19 - Yooka-Laylee (PC 2017) - 13 HOURS BEAT - It's unfortunate the game was reviewed in the state it was, and that many were playing the much worse off console versions (Which seemed to be a Team 17 issue, not Playtonic), as the game on PC at launch ran fantastically. No framerate issues, very little camera struggle, overall it looks great. While the game didn't successfully capitalize on being an amazing spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, I think it got close. It has the silly, charming, characters. There's the collectathon. It's got your big hub world and worlds to explore and it's a return to a genre I missed.
My negatives more come down to some sloppiness to some of the control and objectives, some level design aspects that feel uninspired, the mostly awful minigames (I played 4 out of 5 and only 2 of those 4 were okay), and that I think the game needed more worlds with a tighter design, rather than fewer worlds, that just got bigger. I'm glad I supported this game, it's just that I think there's some rust they were shaking off with this game and that hopefully they can greatly improve with a sequel if it gets made.
Also this wasn't completion either. I only beat the first level 100%, the rest vary from 50 to 75% beat. Only need 100 pagies to fight the last boss.