I might actually give up on this game, because the race with Blood Falcon feels really hard and cheap and I know the game is only going to get harder.  Popped the credits several times beating story mode.

59. Assassin's Creed: Unity (X1)
This game... I've been concerned about this game.  I've only ever been told that this game ruined the franchise, but having played Rogue, which was released at the same time, I figured they would play similarly.  O. M. G.  This game sucks so hard, this is going to be by far the most painful AC game to play to date, definitely my least favorite AC game yet... and I've played through the handheld games.  Conveniently, it also seems like the laziest.  MILD SPOILERS at best, the original games let you walk around in modern day to some fashion, AC style (3rd Person style).  The Abstergo Entertainment games let you walk about FPS style in modern day, this includes Rogue.  This game has nothing, just some cut scenes of modern day stuff.  SPOILER END  On top of all of that, they completely changed up the control scheme, the battle system, and the climbing system... all for the worst.  Control scheme is annoying at best, almost like throwing it back to the original AC game.  Battle system, again, like throwing it back to the original AC game, it's pretty painful to deal with, very unintuitive.  Climbing system, Arno will climb invisible walls, but won't attempt to climb real walls, refuses to jump off of things, jumps off of things when you don't want him to, can't walk down a street without stopping to dance on a table (weird), and just general NPC like movements... matter of fact, the NPCs move more fluidly than Arno does.  I want to rate this game before finishing it, but I know I shouldn't, so I won't, but this game sucks.  I have a better understanding of how this game works, but again, the crashes, glitches, and bugs make this game unbearable to play.  I definitely would've given up on this franchise on this game, like most people, but I'm persisting.  Good god, so glad to be done with this game.
Rating: Skip this game altogether, it adds literally nothing to the franchise, even the story adds literally nothing.  I do not consider this title to be a main title in the franchise.  Rogue is definitely a better choice for a real entry.  This game "continues" from Rogue, but it feels more like a one off of Rogue's story.
Why this game sucks: Eagle vision works like macros in other games, you activate it and it works for about 3 seconds, then you have to wait 10 seconds for it to cooldown.  Premise of this game is that you are a gamer, playing a video game, helping the Assassins by finding information before the Templars do.  The stealth mechanics in this game are wonky at best, cover mechanics are non-intuitive, and stealth only ever works sometimes.  Combat is just as non-intuitive, the counter system is flaky, double assassinations are near impossible (I've not successfully done a double air assassination, and yes I bought the skill), gun shots do 70% damage, and the game will say you are dead even though your health bar still has about 10-20% health.  Looting bodies never give you bullets, rarely give you extra blades, and not too often they give you medicine.  Consumables can cost you several thousand dollars to refill, something that IMO you purchase frequently, but your theatre gives you 80 dollars a day, missions give you maybe a thousand dollars, and chests give you $250-750, so saving money for any equipment is asking a lot.  And the final straw, the game crashes a lot, NPCs glitch out, go crazy routes, and teleport, enemies will sometimes become unhittable, Arno will get stuck in walls, refuse to climb walls, refuse to climb down or jump down from locations, refuse to jump into haystacks but rather jump in a different direct and die, when you want him to climb, he will run in front of a few guards and stand still until you are seen, it's all quite frustrating.

Continued at,6762.msg107460.html#msg107460
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 08:17:18 am by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2016, 10:35:12 pm »
Updated with my latest accomplishment: finishing and earning the platinum trophy in Demon's Souls.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2016, 11:31:40 pm »
added games 6-10 to my post on page 1
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 02:29:03 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2016, 06:37:30 pm »
4. Xenoblade Chronicle X - I guess around 5-7 hours? Just got back to the city after finding the Potato creature... His name slips me.

