Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78262 times)


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #510 on: November 23, 2017, 09:29:03 pm »
Game 24 - Time Crisis 3 (PS2) - 13 Hours

I counted this game as beat when I did the main story and the rescue mission from beginning to end without getting a game over. I still have the challenge missions I might continue working on.

+ Really a fantastic game when using the GunCon2. It feels like an almost perfect arcade port other than the tiny occasional lag when things get really busy. Otherwise it's very fun, strategic, and addicting to play. The cover mechanic is great and adds a layer of depth instead of just shooting like crazy. I like the sniping sections and the bosses were cool and interesting. I really want to invest in some more of these light gun games on the PS2.

- I really don't have much negative to say about the game. The story isn't great, but who cares? It's an arcade game. I guess like with every arcade game you have to play through the stages multiple times to learn all the patterns, but again, that's the way arcade games work. That's really all I can think of.

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« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 10:06:44 am by telly »
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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #511 on: November 24, 2017, 10:54:23 am »
And that makes 32! Tender Loving Care is down! If you don't know Tender Loving Care, it's a FMV game from the 90s. The idea is that you're pretty much watching a movie, and between segments you will answer questions which the game will use to get an idea of your psyche and how your brain works. You then get different outcomes and endings based on these answers.

I found this game to be really enjoyable. It has that lovely appealing 90s aesthetic, the questions range from thought-provoking to downright funny in how ridiculous they can get, and the movie itself honestly I found to be really engaging and interesting. Do be warned, this game has a partial focus on adult content, so do prepare for that if you try this out. But otherwise, if it seems interesting to you, I would go for it. It's super cheap on sale right now too, so pick it up while you can!

Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Rivals of Aether
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Undertale
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Nekojishi
  • Tender Loving Care
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


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Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #512 on: November 24, 2017, 03:05:51 pm »
52 Games list
1.  Dragon Quest VII- 3DS
2.  Dragon Quest Builders- PS4- Done- Beat Main Story
3.  Hyper Light Drifter- PS4
4. Roller Coaster Tycoon- PC- Done- Beat all Original Scenarios
5.  Titanfall 2- Done- Beat Main Story on Normal
6.  Deus Ex Mankind Divided-Done- Beat Main Story on Normal, all Sidequests
7. Skies of Arcadia: Legends- GC- 5 hours in
8. Mirrors Edge: Catalyst- few hours in, game is pretty dull, probably won't finish this one
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt- PS4- Done- Beat main story-
10. Paper Mario- N64- 5 hours in
11. Zelda- Breath of the Wild- Switch- One Divine Beat down- 3 to go
12. The Witcher 3 DLC- Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine- Complete
13. Nier Automata- Beaten- Got all main endings A-E
14. Persona 5- PS4- 90 or so hours in
15. Red Faction- PS2- Beaten on Normal- Took me nearly 15 yrs after the fact but finally beat this game
16.  Gears of War: UE- XBONE- Beaten on Normal- Co-op-
17.  Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped- PS4 Beaten - 105% Plat trophy
18.  Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back- PS4 102% Plat trophy
19. Crash Bandicoot- 102%- Platinum Trophy
20.  Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- PS1 -- All endings- 196%+ map percentage
21. Axiom Verge- Vita- Beaten
22. Severed- Vita- Beaten 100%- Platinum Trophy
23.  Undertale-Vita-  Beat- Platinum Trophy
24.  Golf Story- Switch Beat Main Story
25.  Ys VIII- PS4- Beat game- true ending
26.  Metroid: Samus Returns- 3DS- Area 2
27.  Everybody's Golf- Beat Game, now for end game
28.  Steamworld Dig 2- Early game
29.  Shadow Complex- Close to end
30.  Super Mario Odyssey- Beat- 500 power moons
31.  Wolfenstein II- intro scene
32.  Horizon Zero Dawn- Beat Story, about 80% done
33.  Prey- 1 hr in
34.  2064 Read Only Memories- Chapter 2
35.  Battle Chef Brigade- Chapter 2

21/35- If I can get to 25 this year, I'll be happy.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #513 on: November 25, 2017, 12:36:21 am »
56 - Asura's Wrath - (360 2012) - BEAT - Been meaning to get to this game for a long time now and figured why not, I'll get it over with, despite everything I've heard, especially since I can grab it used for 5 bucks.  I don't remember the last time I've seen a game of such extremes, where its the best for it's cool designs and crazy, insane, absurd, action, but it's also the worst because it's kind of sloppy, the gameplay isn't good, and the presentation sucks.

I love how crazy this story is, it's peak anime only rivaled by like the end of Gurren Lagann.  Asura is the angriest, fightiest, punchiest, guy ever, and he's a great time.  Wondering how they were gonna go to a new level after every big moment kept me going in this.

On the other hand, it's basically "QTE: The Game".  Most of the games gameplay is designed around QTE cutscenes, which can work, it honestly doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but the games more proper gameplay, is so bland basic and this is coming from Capcom, who had made 4 Devil May Cry games before this.  It's a pretty poor action game, especially since the gameplay isn't really to win, it's just to build up your anger to hit your "Cutscene Trigger".  For some reason they also felt like presenting the game in this faux anime setup, complete with credits every chapter, commercial break in the middle, and an episode preview and it didn't need that.  All it needed was the mission complete screen and the illustrated interludes.  The game is also filled with moments of the framerate just dying, poor audio mixing where I could barely hear the voices over the music a lot of the time (saved by subtitles), and lacked some polish.

The greatest and most well known flaw of the game is how badly Capcom fucked up with the ending, literally hacking out the games ending and selling it as DLC.  Even right now on 360, it's 7 bucks for the final four episodes.  It's a real big middle finger to consumers especially with how they tease you by having the "True Episode 18" as a separate episode once you beat the game, so you play through the entire "Ending" again, no gameplay is different, just to get an altered two minutes of cutscene at the end.  I'm not buying it, nor am I grabbing the Oni and Ryu DLC, because screw that.  I knew it was coming and I was still super pissed off.  Capcom had a great idea and a super badass character and man they screwed it up so hard.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #514 on: November 27, 2017, 01:48:55 pm »
Results for 2017: 37 beaten, 9 tried and discarded.

Games beaten

01] The Evil Within 2 (PS4)
02] Resident Evil 4 HD (PS4)
03] Resident Evil 7: BioHazard (PS4)
04] Dark Souls II (PS4)
05] Resident Evil 5 HD (PS4)
06] Alienation (PS4)
07] Toukiden: Kiwami (PS4)
08] Dungeon Siege III (360)
09] Rage (360)
10] Insaniquarium! (PC)
11] Ants Warriors (Flash)
12] Shantae: Risky's Revenge (PS4)
13] Vagrant Story (PS1)
14] Dungeons III (PS4)
15] Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (PS4)
16] Stardew Valley (PS4)
17] Resident Evil: Revelations (PS4)
18] Earth's Dawn (PS4)
19] Steamworld Dig (PS4)
20] Astebreed (PS4)
21] The Sexy Brutale (PS4)
22] Dragon Quest Builders (PS4)
23] Mount & Blade: Warband (PS4) - replay (female character)
24] Empires & Dungeons 2: The Sultanate (PC)
25] Homefront: The Revolution (PS4)
26] Rescue Shot (PS1) - replay
27] This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4) - replay
28] Splatter Master (PS2) - Easy only (have never managed to beat higher difficulties)
29] Rebuild 2 (Flash)
30] Prey (PS4)
31] Wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap (PS4)
32] Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (PS4) - Wing Diver playthrough on normal difficulty
33] Abzû (PS4)
34] Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Seal (Vita)
35] Hey! Pikmin (3DS)
36] Dark Messiah: Might & Magic Elements (360)
37] Ninja Blade (360)

Games I tried, disliked then got rid of (and why)

01] Super Dungeon Bros. (PS4) Repetitive and difficulty-ramped to make up for lack of content, paid unlockables in plain sight. Shite.
02] Portal Knights (PS4) Minecraft with ultra-light RPG elements, designed for multiple players and aimed at kids, pretty much the opposite of what I'm looking for, nothing 'wrong' with it.
03] The Town of Light (PS4) Garbage walking-sim slapped together in Unity, has nothing to say and is a complete lightweight in terms of emotive story. Rubbish.
04] Vikings: Wolves of Midgard (PS4) Diablo clone, irritating difficulty spikes for the sake of it, very narrow equipment range, nice setting but just too boring after awhile.
05] Retro City Rampage (Vita) Couldn't get anywhere with this, felt so lightweight gameplay wise and the 'knowing' 'nods' to 'popular culture' were irritating as hell.
06] The Surge (PS4) Difficult for the sake of being difficult, no sense of progression, frustrating and confusing world layout, myriad technical faults, non-existent plot. Lacks polish.
07] Vs. (PS1) 1-on-1 fighting game, aged terribly, embarassing characters, no story mode. That'll be a nope.
08] Dungeons (PC) Bizarre first outing, more like a mixture of hoteliership and farming than being a dungeon master, no thanks.
09] Titan Quest (PC) Diablo clone, fine to a point but very repetitive and without Diablo's varied cast or massive amount of items, not as slick in gameplay either. Nah.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 05:56:53 pm by shfan »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #515 on: November 27, 2017, 02:57:38 pm »
Ten games left to meet my goal for the year.  Planning on knocking out #95 today.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #516 on: November 28, 2017, 09:40:23 am »
@shfan - Congrats on getting to the final chapter in Dungeon Travelers. The end is in sight! You got this.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #517 on: November 28, 2017, 10:17:38 am »
I know I'm well above the 52 game goal, but it's been almost a month since I last beat anything. I have been playing a lot of Breath of the Wild again recently, mostly just working towards 100%ing it, which does not go towards my games beat tally since I already beat Breath of the Wild earlier this year, but it would be nice to try and reach 80 games, or at least 75 since it is a nice number :p

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #518 on: November 29, 2017, 09:14:55 pm »
1. Super Mario 3D World
2. Dark Souls III
3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
4. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Dr. Mario
7. Nioh
8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
9. Wolfenstein: The New Order
10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
11. Tales from the Borderlands
12. Bloodborne (Childhood's Beginning)
13. Bloodborne (Yharnam Sunrise)
14. Fallout 4
15. Rocket League
16. Day of the Tentacle Remastered
17. Mega Man X
18. Lords of the Fallen
19. Resident Evil 4
20. Super Punch-Out!! This is not beaten yet, because it was way harder than I expected, and I say that as someone who has beaten the original a couple of times.
21. Super Mario Odyssey 999 Moons!.
22. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
23. Imperialism
24. Rebel Galaxy I’ve put in a couple of hours so far, and I don’t think I like it all that much.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 05:24:12 pm by Cartagia »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #519 on: November 30, 2017, 12:55:11 pm »
@shfan - Congrats on getting to the final chapter in Dungeon Travelers. The end is in sight! You got this.

Thank you!  :) It's only thanks to your info on the classes that I got this far at last, thanks very much!


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #520 on: November 30, 2017, 02:47:55 pm »
Reviews are now up for Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure and Azure Dreams!

@shfan - Congrats on getting to the final chapter in Dungeon Travelers. The end is in sight! You got this.

Thank you!  :) It's only thanks to your info on the classes that I got this far at last, thanks very much!

You're quite welcome! I'm glad that I was able to offer some help. I know firsthand that this can be a very challenging game.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #521 on: December 02, 2017, 02:50:28 pm »
Part 1 :,7980.msg133797.html#msg133797
Part 2 :,7980.msg140404.html#msg140404
Part 3 :,7980.msg143994.html#msg143994
Part 4 :,7980.msg145655.html#msg145655
Part 5 :,7980.msg146861.html#msg146861

105. Street Fighters Alpha: Warriors' Dream [18/30] - Arcade - I LOVE the Alpha serie, a lot of people tend to prefer Street Fighter 2 but I personally like the Alpha games way more! Graphically I just love the animated tv show style, it's just so much more unique and I think most of the characters look way better with this art style. I also love the new characters, I'm not a big fan of characters like E.Honda or Dhalsim so I wasn't really bothered by the lack of old characters. Charlie, Rose and Dan are just so badass (yes even Dan lol) and I love that they brought back Birdie and Adon from the original game! The gameplay is also way better, much more faster and the animation are just so much smoother!

106. The Walking Dead Season 2 [20/20] - Xbox One - The Walking Dead Season 1 was AMAZING, but ending the season with the death of the main and best character was a risk. However making Clementine the new protagonist was the best and most logical choice, and they successfully made another amazing season! I love how badass Clem has become, she's no longer that scared little girl, she took everything that Lee taught her and proved that age is just a number. I also loved the new characters, Rebecca started out as a bitch but ended up being a favorite of mine. I also liked Jane, I know a lot of people hate her and I'm glad I didn't choose her ending cause what she does in season 3 is insulting but I did like her tho. My favorite tho was Luke, I don't think you can not like Luke, he's just so sweet and his death was one of the saddest tbh. Also bringing back Kenny was the best thing ever, I was so happy to see a familiar face from season 1, I obviously chose his ending after trying to defend him during the whole season (#season1squadforever), and even tho he was a bit crazy he's still Kenny <3.

107. Battlefield 1 [17/20]- Xbox One - I've never played a battlefield game before except with friends a long time ago (and it was only online), so I was actually shocked at how good the campaign mode is! It's short but it leaves a strong message, and while the character development isn't strong, I still liked most of the soldiers! I especially liked the 5th war story with the aussie guy, I thought it was by far the best part of the game. It's also incredibly impressive when it comes to graphics! The prologue just blew me away! I don't usually play a lot of war themed fps because they're usually really similar but I really appreciated this game!

108. Until Dawn [20/20] - Playstation 4 - I love choice based story games so I had to play this one and I wasn't disappointed at all tbh! The story isn't the most original but it has some amazing plot twists and there are no boring parts which makes the game really fun to play. The choice in this game really matter, especially if you want to save everyone (which I wasn't able to do lol, Matt died, and Josh too but whatever for him lol), I wish the relationships "choices" would matter more but everything happens so fast in the game that it doesn't matter that much tbh. I liked most of the character, Ashley was the only one who I truly didn't like, Emily, Sam, Mike and Chris were my favorites. I also think that's it's one of the most stunning game ever made, especially the characters, they're really realistic and the attention to details is incredible.

109. Art of Fighting 3 [20/20] - Neo Geo - The first 2 Art of Fighting game are good, but this one is by far the best! A completely new roster (except for Ryo and Robert), with some amazing fighters who sadly (except for Kasumi) never made and appearance in other games =/. The gameplay is amazing, really fast and the animation are stunning! The stages are one of my favorites from any 2D fighting games, especially the western one! The whole vibe of this game is just amazing and it's imo one of the best SNK fighting game ever made!

110. Street Fighter Alpha 2 [18/20] - Arcade - This game is the game that introduced one of my all time favorite Street Fighting game character : Sakura. Her fighting style and her appearance has always been really iconic to me (I'd even say more iconic than Chun-Li tbh). But aside from introduced one of my favorite characters, this game also has amazing stages, "new characters" (at least new to the Alpha serie, except Rolento who's new to the Street Fighter serie being from Final Fight) and an amazing gameplay.

111. The Walking Dead Season 3 [20/20] - Xbox One - Introducing a completely new main character was a BIG risk but I think they pulled it of really well. The new characters were really interesting and it also allowed us to see how badass Clementine was on her own, for the first time she was the one helping you and not the one who was taken care of. The story was also once again amazing with some really difficult choices, + the Jesus cameo was the best thing ever. Graphically it's also a big upgrade, I liked the old art style but it was nice to see something new! I'm really excited for the next season tbh, and hopefully Javier will make an appearance because he really grew on me!

112. The Walking Dead Michonne [20/20] - Xbox One - Michonne is one of my favorite female character from TWD, and making a telltale game about her was just the best thing ever tbh. It is shorter than the main game but the story and characters were still really interesting. I'd say the villains were even better than the one in the main game tbh, killing Norma and her brother (Randall?) was such a great karma feeling tbh. I guess Michonne here was more based on her comics version since she had two daughters instead of a son but I still liked her a lot, and it was great to know more about her story before meeting Rick's group. (Btw I remember writing in my Season 1 "review" that I didn't know anything about TWD, well that changed since I binged watched the seasons right after playing the games lol)

113. Xenoblade Chronicles X [19/20] - Wii U - Xenoblade Chronicles X was one of the main reason why I wanted a Wii U, and after playing it I can say that it was definitely a game worth buying a console! First of all the game is stunning, the Wii U might not equal the PS4 and Xbox One but it still managed to have some really stunning game, this one probably being one of the best looking imo. While it might lack some details, everything is just so big and fun to explore that you forget about the few ugly textures. I also loved the gameplay, the fighting system was really cool, but some boss can get really tough! I also really liked the story, it takes a while to get into but after the first major plot twist it just keeps being more and more intriguing! My main issue with the game is the lack of memorable characters, Lin and Tatsu were the stars of the game tbh but even them weren't that incredible. I really wish our character had a voice, or at least more dialogue choices.

114. Dead Rising 3 [18/20] - Xbox One - This was the first Dead Rising game I've ever played, I actually played it because I was planning to buy the 4th game but I wasn't sure if I'd care about the serie and tbh it ended being a really cool surprise. The game is really arcade-ish with a lot of gore and fun weapons. Everything is just so fun in this game, in a way it kinda reminded me of Saints Row because of how the game takes nothing seriously. Nick was also a really cool protagonist, and while the story wasn't that intriguing it was still alright. I didn't do a lot of side missions since they were pretty basic, but I did like the fact that some of the people you helped would stick with you to help you!

115. The King of Fighters 96' [18/20] - Arcade - A big step up from the previous game! While they didn't put back my favorite team, the new characters are just AMAZING! Wolfgang, