Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78355 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2017, 08:40:27 am »
Main List
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.

35. Disaster Report (PS2)
This is my first game I've played of the games I've purchased because they look terrible.  It's actually quite good, very linear, but quite good.  Some dirty references here and there, little things you can do here and there.  Not too long, I expect.  Maybe 4-6 hours gameplay, sounds like there are different endings, I only know of 2 paths based on whether or not you help Karen find her dog.  I chose to help Karen find her dog, I might play through from my second save point and not help her just to see the alternative.  I received ending 1 when I played through, so I was curious as to how many endings there are, so I watched a youtube video that showed all 7 (assuming there are only 7) endings, seems that I got the best one.  I think it took me about 4 hours to beat the game.
Rating: Very simple, fairly linear, pretty short, survival adventure game.  I liked it a lot.

36. Red Faction (PS4)
I really don't know why I started playing this after Hue, but I did.  I had this game growing up, but it was the first title I had that had destructible environments.  So I loaded up Codebreaker and gave myself infinite health and ammo and just went on a rampage on the environment with remote charges, that's the extent of how far I got in this game.  Ever have those situations where you are supposed to get into a boat, plane, mech, etc and continue, but you don't notice the transport so you just go on foot and get your ass handed to you?  Well, I got almost all the way through one of those on foot, couldn't figure out the last part and had to look it up online.  I had to backtrack and go find the ship that I was supposed to be using.  I forget just how much I enjoy playing shooting games.  They don't make many single player FPS experiences anymore other than CoD and Battlefield, so I don't get this very often.  So, I may go play Red Faction II soon, but I only have it for Xbox and I've really never played an Xbox game before.  Plus, I still need to finish working on my Xbox, I think I still need to swap the hard drive.
Rating: Surprisingly holds up, fairly bland characters and such, main character feels like a dick, but it seems like the game wants you to know that.

37. Statik (PSVR)
That seems to be the official title, but it is also known as Statik Institute of Retention.  I played this game at PAX South and I've been looking forward to it.  This game is made by the same team who made Little Nightmares.  Surprisingly, this released before Little Nightmares, I wasn't expecting that.  As far as I'm aware, this is the first PSVR game to be a pure puzzle experience, it's sort of an escape game kind of thing, but you just solve the contraption your arms are stuck in.  Game seems to work well enough, but I think the controller works on the gyro and not using the PS Camera, so it gets de-calibrated sometimes which can be annoying.  I've had more than one situation where my headset gets de-calibrated as well, so I'm not sure, it could just be an issue with the VR setup.  There are only maybe 10 puzzles or so, varying difficulty, none frustratingly hard, puzzles may take between 5 minutes and 30 minutes depending on difficulty and user capability.  Overall, it is a fantastic game.  Price point is $20, which for the limited amount of content, I feel is too high a price.  I also feel that the game has limited replayability, given that the puzzles are not dynamically generated in any way, so you are literally playing the same puzzles.  The game does work very well as an intro VR game, you won't have the motion sickness since you don't move and the puzzles are unique and not too difficult.  I would say $10 might be too low a price point for this game, but $15 could be just right.  I'm hoping the devs intead to support this game with added puzzles and content as time progresses.  Game took me roughly 2-2 1/2 hours to fully complete.  I might go back and get the last few trophies even though there is no platinum.
Rating: If you have a PSVR, I highly recommend this game as a top tier VR game, but you might want to wait for a sale.

38. Pokemon Sun (3DS)
I picked Litten, and I named it Littner, because its name and red and black color scheme reminds me of Yoko, so *shrug*.  I haven't really been feeling this game, the entire first island felt like a tutorial and it seemed to bleed over into the second island.  So I've been playing kind of amateurish by running away from battles, only leading the battles with Littner, and overall avoiding confrontation.  Now I'm sitting outside of the Battle Arena grinding and leveling up my "team".  I kind of appreciate that this game has removed the need for an HM slave and truly allows you to select a team for battling without having to worry about having pokemon in your party for the puzzle aspects of the game... But, by doing this, it does remove a section of the difficult of the game having to balance out your team for battling and puzzle solving.  For sure this game feels like they are dumbing down the franchise, especially with the handing out the Exp. Share right at the beginning, but I'm also noticing that the AI for the trainers and wild pokemon is much more ruthless than in previous iterations.  Trainers early on will use multiple Full Restores as opposed to the other games where only major trainers would do this and they would only do it once.  Wild Pokemon can call out for help and turn the wild battle into a 2v1 in their favor, turning a battle with a Lv. 6 Rattata into a major annoyance.  This game is pretty forgettable in my opinion, I'm having a lot of trouble keeping the will to play this game.  I think I'm near the end, but then my Pokemon are only around mid 30s, and usually end game is around 50-60.  So maybe not.  So the end of the game was like I said, between 50-60, more mid to high end 50.  Overall a good Pokemon experience, I just don't have the patience I used to with RPGs and Pokemon games.
Rating: *Thumbs up* It's a good Pokemon game, definitely dumbed down difficulty for casual players.

39. What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4)
Another game I played at PAX South that I really liked, bought it day one, even fucking beat it day one.  I need to stop doing this, because it's a bit of money for what is essentially a 2 hour game.  Game is VERY reminiscent of Gone Home.  You walk through an empty house finding out about what happened, difference is that you will live out the final day of the people you are trying to find out about.  Most of it seems like shenanigans or stories, but like most stories, they are probably based in some sort of truth.  I won't post any spoilers, but I think there is a fairly clear truth behind every story explaining just what exactly happened to everyone, and very simply it seems to me that everyone in the family has mental health problems and they try to cover it by calling what happens a family curse.  My wife really liked the game, she feels that it is up there in her favorite games of all time, possibly her absolute favorite, ignoring nostalgia factors.  I had a hard time getting involved with this game because my wife kept talking and stuff, so for me, the game wasn't that enjoyable and I couldn't get into it like she did.  Had I been able to play the game without her bothering me, and had I not had as many issues I had with being afraid that I missed stories and stuff, I may have enjoyed the game as much as she had.  Very short, maybe 2-3 hours of gameplay.  Very low replayability.  No Platinum.  Most trophies will be obtained through general playthrough.  Story replay available after finishing the game to get the trophies missed.  1 trophy in particular is a pain in the ass and I did exactly what it asked and I didn't earn the trophy, so it's possible that it's glitched.
Rating: Really good, really short game.  I'd suggest to wait for a sale though.

40. Party Hard (PS4)
I played this game last year (Game #17) on PC.  I purchased it again for PS4 because it's such an awesome game.  I was having a really bad day the other day, probably for no real good reason, possibly because of the whole LRG refusing to give me loyalty tickets for the orders I received without tickets, even though they replaced the tickets for everyone else who asked.  Gonna stop talking about that before I get angry again.  Anyway, the boat level works fantastic on PS4, I'm sure they have since patched the issue on PC, but if not PS4 is definitely fine.  Still a fantastic game.  I'd mark this as already beat, but then that takes away my encouragement to beat it again.
Rating: Appears to play better on console than PC from my experience.  Recommended.  Great game for stress relief.

41. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4)
I played New Order on X1, and I wanted to play this on X1, but I only managed to find this game cheap for PS4 and it doesn't seem to have any direct connection to your save file or anything from New Order.  I really didn't know what this game was about going into it.  My figuring was that it was a sort of prequel to New Order, events that lead up to the main game.  I'm still uncertain if that is the case, it very much seems like an alternate reality or something, how does nothing from this game come up in the main game, likely because it's either non-canon or a different reality.  Also, I look at the cover and think... that looks like Zombie stuff... but then no Zombie stuff... and then bam... Zombie stuff.  So I really don't know.  Half of this plays out as a stealth game and some plays out kind of like Doom and some plays like Wolfenstein.  Overall, it's okay, but mostly a let down compared to The New Order.
Rating: Soft Pass, but if you liked New Order and want some more, give it a go.

42. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)
It'll be some time until I can figure out a way to really track my progress with this game.  I've been putting this game off for a while, so I picked it up when I knew I was going to have a long weekend probably stuck at home.  Played it most of Friday and I don't want to say I fell in love, but I definitely knew that this game was going to be hefty and that it would keep me occupied for a few weeks.  Definitely worth the buy IMO, so I went and bought a copy from BB with GCU, gift cards, and rewards points.  In the end cost me about $2.  So this game has some obvious upsides and downsides.  Some observations, the combat is fairly tactical, yet very forgiving.  The marking system is fairly useless early on as enemies will see you before you can see them, but this may be due to my colorblindness.  AI is fairly smart, they know when to hide and if they get in a chopper they will lead you to another base so someone else will attack.  I've had the AI drag me over to a base with a missile launcher, fly in circles around the base until I get hit and then he rockets away as I'm parachuting to the ground, several kilometers away from me before I even hit the ground.  On the other hand, the AI on your team refuses to drive/fly/boat whatever, so if you are up in a chopper and your team is useless hitting nothing and it says "Press O to change seats" I'm like oh ok, they'll grab and hold the chopper steady so I can take the shot, fucking NOPE, the chopper just immediately goes into a spin, so I have to switch back and take control.  Overall enemy AI is pretty smart, team AI is feckin retarded.  At first I thought this game would make it into my Top 5 of the year at least out pacing Watch Dogs 2, but something about this game is just plain forgettable.  I have no care for my character or my team mates, based on convos they seem to mostly be dicks.  This game feels like I've been playing it for weeks, but I think I've had it for maybe a week or so and I've put a lot of time into this game so far.  I think it has earned its place in my Top 5 for the year.  Not sure which game is going to be out though, probably Watch Dogs 2.
Rating: Objectively very good gameplay, many bugs and issues I've found, some temporarily game breaking.  Some levels absolutely horridly put together.  Story is fairly weak, characters are overall unlikable and such, but the gameplay is pretty fantastic.  I look at this game as a sort of spiritual successor to the Mercenaries franchise.

43. Picross NP Vol. 2 (SNES)
I wasn't intending on doing more of these this year, but I found myself with an over abundance of time and wanting to do puzzles of some kind.  This one is Yoshi's Island themed it seems, plus the usual rando puzzles.
Rating: See Picross NP Vol. 1

44. Chibi-Robo: Zip Lash (3DS)
Decided to play this concurrently with World Puzzler because sometimes I get tired of crossword puzzles, constantly.  Pretty fun game, I expect that Pikmin 3DS will be very similar to this.  It's a shame that this game didn't do very well, as it is a solid game.  I like some of the mechanics of this game, including how collecting trash is essentially extra lives/health.  But on the other hand I don't like the level selection mini game thing, I've yet to have to go to a level I didn't want to go to, but it seems unnecessarily annoying.  I dig that they showcase candies from all over the world, that's pretty neat.  Dude, fuck level 5-5 in particular.  I skipped that level.  I got all the way to the end and Chibi-Robo tripped over his god damned feet and died.  Level has no checkpoints or anything.  Fuck that level.  Also, fuck level 6-3... matter of fact, fuck world 6 entirely.  I really hate gimmicky levels, yeah I'm whining like a bitch.  World 6 is entirely ice levels where you slide and stuff.  Hate that stuff... and it is a whole world of it.  Definitely the fact that this is (allegedly) the final world in the game, it makes the game an entire let down right at the end.  End boss was kind of weak.  Literally defeated him in 13 seconds.  It was a different and interesting fight, but it was super fast.
Rating: Honestly, this game DOES belong in the bargain bin.  World 6 ruins the entire experience.  Nothing amazing about this game.  Easy Pass.

45. Battlefield: Hardline (X1)
I don't normally work on multiple console games at once, and I did start this while I was in the middle of 3D Dot Game Heroes, but I really felt like playing a shooter and this one has been on my short list of rental games to check out.  Game is weird.  I'm gonna try to describe.  Seems fairly cinematic, but also tries to do that in first person mode at times.  I kind of dig the case file investigation stuff, it makes things interesting, and slightly less CoD/BF.  Story is mildly interesting so far, but the characters just feel annoying to me.  This might honestly just be me, but maybe it's just because everyone feels very unnatural.  Combat is fairly good, some of the cover based stuff is a bit tricky because it isn't exactly intuitive.  I think this is actually my first Battlefield game, I don't believe I've ever played a Battlefield game before.  The game is actually quite good and I like the story.  I think the game would've done better marketed as a new IP all about cops and robbers rather than as part of the Battlefield universe.  I would've loved to see another entry like this game.  I will say, as a person who likes closure and such, the ending is rather open ended.
Rating: A rather good FPS game, obviously plays like CoD and BF, but the story is pretty entertaining.  Someone watching me play felt like it had many Far Cry like qualities, I take that as a good thing.  Soft pass despite all of that.

46. Bloodborne (PS4)
Wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this game, still unsure.  From what I can tell so far, there is no way to shield attacks in this game, so this game is very much an offensive game.  They balance it a bit by letting you regain some lost health by attacking enemies shortly after taking damage.  Healing is a much quicker process compared to the souls games.  Attacking and dodging in this game feels much more fluid compared to Dark Souls 2 at least.  I'd say this game feels more like a successor to Demon's Souls than Dark Souls.  I'm not quite getting the gun aspect of the game so far, my understanding is that guns do little damage on purpose, they mostly exist to stagger or distract enemies, but I've had little luck doing either of those things.  At the fight that I'm currently at, it seems like the best strategy is to use the stagger from the pistol, so I need to learn how it works.  I decided to play online and summon a player to help out with the blood starved beast.  First summon, we got close, like 2 or 3 hits left close and the NPC and summoned player both died, I got really flustered and was hitting the wrong buttons and missing and poisoned and I may have run out of healing stuff.  Second summon, guy runs in throws something at the beast, I notice that the beast immediately starts his poison sphere which is usually end fight stuff and I look down at his health and he's dead.  I think the dude hit him with something and then stabbed him and just did massive damage, I was just so confused and dumbfounded for like 5 minutes just staring at the screen questioning everything.  I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, but I don't think I'm lost or stuck or anything.  Started playing again and managed to finish Yarnham and work on Frontier.  I stopped at the boss fight Rom, the Vacuous Spider.  My wife's cousin told me to jump off the cliff and didn't mention it was a boss fight, had I known I wouldn't have jumped yet.  I died, fairly quickly too, I might add.  Lost around 16k in blood echoes.  Pretty pissed about that.  I think I'm about level 50 at this point.  So, over the weekend, I wrecked house on this game.  I went from like level 45 to level 91.  My wife's cousin wound up doing the Rom fight for me while I was out picking up food, I just couldn't figure him out and everything read like he was super easy but no matter what I did I wound up in an insta-death situation pretty fast.  I'm very upset with myself that I went and beat the game, because I didn't backup my save file and the game auto starts NG+, so I missed out on some side content and such.  I know, I know, I should've known better.  I started playing NG+ because I had 400,000 echoes and wanted to level up and buy stuff.  Played some of the chalice dungeon stuff.  Pretty much done with this game.  I'm considering starting a new game rather than doing NG+ to get missed trophies.
Rating: Such a good game.  Once you get used to playing more offensively and basically HAVING to parry since you can't block, it's actually a fantastic experience.  I actually enjoy this over Dark Souls.

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 10:46:08 am by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2017, 09:13:23 am »
I was sort of snowed in this weekend, and as a result I'm about done with two more games: Siren (PS2) and Red Ninja: End of Honor (PS2). They were the perfect ways to take breaks with Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2017, 10:19:14 am »
Main List
More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

47. 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
Decided to start playing this game.  So far, seems very Legend of Zelda (NES), which is pretty good.  It even has some of the annoying "Oh you hit a wall instead of just hitting straight, which isn't pretty good.  I've gotten through 2 dungeons already and I'm on my way to the third.  I'm not feeling particularly patient in general as of late, which isn't a good thing for RPGs because I just don't feel like doing any quests or anything, I just want challenging gameplay.  This game is actually burning me out quite fast with the backtracking constantly and basically having to redo all 6 dungeons over again to get to the final boss.  Not looking forward to having to fight the Kraken and Dragon again, that might be what makes me abandon this game.  We'll see.  Kraken and the Dragon were actually quite easy with the Hero Sword, but battling the final boss I realized that I really need the Hero Shield so I went and did that quest line or what have you and then I destroyed the final boss.  I did like 0 side quests and missed tons of trophies and such, but I think this game would've been abandoned had I tried to do all of that, but the game would've lasted much longer.
Rating: Very reminiscent of LTTP, but the graphics in this game are almost annoying.  The fact that the game tells you that a level editor was planned and later scrapped is kind of a let down.  Recommended if you like LTTP and can get past the graphics.

48. Dukes of Hazzard, The: Return of the General Lee (PS2)
Weekend before E3 and for some damned reason I have been spending it in my game room playing PS2 games.  Took a break from Tokyo Jungle to play some other stuff.  Decided to play this.  Overall, pretty weak game, not sure why it commands even the price it does.  Controls really kind of suck, the cars don't handle well, and the other drivers, like most old games, have cars the weight of tanks and your car just get man handled like a little smart car.  Most timed missions are fairly unforgiving, and have no checkpoints so if you fuck up late in the race, you have to do the entire race over.  No HUD based map, so you have to pull up the full map overlayed on the screen anytime you want to look at the map, can't pause and look at the map, it's during gameplay.  Gotta say though, I don't remember Daisy Duke being that attractive.
Rating: Weak as crap, easy pass.

49. Red Faction II (PS2)
This game feels like an entirely different game from the previous game, sure it has the same mechanics and such, but the story, style, and setting, all feel entirely different from the previous title.  Honestly don't even know if I was on Mars.  A lot of the fights were cheap as shit and the game doesn't save like Red Faction on PS4 did, so I don't know if RF on PS2 did the same, but no matter where you save, it loads the last autosave.  So certain boss fights can be painful as fuck.  I fought Repta, I think, and that was just the worst.  He was near invulnerable, fight was broken into 2 sections, and then after the fight, a pipe falls, which the first time I finally beat him, it fucking landed on me immediately afterward, so I had to start over.  I nearly cried.
Rating: Easy pass, adds nothing to the franchise as far as I can tell.

50. Under the Skin (PS2)
I had been eyeing this game for a long time because it's moderately rare, not many copies out there complete for sale, but it's still cheap.  I'm gonna say now, this game is going to spike at some point.  This game aged EXTREMELY well, it looks beautiful.  Honestly, I felt like I was playing an indie game on PS4 or something.  Gameplay is pretty damned fun, but weird.  You prank humans and collect coins dropped by the pranked humans.  There are enemies and such to look out for or compete against.  I'd like to play multiplayer to see how fun it can get, or maybe do co-op story mode.  Overall a really great game.  Very short, but very fun.
Rating: Highly recommended.  Really fun, bet it would make for a good party game.

51. Puzzler World 2012 3D (3DS)
So I got summoned for jury duty and figured my only real option was bringing my 3DS and playing something.  I wanted to bring something that I knew could keep me occupied all day, so I brought Chibi-Robo Zip-Lash and this because I love me some puzzles and I've been wanting to play Chibi-robo zip-lash.  I immediately popped in the Puzzle game and played that for a bit.  Then some dude came across the waiting room to compliment me on my 3DS (Majora's Mask new 3DS XL) and then proceed to talk to me about Pokemon and Zelda... and all I wanted to do was sit there and listen to music and play puzzles nice and quiet like.  Well my prayers were answered and I was called to serve in the first batch of people.  I suppose I'm an extrovert at heart.  I've played previous entries in the series and I like the game and the puzzles provided.  I've never been a fan of crosswords, those I mostly use up my hint coins.  I may not have thought out starting this game very thoroughly.  I kind of want to start Fire Emblem Echoes, but I feel like I need to finish this game first.  And I am knocking out puzzles like crazy.
Rating:Easy Pass, but it lasted a good long while, 560ish puzzles + Master mode puzzles, it is definitely a good puzzler.

52. Pokemon Puzzle League (N64)
Wedding anniversary and my wife wanted to play a game together, this year, she chose Pokemon Puzzle League.  So we spent most of the day playing this.  As always I continuously destroyed her, but we play on different difficulties so it isn't SUPER one sided.  At some point I left the room to go grab a package that was delivered and when I came back she had picked my pokemon for me and started the next match and she won right when I picked up my controller.  Cheap move.
Rating: Personal favorite.  I obviously recommend it.

53. Puyo Puyo Tetris (NS)
I absolutely hate Puyo Puyo.  I like Tetris.  This is definitely not the game for me.  I expect to abandon it, strictly because of the Puyo sections.  My wife has been stuck at Act 5-9 for days, which is a Tetris battle.  I started adventure mode a day or two ago and I passed her last night, but the next fight is a Puyo battle.  I get destroyed in 10-30 seconds.  Just completely buried.  I just really don't get Puyo.  I had the same issue growing up trying to play Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.  I think it is essentially the same game.  I just don't fucking get it.  I look at the other screen and the bot's screen just looks like trash and he turns it into this massive combo that buries me.  At this point, I have decided to abandon it, but I'll probably give it another go sooner or later.  I'm at 50% completion in adventure mode, so I'm expecting it to get even harder... which makes me want to give up right now, because I just don't fucking get Puyo.  I still don't get Puyo, like really, I don't, but I guess it's possible to beat the game without really understanding it... so that's something.
Rating: Solid pass.

54. Mister Mosquito (PS2)
It's so hard to keep up with this when I play through games over weekends and such when I'm not on here writing stuff up.  I'm planning on playing through a lot of the weirder lesser known PS2 games this year and this is one of them.  You play a mosquito reeking havoc on the Yamada household.  The dialogue of the Yamada family and even their actions are pretty funny, especially the battle mode where you hit their "relax" points to cause bliss.  Game is pretty simple and pretty short.  I got about halfway through before realizing that the heart rate meter is what lets you know that you are about to get swatted.  After I figured that out, the game was much easier and was quite pleasant.  I can't say this is a game that deserves a sequel or anything, and while playing the game I noticed I was getting bitten by mosquitoes at work, so I don't know why I continued playing the game.  Damned mosquitoes.  Anyway, pretty fun and interesting experience.  It's unique enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it jumps in value when (if) PS2 spikes.
Rating: Pretty fun, pretty unique, but fairly short for the price.  I recommend it for the unique experience and silly dialogue.

55. Italian Job, The (PS2)
This is honestly one of my favorite movies, just a plain good nonsense movie, it just appeals to me.  I figured the game probably sucks hard, and I wasn't wrong.  Story mode is like 15 levels long, each level takes between 2-5 minutes.  So the game can be pretty short.  There is no map, just the little HUD map in the corner that shows exactly your location and you get a little red dot on the edge of the "map" that shows the direction to go, so sometimes you'll be in a situation to pick left or right and one way is the right way and one is the wrong way, you just have to start over.  Also, sometimes your way point is up on the highway or down in the subway or down in the tunnels, so you just have to guess until you start figuring out the small world and where they want you to go.  It is a bit annoying, but it almost forces you to put more into the game, which isn't good or bad, I don't applaud them for it, but it kind of works.  Story plays out the basic actions of the movie.  3 or 4 missions are exactly the same doing the heist and the training for the heist... with minor differences.
Rating: Easy Pass.

56. Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)
So I was sitting around not knowing what to play and it hit me that I've been wanting to play this for a long time and I kind of want to buy GR2 before it possibly becomes hard to find like the original plus GR2 rarely goes on sale or anything, so I might as well pick it up... but I don't want to buy it before I've even started playing the first.  A little surprised this one has never hit PS+ to be honest... especially with the Amazon exclusivity of this one.  Anyway, I'm rather enjoying it, it was a little slow to start, but most games are.  The story is really dragging me in, makes me a little sad that I've missed stuff already, I'm hoping there is a way to go back and hit the convos I missed with the strangers because that very much seems to explain a good chunk of the story if not spoiling a bit of it.  I'm actually really impressed with the story.  I was expecting a kind of bland story about shifting gravity, but there is more to it.  Trying to keep it spoiler free like always, but I highly recommend this game so far.  Story aside though, the gravity combat mechanics are fairly frustrating.  I've not really got down the evading... well fuck, it just occurred to me that the one "battle" I had trouble with, dodging attacks wise, I should have been using the gravity evasion move or what it is... anyway back to my original point... there has only been really one battle that was just absolutely infuriating, the boss kind of flails and such and you have to attack him in his arm tentacle face thing.  I don't know, I got really angry and had to take a few minutes away from the game because it was just so damned hard to actually hit the guy.
Rating: Recommended.  Rather good game despite some of the janky mechanics.

57. Oni (PS2)
After rearranging the house and shifting rooms around, I decided to finally get back into playing games and decided to play a PS2 game.  I have been mildly interested in this game for quite a long time.  Sounded like a good game.  Boy was I mistaken.  The intro clued me in, looks like an American take on a Japanese Anime.  Like it totally looks like it should be asian characters in Japan, but it looks like Ah! Real Monsters or Angry Beavers in the animation department.  Like Jackie Chan Adventures, Men In Black, etc shit animation.  Gameplay is pretty horrible.  It is entirely possible that I wasn't understanding the combat mechanics, but it was pretty unforgiving and too many artificial difficult.  Jumps that if missed will kill you, enemies that have one shot kill weapons, enemies that explode on death.  Twice I had to use the level skip cheat because the game wound up unbeatable.  Don't misunderstand me.  I had 2 situations where I was stuck in front of a locked door and every video I watched online showed the door as NEVER being locked in the first place.
Rating: Solid Pass, don't waste your time.  It's really bad, not even laughably bad.

58. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS)
So far, this game looks much prettier, UI wise, than the previous installments.  I'm not very far at all, but I'm seeing a lot of differences from previous titles.  I've seen some stuff that reminds me of the Ace Attorney titles, you can investigate "scenes" and talk to people present in the area and such.  I don't care for it, but we'll see how it turns out.  The Dungeon and Interior stuff isn't too bad, it's okay and makes a bit of sense I guess.  I'm finding this game is much harder than previous modern FE games (The ones with the casual mode added), there are very few opportunities to grind if characters are under-leveled and a lot of the battles have you out-manned and out-gunned.  I don't recall if other games had conjurers but those fucks piss me the fuck off.  I'm in a battle where I'm already pretty tit-for-tat with the fucks, and then the conjurer spawns 4 new witches every turn, whilst also being guarded by a shit ton of Knights.  I guess I need to just truck it for the conjurer, but god damn if it isn't annoying.  After Act 1 I think, maybe Act 2, you split into 2 controllable parties with 2 separate goals and separate paths to go.  Kind of like 2 games in one in that sense, but the paths seem to be intertwined so it makes sense... Though I'm surprised they didn't go the Pokemon route again releasing Alm's and Celica's stories separately.  I kind of figured that since they took away the support S marriage stuff that characters would have predetermined relationships, and I correctly guessed who would wind up with whom.  All relatively obvious.
Rating: Really good Fire Emblem side story.  Harder than recent Fire Emblem games, but not by much.  Recommended.

59. Red Ninja: End of Honor (PS2)
Despite hearing over and over from folks how horrible this game is, I finally decided to play it.  I was first turned on to this game when Microsoft announced backwards compatibility on the 360 with original xbox games.  We did no research and didn't know that the game wasn't available for BC, despite the insistence of the GA.  We wound up returning the game, and a few others.  But both my wife and I kept the game in mind knowing we would want to play it eventually.  Eventually we bought an original xbox when the system was being phased out and decided to keep an eye out for the game.  Around that same time I found out that the game was not in fact an xbox exclusive and scrapped the idea of getting it for the xbox and just decided to keep an eye out for the PS2 version.  Eventually I bought it.  /story tiem.  So anyway after the shit show that was Oni, I decided to go ahead and play another shitty PS2 game.  Now going into the game with REALLY low expectations really helped.  The combat, tutorials, and everything isn't well explained, in my opinion.  So I went and read a walkthrough that explained things pretty well.  The game was touted as a stealth game, but the stealth mechanics are pretty broken, but the combat is pretty forgiving and not too difficult if you can handle it.  So if you can get over the fact that it isn't a stealth game but an action game, it isn't too bad.  I'm rather enjoying it so far, but I've read that later in the game it gets sloppier and horrible... so we'll see.  The camera mechanics had me spending a lot of time on certain platforming sections, those sections would be massively easier had they implemented something like Tomb Raider would do where part way through the platforming section you would knock something over to make a shortcut, but with this you have to start over every time you drop, spent a good hour on one section alone.  I got massively angry at the final fight.  I had been doing the tetsugen the entire game and flawlessly using it, but magically at the last fight, I would use it flawlessly, died, reload, and now I can't do it for the life of me, had to do the entire fight without the tetsugen... very painful.  I relatively enjoyed the game.  Camera controls are absolutely horrible.  Just absolutely terrible.  If the camera mechanics were better this game would just be massively better.  It is poor design to have the jump and drop actions mapped to the same button... too often I was wall jumping or grabbing a ledge and I instinctively press the jump button to climb and I drop down.  The only other complaints I have might have to do with my controller and not the game, but the sensitivity on the sticks are out there.  It's hard to walk instead of run and it's hard to aim when doing first person aiming.
Rating: As much as I want to recommend it because I enjoyed it, I'm aware that this game is very poorly made.  Soft Pass, but if you're brave, I recommend giving it a go.  Better than Oni IMO.

60. Total Overdose (PS2)
I'm really having a terrible time keeping up with updating these notes/review.  I started this almost immediately after Red Ninja.  This is 3 3rd person action games in a row, all with very very different control schemes and action styles.  The game plays pretty much like Saints Row and stuff, my wife saw me playing it and was certain I must be playing the first Saints Row game, and honestly, this game very much fits the Saints Row style of game.  I'm kind of honestly surprised this game wasn't a bigger deal, it's actually quite good after a while.  The game starts off pretty bland and doesn't quite explain itself very well.  The goal of the game isn't to just kill things and such, it's basically BulletStorm... kill with skill.  Skill kills give you points, points give you rewards, rewards level up your character... they also unlock extra ammo and missions.  The game even encourages exploration with little pickups and collectibles to gather, which again, upgrade your character.  The characters are pretty bland and forgettable, the story is mildly interesting, the gameplay is pretty fun.  I suppose that's its problem, the characters just aren't very interesting.
Rating: Highly recommended if you like Saints Row, otherwise just regular old recommended.

61. Punisher, The (Gen)
I bought this CIB a year or so back after my company gave me a bonus for some reason, really, I have no clue why.  It's just been sitting on the shelf since, and I was trying to get my wife to help me pick a game to play and somehow it came up to play Punisher on the Genesis.  So we played and beat it on Easy... which I wasn't aware would only give you half the game, so we went and played it on Normal.  We actually did a hell of a lot better on Normal than on Easy, it was weird, maybe we were just playing better, we both got to like Level 3 without even losing a single life.  Honestly though, one of the better beat'em up games I've ever played, but it is only 6 levels long and the flamethrower enemies are cheap as fuck.  Gameplay wise, I don't think this game deserves the price it commands, but it is definitely a fun game to play.
Rating: Honestly, for the price, solid pass, unless you REALLY like Arcade style beat'em ups and don't mind how short this one is.

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 10:46:31 am by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2017, 10:55:21 am »
I was sort of snowed in this weekend, and as a result I'm about done with two more games: Siren (PS2) and Red Ninja: End of Honor (PS2). They were the perfect ways to take breaks with Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne.
How was Red Ninja, this game has been on my backlog for nearly a decade.

It's bordering on terrible. It's a pretty game, it has great music, it has a good story and it looks like it has limitless potential.

Unfortunately, the game play ruins everything good about it and then some. It's a real shame, because the game's concept looks so promising. I actually played it when it first released on the Xbox years ago. I'm sad to see it's still as bad as I once remembered.


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2017, 11:02:59 am »
I still haven't beaten a game yet. Yall are way too quick for me. Although I am close on finishing Nightsky so hopefully I can knock one off the list for week 1.5 :)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2017, 08:03:14 am »
Red Ninja: End of Honor has been (thankfully) finished. Siren shouldn't be too far behind!

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2017, 08:20:59 am »
i want to play elder scroll online ps4 in 2017!! is the best c2c wow gold marketplace
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 03:11:28 am by xiaoshumiao »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2017, 09:29:54 am »
Siren has been finished. It was interesting, but full of issues.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2017, 10:04:40 pm »
Game 1 - Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version (GBA) - 21 Hours

First game polished off! And what a good game to start the year with.

+ This is easily my new favorite entry in the MMBN series. The fantastic gameplay is as good as ever, and I love how the form changes actually stay with Mega Man (unlike the soul/cross stuff in the later games). The story was actually really good for once; the world building was great, the build up to the big finale was well done, and the ending was REALLY good. The game was actually fairly difficult too, which was a nice challenge. The soundtrack was also solid too with some great tracks. Finally, there was a lot of innovation added with the Navi Customizer... Gambling and Input games... Virus capturing... it's awesome!

- Even though the story is very good, the game has some poorly written dialogue and lines. A lot of times the game will feel like a kid's anime (think Team Rocket style dialogue for the bad guys). There is also some issues with padding that often plagues the Battle Network series. Also, there was some serious input lag with some chips (IceWave and DynaWave) that made follow-up attacks really hard. I also miss the Full Synchro; countering viruses in this game just gives you bugfrags.

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« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 08:35:47 pm by telly »
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2017, 10:38:05 pm »
Just beat Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini wasn't good. Not recommended. At all. But hey, I didn't want to add ANOTHER unfinished game to the backlog, and this one was really short, so I figured why not beat it?

So I'm currently up to 5:
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby's Dream Land
  • Kirby's Dream Land (completed)
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom

Gonna continue work on Kirby Super Star Ultra now. I only have the True Arena left to go to complete it, which is difficult, but I'm slowly making progress!
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2017, 08:19:39 am »
It's cheap, but for the True Arena I used the Stone ability. It takes a lot longer to finish but at least you're safe from harm.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2017, 08:34:56 am »
Main List
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

62. Pepsiman (PS1)
My wife's cousin told me about this character a while back and I can't recall if he told me about the game or if I looked it up later, but I was for some reason looking at the game again today and I noticed that the game is almost entirely in English, what little dialogue there is is written in Japanese, but the titles, menus, and adverts and such are all in English.  Kind of reminds me of Crash, except I guess Crash is running towards the screen and this is mostly running away from the screen, end of each levels ends in you running away from something towards the screen so there is your Crash stuff.  Overall short game, but really tough.  You are given a few lifes to get through a level, but once you are through with a level you don't have to play it again so you can keep retrying whatever level you are stuck on.
Rating: Obvious pass because it's expensive, import, short, and tough... but the Pepsiman commercials are weird and funny.

63. Red Dead Revolver (PS2)
I pulled a bunch of games for different platforms to give me choices of what to play.  I've been on such a PS2 kick as of recent, I let it continue with this one.  The only bit I had played of this in my youth was my older brother couldn't beat some part, so he had me play and I wrecked.  Going back, I had the hardest time with some of the duels, more on this, and some of the more gimmicky battles.  Also, I hate escort missions where you have to keep people alive, just the worst.  Anyway, so I play with invert on in shooters, but dueling has you press down and then up, which proceeds to force me to point the gun at the other person's feet, without invert it would go straight for the head.  It was difficult.  Some of the boss fights were kind of confusing and oddly specific about where they could be shot, which is kind of frustrating.  I had one guy I'd shoot him in the head, I'd see blood chunks, his health wouldn't go down, and he'd say "Ha, you missed!" like a 5 year old playing Cops and Robbers or some shit.  That fight was the worst.  I dealt minimal damage with the best gun available at the time, and I'd lose because he killed a citizen before I could deal a million damage to him or some shit.  What little I've played of Red Dead Redemption, there is like no connection between the games, story or gameplay.  This game is very linear, almost like old Super Mario Bros with level progression, get through this level, start next level, etc.  No open world, no real quests or anything.  Just worlds apart.
Rating:Meh, interesting concepts but the game doesn't hold up well and doesn't seem to add anything to the Redemption experience as far as I can tell.  Solid Pass.

64. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (NDS)
I don't know why I decided to jump into a Dragon Quest game, but I've never played one before.  I find it much easier to play RPG games on a handheld because I can dedicate chunks of time at a time and play is few and far enough between that I won't get burned out, but also close enough that I won't get lost or confused too easily.  I wanted to maybe start with DQ1 but it really isn't an option without emulators or the GBC DQ1+2 cart.  I very well may abandon this if I don't dig it.  Took a Chapter or 2 to really get into this, and I'm quite enjoying it.  The grouping in the battle system is frustrating, and the enemies seem to level very rapidly moving from one area to the next, but it seems to all be part of the challenge of the game, so it's fine.  The game progresses fairly quickly, and you don't feel like you are wasting a lot of time doing needless things.  That being said, at the end of the game when you approach the final battle, chances are you are seriously underleveled, so you have to level up roughly 10 levels to finish the fight.  The game does provide you with enemies by this point that provide a ridiculous amount of XP if you can manage to defeat them, so it works out not too badly if you recall this fact.  Despite the fact that I was burned out towards the end, remembering the Metal King Slime made the end not so bad.  So much so that I decided to do Chapter 6 and all of the side content.  I don't believe I've ever played an RPG that made me literally want to do nothing but play the game.  I abandoned every other game while playing this, because I only wanted to play this.
Rating: Really good, highly recommended.

65. Far Cry: Instincts (360)
I had intended on playing this about a month back, but it was going to be the OG Xbox version, but then I found out there is a "remaster" on the 360, so I went out and found a copy and decided to play that so I could get through Instincts and Evolution.  I tried to play this game stealth like, but the game seems to want you to Rambo every situation.  The stealth mechanics are fairly broken, I'm crawling in a bush and an enemy off of my radar sees me and aggros EVERYONE.  Honestly, this game is largely broken, and sadly plays nothing like the newer Far Cry games... which is a disappointment.  Having read online, it sounds like this is a gimped version of the original, so what can I expect.  I plan to beat this today and start Evolution right after.  Game is so linear and mostly broken.  Most of the game was tolerable.  Right at the end it went ESCORT mission where dude just runs ahead whenever he feels like and gets murdered.  Level with Rocket Launcher dudes who can snipe better than the game's snipers.  Legit I knew where the guy was going to be, I was zoomed with a sniper and walked towards his location until he spawned... he spawned and immediately fired a rocket at me, instant aggro from spawn.
Rating: Thoroughly disappointing compared to the other Far Cry games.  I suggest Far Cry Classic over this one.

66. Far Cry: Instincts Evolution (360)
Started playing this immediately after finishing Instincts.  Graphics are already an improvement, which is weird given they are on the same disc and both remastered.  Gameplay is better to in that it is less linear and have a sort of open world environment.  Gunplay already feels like an improvement but we'll see how well that turns out later on.  Great improvement over the previous installment, but it is still fairly linear, but it is definitely more open.  I think this picks up shortly after the first game.  There are theories that the Jackal(?) in Far Cry 2 is actually Jack Carver (the protagonist) from these games.  So that's kind of cool.  Now I just need to make time and play Primal and then I'm all caught up on the franchise.

67. Agents of Mayhem (PS4)
I really don't know why I waited this long to actually blurb about this game.  I didn't preorder this game because I wasn't quite sure about it, it looked like a MOBA but it was touted as single-player only, so I really wasn't sure.  It took me a while to get into this game, it was moderately painful at first, I kept quitting after playing for about 10 or 15 minutes.  Then I got a hang of how everything works and started enjoying playing the game.  Main story is actually pretty short, but I've been stretching it out with the side missions and other content.  Definitely not a game that will last more than a week or so.  I plan on finishing it today which is about 4 or 5 days of gameplay.  I considered going for the platinum but there are too many trophies that require replaying the game, read as at least 1.  Game ended on a "We are making a sequel" note... which is always disappointing for a game that may not make enough money to justify a sequel. Definitely has that Saints Row humor and over the top gameplay, plays a lot like Saints Row IV... which makes sense for this franchise, but for Saints Row, it was just annoying.  Hopefully they leave the superhero stuff to Agents of Mayhem and let Saints Row go back to a more grounded over the top gameplay (Less sci-fi)
Rating: Good game, fairly short, exists in the Saints Row universe, so fans of that will get some little lore things here and there.  Nothing magical though.  Soft recommendation.

68. Yakuza Kiwami (PS4)
Wasn't really sure where to start with this franchise.  Do I start with 0, Do I start with Kiwami/1 and then do 0, or do I playthrough 1-5 and then do 0.  I chose to do Kiwami and then 0... I may regret it later, but for the most part everything is sensical in 0.  Yes, I am writing this AFTER I've already beaten Kiwami and started 0.  I really don't know what I was expecting going into this franchise.  I've heard good things, but nothing specific at all.  I think I was expecting a sort of GTA type thing, but I see now that this is part RPG but mostly Beat 'em up.  Gameplay is largely cinematic, with cutscenes and such lasting several minutes between chunks of gameplay.  Story is really well done, with seemingly minor details that I certainly didn't see coming.  Some retroactive notes given that this is technically the latest entry.  Abilities are purchased with XP points instead of cash, cash being mostly useless throughout the game.
Rating: Good, for $30 you will definitely get at least 24 hours out of the game.

69. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
So I kind of let this game evade me because it stars my 2 (come to find 3) least favorite characters in the franchise... Chloe, Nadine, and Sam.  Very difficult to care for the characters and stuff when I don't like them and just expect them to screw each other left and right.  Story and stuff was obvious and entirely expected, mildly surprised that Nathan didn't at least make a cameo appearance.  Game will last between 7-12 hours depending on how slow you play and the collectibles you chase after.  Kind of an underwhelming experience, but a great game nevertheless.
Rating: Good game, very short, wait for the bargain bin.

70. Quantum Break (X1)
I've been eye balling this game for a long time, but it has been rather steady in its pricing, but I finally gave up and bought a copy.  Took me a few days to finally put the game in the system, and then another day or two to actually get into the game.  The story is really good, a lot of time travel sci-fi stuff.  Ending is open ended and left to interpretation plus leaves the possibility for a sequel.  Not a fan of either of those things, thought evoking stuff is great (a la Last of Us), but sometimes I finish a game, especially if it is unlikely a sequel will ever be made, I'd like closure.  Gameplay is pretty good once you get the hang of all of the abilities, some characters you really grow to care about, and others you just kind of wonder why they're there.  Story is actually rather short, but there is minor incentive to replay the game in that story slightly changes depending on the choices made at the junction points, but I believe the story plays out the same in the grand scheme of things, hence the "minor" incentive.
Rating:Good game, rather short. Soft recommendation.

71. Bioshock: Infinite: Burial at Sea (360)
After beating this, I wasn't sure whether to count it as 2 separate entries or one, since it is broken down into 2 separate "independent" DLC stories... but Episode 1 doesn't pop credits and Episode 2 does, so I count this as 1 entry.  Episode 1 is really short, and honestly kind of sucks.  I'll try to be as spoiler free as possible.  Episode 2 seems to start right after Episode 1, but very little matters from Episode 1... I'd still suggest playing Episode 1 first, even though it sucks and I hate it.  Burial at Sea connects Bioshock: Infinite to the original Bioshock.  I think it was suggested to be that Dark Souls III connects back to Dark Souls, but Dark Souls 2 is kind of a bastard... which would make this whole thing the same in that Bioshock 2 is a bastard.  Episode 1, I think, just ties up maybe a single loose end or two, nothing amazing, and even at that I'm not sure.  I haven't played any of the Bioshock games in a LONG time.  As far as I know, playing Bioshock: Infinite directly before Burial at Sea makes a shit ton of sense of everything in Episode 1, maybe it doesn't, at the very least it sets up Episode 2, and that it where things get good and interesting.  Episode 2 you play as Elizabeth, which is just so fucking cool, and the gameplay is largely stealth recommended (Big Daddies are literally impossible to kill).  The story of Episode 2 is just so fucking amazing, but a lot (A SHIT TON) won't make a ton of sense if you don't remember Bioshock 1 and maybe Bioshock: Infinite.  I vaguely recall Bioshock 1, and I remember at least the ending from Infinite, that was enough for me.  No spoilers, but the story, IMO, superbly connects Infinite back to the original.  But again, there are always those little open ended things that make you wonder what a character means by what they say.
Rating: Episode 1, solid pass, but necessary for Episode 2.  Episode 2, absolutely recommended and necessary if you like the series.

72. Submerged (PS4)
I don't even think I meant to play this... side story... My PS4 (Both my Launch and Anniversary) has this weird issue (which appears to be common) where the DS4 has a weird lag or doesn't recognize inputs if the system doesn't have an unimpeded line of sight between itself and the controller.  Almost like the old Acclaim wireless controllers, it's retarded. So I pressed left and X to launch the PSN store and it only did the X and launched Submerged.  I said Fuck it and just played it.  Game takes about 5 hours or so to finish, I didn't bother trying to collect everything because it requires too much backtracking and mindless exploration... and that's too much when I wasn't even wanting to play the game in the first place.  Story wise, I don't really know what's going on, and it sounds like the game doesn't do a very good job of explaining it even if you do collect everything.  Presumably end of the world, water world style, and you are just trying to survive.
Rating: Solid pass.

73. A-semblance (PS4)
Very Very short game.  Like if you are attentive and figure things out, easily takes maybe 30 minutes to beat.  I went for full 100% beating the game and got all of the trophies.  Took me maybe 2 hours.  No platinum, and the final trophy "White" is an utter pain in the ass to get because it is time sensitive down to the second.  Literally impossible to do without a stop watch.  Story wise, again, I don't really know what's going on.  Sounds like maybe you as a character took part in this or created this to block memories or something... really not sure.  Apparently there is a hidden ending that I missed... but I'm definitely not going through the White shift thing again just to SEE the other ending... I'll just watch it on Youtube.
Rating: Solid pass.

74. Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite (PS4)
Started playing this because my wife's cousins were over and they wanted to play it.  I really just bought it for the CE goodies, and I know I'm not good at the MvC games.  Played for a few hours and then I started doing story mode the other day.  Got a good chunk of the way through, but I'm still not very good at MvC games.  I get really frustrated and sweaty playing these games and I don't like it.  I'm never capable of getting a combo higher than like 5 hits and the enemy constantly blocks almost all attacks... and when the enemy attacks they get like 30 hit combos and knock me from full health to near death.  No joke I'll be fighting and enemy and get them down to 0 health (literally no color on their health bar) and I have max health (Still green), and then the enemy will literally block ALL attacks and then do a 90 hit combo on me that manages to non-stop kill me and my partner in one fell swoop.  I've never liked the MvC games because it is too easy for bots and pro players to get through a match using a single continuous combo and you just get to sit there for the 15 seconds it takes for them to destroy you unable to do anything because they are juggling you with a non-stop combo.  Also, Nemesis is cheap and OP as fuck.  I already know that I'm going to rate this game as a solid pass, but I'm going to try and finish story mode.
Rating: Thoroughly disappointing compared to previous entries roster wise, still just a button mash-fest to me.  Pass.

75. Magikarp Jump (Android)
I really hadn't planned on counting this game, but I've been putting a lot of time into it, I actually spent "money" on it (I get digital money for free all over the place), and it seems to have an end goal of beating all of the leagues.  I'm at the end part of the 6th out of 8 leagues.  It is definitely a stupid time wasting phone game, but I find Magikarps quite endearing for some damned reason.  I'm enjoying playing it for the time being.  Honestly, this game is a fantastic time killer, you could barely consider it a microtransaction driven game as it is very easy to play through the game without spending money.  Killed my productivity in DQ5, but it was an enjoyable experience... but I do like Magikarp and find the idea humorous.
Rating: Recommended time waster.  Not good for much else.

76. Fallout 4 (X1)
I'm not going to talk about the story or anything because I didn't do that.  I'm just playing around with mods.  Mods on consoles are fantastic and add a lot of fun.  I think Creation Club was part of the reason I decided to play.  I knew nothing about it, but knew it existed now, so I wanted to check it out.  Paid mods basically.  And so far there are 5-8 total mods in there, and they are all stuff you could get through the free mods, but maybe not so pretty.  Pass on that for sure, I hear a lot of folks are sour about that, plus the fact that the GotY edition doesn't have the DLC on disc but rather through a code.
Rating: Obviously recommended, Mods are fun.

77. Bunker, The (PS4)
Been wanting to jump into this one, a brand new FMV game.  I was always fascinated with these types of games in my youth, but I never owned a system that had the games.  Game is really short, could be beat in a matter of an hour or so.  Game definitely has some gruesome and brutal imagery.  Easy platinum if you plan it out and follow a proper walkthrough tit for tat.  Don't know the digital price, but the game is definitely not worth much more than a few dollars for what little value you get out of it.
Rating: Interesting story, soft pass.

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« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 09:28:07 am by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2017, 09:10:44 am »
Having a girlfriends who games regularly has its ups and downs, one of the latter being her hogging one of my two TVs frequently.

My 43" projection TV decided to have a convergence problem last week and since I've been SOL since she is using our LCD TV to play FFXV. I'm not really in the mood for handheld games right now, so i've pretty much just been on my PC at night chilling.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2017, 09:49:05 am »
It's cheap, but for the True Arena I used the Stone ability. It takes a lot longer to finish but at least you're safe from harm.

Yeah, I tried that, but I can't get the timing down. I'm currently running it with the Hammer ability. The upwards charge attack does MASSIVE damage, and the dash attack has invincibility. Overall I can get through the first 8 decently enough, but Galacta Knight is giving me problems.

EDIT: Ok, due to many things happening in my personal life progress is slow. Currently I'm working on The True Arena, Super Mario 3D World and an Infinite Climax (aka hardest mode) playthrough of Bayonetta 2, depending on my mood.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 12:15:55 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2017, 09:56:36 am »
It's cheap, but for the True Arena I used the Stone ability. It takes a lot longer to finish but at least you're safe from harm.

Yeah, I tried that, but I can't get the timing down. I'm currently running it with the Hammer ability. The upwards charge attack does MASSIVE damage, and the dash attack has invincibility. Overall I can get through the first 8 decently enough, but Galacta Knight is giving me problems.

Hammer used to be my go-to for the arena, too. Believe it or not, I actually had a lot of success with Wheel. If you time the start right, you can do tons of damage.