First impression with the game was okay. Beginning cut-scene was cool but when I started the game. I hated how the camera in the game was sort of stiff or even awkward sometimes and even with the adjustment with the camera it didn't really fix anything. I would of been okay with the camera if the auto center was quicker but it's really delayed for my taste. Mouth sync could of been better for cut-scenes but my assumption is that it was just copied and pasted over from the Japanese version with the English dub over it. It really reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2 In the scene when Sonic calls shadow a faker is de-synced at the end because of it being copied and pasted from the Japanese version.

The battle system is something I'm getting used too. I really hate how action skill or Aura? selection is so stiff. The skill selection in battle is laid out in a linear fashion which can get tedious because of constant push on the left and right d-pad to the skills. Maybe, a implementation on the gamepad would of been better.

I haven't dived too much into the game to talk about story.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2016, 08:31:43 am »
Main List

More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.

60. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS)
I finally decided to start working on this one, I started from the split point at Chapter 6.  Sounds like the story isn't quite what I was expecting, which is good.  Also sounds like this game doesn't let you scout and do challenge levels to level up your folks, so this game may be relatively quick for me.  Winds of Change was really difficult, and I don't know for certain if that is because the enemies are getting stronger or because I don't understand that battlefield, probably the latter.  That winds of change level was the hardest level of the game I would say, only one other level came close to being that difficult, but that's because I was doing it all wrong.  This one is fairly impossible to do all of the supports since there is a limited number of missions.
Rating: Better than I was expecting story wise, really solid game.  Definitely the game to play if you are a FE purist, but I enjoyed Birthright better.

61. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (X1)
Same real life premise as Unity (Starting off bad), combat seems to be a bit better, climb mechanics seem a bit better (but the 2 separate buttons for climbing up and down seems a little non-intuitive), no glitches so far (we will see), stealth mechanics seem just as broken as before, and most of the other complaints about Unity, I have not seen so far.  So far, this game actually makes me feel like doing all of the content, it feels like it fixes a lot of the broken stuff from Unity, and I like Jacob and Evie quite a bit, so that helps.  Not to say I didn't like Arno and Elise, because I did like those characters and had Ubisoft fixed all of the issues I would've loved that game too.  It's been a while since I updated on this game, but I've played it quite a bit.  It's been a bit of time since I've played AC2 and Brotherhood, but this game might actually be my favorite AC game, if not, at least in my top 3 AC games.  Modern day story wise, it adds almost nothing to the continuity, but it's a solid game.
Rating: Really good, probably my 3rd favorite AC title, only adds a very little to the modern storyline, but it presumably sets up for the alleged Rising Phoenix game that was teased years ago.

62. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper (X1)
Again, DLC that is a stand alone experience, takes place 20 years after the ending of Syndicate.  Presumably adds nothing to the modern story.  This was a pretty fun story, literally adds nothing to the franchise though, story wise.  I could see Ubi retaining the fear tools for future games, they are pretty neat and useful, but they might feel out of place elsewhere.  This stand alone expansion adds new combat mechanics that make the game feel fairly fresh compared to the main game, where the main game already added some mechanics to make the game fairly fresh as well.
Rating: Pretty fun, fairly fresh experience.  If you play Syndicate and like Syndicate, I'd recommend this DLC.  If you rush through, you'll get a few hours out of it, if you are thorough, you'll get at least another 10 hours out of the game.  Not sure what the price point on this is though.

63. TimeSplitters (PS2)
This and the rest of the franchise I have beaten before, but my wife decided to play through the story modes of the games, so we did co-op and beat the story mode.  This game was a launch title for the PS2 and is exclusive to the PS2.  The story mode in this game is very lazy, no context, just collect the item and head to the exit.  This franchise isn't known for its story, especially this entry, only really known and liked for its multiplayer mode, which plays fairly similarly to Perfect Dark and Goldeneye (Same folks).
Rating: Fantastic game.  If you are looking for single player, this won't thrill you.  If you are looking for a solid local multiplayer game, this is pretty solid.

64. TimeSplitters 2 (PS2)
This title however was available on all three major platforms.  This game has a slightly better story mode.  It has a few cinematics and some context.  The story levels have objectives, Goldeneye style.  The HUD is very similar to Goldeneye.  There is a reason this game is touted as "Heir Apparent to Goldeneye".  It is everything you loved about Goldeneye and then some.  Multiplayer mode in this game is very solid and very fun.  The mapmaker in this game is what truly thrilled me about this game, being able to create your own story mode missions was fantastic.
Rating: Fantastic game, highly recommended.  The story mode definitely feels like Goldeneye, and you'll see it if you play it.  The multiplayer feels like an updated Goldeneye and you'll love it.  The mapmaker has great updates and tons of features.

65. TimeSplitters: Future Perfect (PS2)
Another one on all platforms, but I still have no clue why the GCN version is so pricey.  Hopefully it's strictly rarity and not due to exclusive features, as I've not yet played my GCN version and I have never recommended it over the PS2 version.  The story mode in this game is fantastic, great dialogue from all characters, even henchmen (which I think was a new thing for its time).  Cinematics, objectives, timey-wimey stuff.  The story mode for this game, I generally tell people, is a first person shooter for Doctor Who fans.  It has some of that dry british humor (made by British folk) as well as silly lines and time related humor.  Multiplayer is fantastic, with a good mixture of levels and maps, some of them being huge compared to others (looking at you Siberia).
Rating: Fantastic game, highly recommended.  Best story mode of the franchise.  Multiplayer is just as fun.  Mapmaker has new features, but some of my favorite things were removed and the level themes are fairly bland compared to TS2.

66. Air Combat (PS1)
Ever since that scheisse with Tokyo Mirage, I just haven't been wanting to play it, and my wife was hogging the TV so I decided to play something in the loft or game room, decided to start on the Ace Combat series.  My main concern with starting the Ace Combat franchise was that I wasn't going to like using the neG-con controller, dual joystick, or flight stick controllers.  Well, as of writing this, I still do not own the dual joystick controller, and I don't believe the PS2 flightstick will work with the PS1 games.  So I used the neG-con controller, the controller actually does work very well with Air Combat, it takes a bit of getting used to, and it would probably be more useful if I swapped up the button configuration to something more intuitive, but by default it works really well.
Rating: Great game, I was surprised by how well the game plays and how the graphics look for a game so old.

67. Bomberman GB (GB)
I don't know what to say, I felt like playing a Bomberman game, so I played Bomberman GB.  Then I beat it.  Fairly short game, and it seems like for each "World" you get a choice between 2 play styles (?), basically every world has 2 different mechanics to beat the levels.  I picked left for every world.
Rating: The game is something, if you like Bomberman, great.  If you don't like puzzle combat, you won't like this game.

68. I Am Bread (PS4)
Another one of those spur of the moment things.  I bought this because of the current sale, so I decided to play it.  Used it as an excuse to open my crystal PS4 controller, it is so pretty.  Definitely one of those weird game jam simulator games with wonky controls that make little sense, but the game is fun as fuck.
Rating: Really short, fairly fun, good for a laugh, might be fun with friends.

69. Road Rash (PS1)
Updating these next few fairly late, been so busy with the Fourth of July and my AC going out.  I brought my PS3 over to my parents since my AC was out, so I played some Road Rash.  Not much to say about this game, it's road rash, the menus are very laggy and I couldn't figure out how to use weapons.
Rating: Meh, there are many better Road Rash games.

70. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
I actually beat this game last year, but after our AC got fixed I decided I wanted to play Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection, and probably load up Subsistence and play the original Metal Gear games.  But during the title update for MGS: Legacy, the system went YLOD again.  So the next morning I went and dropped the system off at the repair shop to be repaired within the warranty period, should be picking it up during my lunch break today.  But since I couldn't play the PS3 and I was feeling frustrated and still wanting to play a MGS game, I loaded up The Phantom Pain.  I went and re-acquired Quiet, completed some side missions, unlocked a bunch of new weapons, and messed with the FOB stuff a bit.  Then I got tired and decided to go play some Fallout 4, no DLC yet, when I do it will show up around number 26/27 on this list.
Rating: Ugh, I still love this game, it's so great.

71. Metal Gear (NES)
My wife had family over, so me and her cousin went in the game room and I played through Metal Gear on the NES, took several hours, but I burned through it.  I proceeded to pop in Snake's Revenge afterward, but I couldn't figure out how to open the first door, so I just gave up and turned the game off.  No clue what I was supposed to do, but I just didn't care enough.
Rating: Meh, some of this game is very frustrating, especially the not having weapons for most of it and eventually enemies attack nonstop.

72. Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA)
I decided to start playing this on a whim.  I'm trying to think, I don't know if I've ever played a Kirby game before.  I really really enjoyed this game.  The levels are really short, but have winding paths in some levels.  I think I finished the game with 84% completion, which is good enough for me.  I'll probably play another Kirby game soon.
Rating: Really fun, I really enjoyed it and I will play more Kirby games because of it.

73. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)
I'm having trouble writing these little blurbs when I'm beating these games faster than I am visiting the forum.  This game seems to be a puzzle platformers.  This game plays pretty well.  The little racing levels are kind of boring, but make for a good break from the repetitive puzzle platforming.  Each world seems to add a new gameplay mechanic to the puzzle mechanics, only once have I found myself in a situation where I have to quit entirely to start the level over because I trapped myself in the puzzle, but I've seen a few situations where I'm sure a similar thing would happen.
Rating: Pretty fun game, story feels pretty bland, and some of the mechanics can get frustrating.  Overall, I'd pass on this game if you aren't a fan of puzzle based platformers.

74. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4)
I'm actually not certain what mission I'm on, but I know I'm past that mission.  This game is so good.  When the first game was announced and coming out I was so hyped.  I immediately preordered it, and then I found out about the runner's bag and got even more hyped.  I used that runner's bag as my college backpack for almost the entirety of college.  That game was so fun, but it was definitely too short and fairly linear.  So when EA finally announced they were making another title (a reboot) I was hyped.  But when they announced the collector's edition was going to be $200 or something for just a statue, I knew I had to pass and wait on this.  I knew I'd be able to snatch the CE for cheap, it still hasn't been cheap enough for me, but I've seen it down at $100.  But I decided that I wanted to play the game, so I went out and rented it, I'm already more than 2/3 the way done with the story mode.  I'm really digging the open world and running around and gathering collectibles.  The world of Glass is so beautiful sometimes it's nice to stop and just stare around the city.  And I'm actually really really digging the story and the characters.  I'm sitting here making predictions about what's going to happen and different character's backstories and not wanting to look at anything online about the game to prevent spoilers because I'm liking the game so much.  I don't get that too often.  Definitely one of my favorite games for this year so far.  Oh, that ending.  As I was working towards the ending, I noticed what I believe to be many similarities with the original ME game's ending.  I really can't wait until the next title, assuming it gets made.  EA has said that ME:C sold what it expected to sell, which sounds good to me.  It's a great game, my only complaint is that by making the decisions that EA did, yes they gave us an open non-linear world, but they gave us linear gameplay mechanics.  In ME, you had to choice of HOW you went about a level, you could run, you could fight, you could shoot your way through levels.  In ME:C, you pretty much have one choice, RUN.  Some situations you can fight, but most you can't.  It makes some sense because fighting such a one sided fight, you'd lose every single time, but it's a choice I miss.
Rating: High contender for GOTY for me.  I love parkour, and I love FPS games.  Definitely worth playing.

75. Drill Dozer (GBA)
I wasn't really planning on beating this one either, but I wound up playing through several levels, it's actually a really fun game.  I think if the levels were a little bit shorter and more levels altogether, this game would be an easier game for me to make time for.  I'm finding with most of these handheld games, I'm having less and less to say about them.  One of the few Game Freak titles that is not Pokemon related.
Rating: Really good, really fun game.  I really like the artwork, the characters are pretty cool.  I'd love to see another entry in this franchise one day.

76. Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
I think that's the name of the district I'm in, the one where you need a gas mask.  So I went into this game expecting that it was going to be horrible and that I wouldn't finish it, so I wasn't planning on adding it to my list, but I'm really liking the game so I plan to beat it.  This game is made by the same company (most likely not the same people, especially since Doak and Ellis don't run the company any more) who made Timesplitters, Second Sight, and Haze... and previously Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.  Their last good game was Timesplitters FP, but I was expecting this game to be more Haze and make me hate myself.  But this game is actually quite good.  Only a few minor complaints.  What people say about the game freezing up frequently, absolutely true.  Every single time this game does and auto save, it freezes for 5-10 seconds, which is fairly frequently and sometimes during combat.  I can mostly deal with that, it's not that big of a deal and it gives me a few seconds to analyze what's going on with no repercussions.  I have had a few situations though, where the game kills me.  I beat one of the location strikepoint things, it finished, started to show me the updated map, and it shows my little pinpoint for my current location go flying across the map, the map closes and it goes back to gameplay, and then I am somewhere else entirely, and I'm dead, because I just took MAJOR fall damage.  I fought so hard and valiantly to keep my hard earned tech so I could sell it for money, but then the game killed me and said no, you don't get money, and we are taking your tech away. I liked this game so much, and am liking it so much, that I went out and bought a new copy while I still have it rented.  Going to go return the rental today so I can take my time enjoying this game.  I proceeded to beat this game the day after I purchased my own copy.  That's kind of disappointing, especially since it is one of those games that doesn't let you go back and finish missed content.  I may actually start the game over and play again on easy and just screw around.  It's actually a really fun game, one of the better FPS games I've played... since... Wolfenstein the new order, actually.  Fallout doesn't count, it's its own thing entirely.
Rating: This game is a shooter, there is no way around that, it's a fairly plain jane shooter, but it has difficulty, as it should given that you are the underdog the whole game.  I highly recommend this game to shooter fans.

77. -KLAUS- (PS4)
I actually played a few levels of this after I downloaded the game, but I want to make sure I beat this game, so I'm putting it on my list now so I remember to come back to it.  La Cosa Entertainment was at PAX South 2015 and I played this game quite a bit and maintain the top score all weekend, as part of that, the top 3 scores would receive free keys for the game when it released.  I couldn't decide what to do after beating Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, so I played this for a few minutes, mostly just to figure out where exactly I am at.  This game is so good and mysterious, but I have such a problem keeping my attention span on 2D side scrollers.
Rating: This game is so damned good.  Highly recommend it, shouldn't take more than maybe 5 hours to beat the game completely.

78. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation (3DS)
This game seems to be where you get the style of gameplay as Birthright, but you get some characters from both Birthright and Conquest.  I have had one defeat the Boss levels, so maybe it's a total mixture of Birthright and Conquest.  The ability to do challenge levels and go at your own pace, but also have some of the challenge based chapters where the mission isn't just to kill all enemies, but to meet a specific objective.  As far as I have gotten in this game, it definitely seems like you are getting ALL of the characters from both stories.  I've still yet to do any S rank supports, but I'd like to do that before I finish this game, and I know I'm getting pretty close to the end.  I beat this, and I've still yet to get any S rank supports.  I actually got Corrin and Jacob, but I don't like Jacob, so I refuse to accept their S rank.  If I can't find my case full of games, I may just keep playing this and build up supports.
Rating: Definitely the best version of Fire Emblem Fates, it is suggested to play both Birthright and Conquest first, but I really don't see how it matters other than to see how shitty things could've been but now are awesome in Revelation.

79. Aero Fighters (SNES)
I'm not a particularly huge shmup fan, but I used to play a lot of shmup games in my youth, mostly because they were so easy to just pick up and play as portable games.  So I decided to give this one a go.  It's a fairly basic shmup.  Pick up power ups, kill things, use bombs when you need them.  Nothing really special about this game, definitely nothing you couldn't get from some other shmup without paying the ridonkulous price this game commands.  Also, it's really short.
Rating: Meh, nothing special, definitely not a game to buy based solely on it's gameplay.

List continued on next page
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 02:53:13 pm by ignition365 »


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2016, 01:49:44 am »
1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3) Such an interesting concept for a Star Wars game with Darth Vader's secret apprentice, but rather flawed execution. The gameplay feels very similar to God of War, but not as polished. The story serves as a good sequel to Revenge of the Sith, but not that great of a prequel to the original trilogy. Very dull boss battles, fighting against Jedi's should've been interesting, but each boss falls short of being interesting. There is one part where you have to bring down a Star Destroyer that was SO infuriating. It was unnecessarily difficult, and the controls for that part were just plain dumb. The game is a bit glitchy too. There was one part where the light part of the lightsaber got stuck in mid-air. I could swing around the hilt, but not actually do any damage while the beam of light just sat there.
I'd recommend the game to diehard Star Wars fans, but don't set your expectations too high. It's has some good ideas, but the execution misses it's mark. 3/5

2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered (PS4).
I LOVE this game. I've played this one before on PS3 a few years back, and it's still just as good. Awesome story, great gunplay and exploration, and overall a great remaster; Bluepoint Studios did a great job updating it. I actually went through and actually found all the treasures this time around. Not my favorite collectible hunt but worthwhile enough. Amazing game. Had me smiling throughout! 5/5

3. Mega Man 2 (3DS)
I finally understand the hype around Mega Man. After picking up the Mega Man Legacy Collection I tried Mega Man 1, but it didn't really click. But Mega Man 2, wow! What a solid game! Such tight gameplay that was a joy to play. Great bosses, and levels with obstacles that kept me guessing. Very rewarding with an ending that made me laugh. 5/5

4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered (PS4)
Man oh man, the Uncharted games are awesome! What a game! Uncharted 2, does everything Uncharted 1 does but better. Though, I think I enjoyed Uncharted 1's story more. The remaster is beautiful! I was amazed at some of the landscapes and cutscenes. Weird final boss fight. A masterpiece in Playstation's library. 5/5

5. Gunman Clive (3DS)
Solid little platformer with a fun Western theme. Short but sweet. It only took me about 1 hour to finish. Wish it was longer, but it is certainly one of the better smaller Indie Games I've played. 4/5

6. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
The third Uncharted game has me torn. The gameplay was mesmerizing, tight, action filled, and beautiful! Some of the scenarios were jaw dropping! This game has the best set pieces the series has. The story on the other hand, started off really strong had me engaged. But by the end I was just confused. There are a bunch of plot holes and unanswered questions. I feel like the there was more planned to the story, but was left unfulfilled. The plot holds the game back from being a masterpiece for me, but the gameplay was certainly fun and I enjoyed my time with it. 4/5

7. Toy Story (Sega Genesis)
This is a game I had played years ago on a Windows 95 PC. I could never beat it, and I now remember why. The game is uses some very cheap tactics to extend the gameplay length. This is one of those platformers that focuses on dumb obstacles and enemies instead of challenging jumps and such.  Thank goodness for infinite continues cheats! The driving levels were lame, no fun. There is one level that is entirely in first person that had me completely disoriented. I was impressed and frustrated with the boss fights, they're...odd. I have no idea what the bonus levels were supposed to do. The game is fun enough, it's a great looking Genesis game and it has some ambitious levels but it will certainly be a while (if ever) before I revisit this one. 3/5

8. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
Holy cow! What a fantastic game! The best Uncharted game hands down! From the amazing story, fantastic gunplay encounters, and jaw dropping scenes this game had me smiling throughout. A perfect end to the series. 5/5

9. Entwined (Vita)
I played this game on and off for a few months playing a level before I went to bed. Entwined is one of the best examples of video games as art I've seen in quite a while. You could put this game playing in an art museum. While the game is beautiful, the actual gameplay part is rather lacking. It's essentially a rhythm game where you have two flyers (A fish and a bird) on either side of the screen and you have to collect blue and orange orbs so power up the two so the bird and fish can combine into a dragon. Each level finishes with an artistic open flight zone where you can make a light trail. The rhythm part of collecting orbs became frustrating at times, but overall I enjoyed the games beauty and simple, albeit sparse, gameplay.  3/5

10. Mega Man 1 (3DS)
Mega Man 1 is a very ambitious NES game. The game is difficult in a good way. The bosses are tough and fun. The gameplay is a little rough and can be frustrating, but the satisfaction of beating a tough section was great. *pew, pew pew* 4/5

11. The Last of Us (PS4)
Man oh man... This game left me speechless in the best way possible! I'm a few years late to this one but what a game! Story, characters, gameplay, pacing; all perfect. I've never had a game cause me yell out in shock at the television so many times. The crafting system was on point. The story pieces you can find along the way are so detailed. The game makes you be resourceful and stealthy with fear of being killed. Joel and Ellie's relationship is so well written. I'm glad I played Uncharted 1, 2, 3, 4, and then the Last of Us in that order. Really shows the evolution of Naughty Dog's skills. Even though the Last of Us is older than Uncharted 4, I think the Last of Us is the better game. Certainly one of the top 5 games I've ever played and maybe one of the finest games ever created.  5/5

12. Until Dawn (PS4)
Jump scares galore! This game was fascinating and genuinely scary. I loved the branching paths and having choices that actually mattered in whether or not the characters died. A good story, with good characters made this a very memorable game. My only complaint is that the controls sometimes would be unresponsive in odd ways. I left the game with only 2 survivors, though I went back and tried some other paths and ended up with 7 surviving. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one again to grab all the collectables and going for the platinum trophy. (5/5)

13. Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS)
I have never actually completed a Sonic game until now. And I've got to say, I was more impressed than I thought I would be. It's a super solid platformer albeit a bit strange with how many different paths each level has. This was part of the Sega 3D Classics collection and the 3D was really well done. I liked how there were multiple ways to complete a level. The whole rings as lives mechanic is interesting, I liked it at first, but by the end I was more annoyed with losing all my rings frequently. The water mechanic of finding bubbles to breathe I thought was great. Might be one of my favorite water level mechanics I've seen. The bonus levels were bizarre, but I liked them. I didn't get the "good" ending by missing one crystal. The mixture of speed and precision made this a fun game that I thoroughly enjoyed. 4/5

14. Deadpool (PS4)
As a Deadpool fan, I really enjoyed this game. But ultimately this game is a average hack-n-slash game with some shooting elements. It's not that it's bad, but if it wasn't for Deadpool being the games main character, there probably wouldn't be much of a point. The gameplay is very bland. The writing is great, I laughed a ton. Nolan North nailed it as the Merc with the Mouth. Having Deadpool break the fourth wall to talk to player is amazing. The script is definitely the best part of the game. The enemies are varied enough to be interesting, but they're somewhat of a pain to fight. The game has some strange difficulty spikes that come out of nowhere. That made me annoyed more than once. On a technical level this game has some problems. At one point, I couldn't get a lift to lower so I could continue with the level, after restarting it worked, but those kind of bugs shouldn't be in the game. Is it a memorable game? Not really. But is it a fun game? Yep. Not bad, but not great. I wanted a funny Deadpool game and that's what I got. I only wish the actual game part was a little better. (3.5/5)

15. Thomas Was Alone (Vita)
This game really surprised me with how charming it is. First game in a while that I didn't want to put down. The game is well written; somehow they gave rectangles personalities and were able to create a story that I was genuinely interested in. As far as puzzle platformers go this game is top notch. Very clever puzzles and obstacles. This what indie games should be about; creativity. (4/5)

16. Frogger Adventures Temple of the Frog (GBA)
This is a game that I have beat multiple times. It's such a charming little gem. It's got the basic Frogger mechanics implemented, but with more of a 2d adventure type of gameplay. Only 5 worlds, but each presents some interesting challenges. I beat it in a little over an hour. This is probably the only game that I could attempt to speed run. It is easy to get careless with how fast you can make Frogger move and that result in some unexpected deaths. (4/5)

17. Pokemon Yellow (3DS virtual console)
Yellow version was the first Pokemon game I played years ago. This game made me fall in love with the franchise then, and it was really fun to revisit the old Kanto region now. Building a team was more difficult than I remember, I never even filled up my last two slots only using 4 Pokemon throughout. There really aren't a ton of viable characters. I ended up using Pikachu, who was annoying at first but eventually became a star player, Charizard who was fun, but way weaker than I remember, Mew (through the glitch) who was bit of a novelty and destroyed many foes, and Gyarados who became my team leader Pokemon. I didn't realize how rudimentary of an RPG the original Pokemon games are. Rock, Dragon, Ghost and bug types are basically useless with only few moves total in the game. Your inventory is surprisingly small, and the boulder puzzles are interesting enough to make you think. I really love that the story is very subtle. It's not a tale of epic battle and saving the world. Taking down a crime syndicate and becoming a Pokemon Master are simple goals for a simple RPG. (5/5)

18. The Order 1886 (PS4)
The Order 1886 had the potential to be an amazing experience, but is unfortunately the end product leaves something to be desired. While I enjoyed my time with this game, I walk away from the game perplexed. The game looks incredible, certainly one of the best looking games on the PS4. The story was interesting enough, albeit somewhat clichéd. The characters were well done, but somewhat underdeveloped. The game plays like a bad Uncharted game. The shooting sections are fine, but in a game where super natural monsters are the enemy, "man with shotgun" is the most difficult enemy. The variety in guns and creativity is fun. Battling the monsters is a dull experience. The boss fights are odd quick time + trigger button fights, not great. I didn't mind the game being shorter, but I do mind that some of the chapters were just cutscenes. I ended up playing on easy because I got frustrated enough that I just wanted to coast through. There is a good game here, but it's buried under some strange design choices. I hopefully it get's a chance at a sequel that can fix upon the problems this game has and can build upon the intriguing world. 3/5

Currently playing
Pokemon Moon
Sly Cooper

Battletoads - Why is this game popular? I don't get it, I don't mind hard or frustrating games. I do mind games that play unfair. I stopped at the rat race level, that was just so un-fun.
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Questt - This game is stupid. While it looks and sound great as far as Genesis games go, the gameplay is mundane, and I found the final level impossible to complete. I'm not sure if my copy is broken or if the game is just flawed. Regardless, I spent enough time trying to finish the final level to know that I don't like this game.
Mighty No. 9 - What is this? The levels are poorly designed, and the boss battles are not fun. I may go back to this one just to see it through, but it is not a good game.
Onechanbara ZII: Chaos - This game is so strange. The story and characters are ridiculous, and the combat is so repetitive. But part of me wants to return to this absurd game just to see where it goes. Kind of a so bad/strange it's good sort of game. 
Star Fox Zero - Bad controls ruin an otherwise great looking game.
Vanquish - Really interesting third-person shooter. I plan on starting this one over.
Bastion- This game is really intesting and I was having fun with it, but it just fell by the wayside. I will go back to it.
Doom- Old Doom, I started but it didn't click with me at the time. I plan on returning to it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 02:36:30 am by Limeface »


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2016, 02:08:00 am »
Alright! Let's get this show on the road! Reviews in purple are for games that I replayed.

1. The Evil Within

2. Fatal Frame

3. Until Dawn

4. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

5. Kirby Super Star Ultra

6. Stella Glow

7. Devil Kings

8. Jikandia: The Timeless Land

9. Demon's Souls

Thanks for the review of Kirby Superstar Ultra! I just read it.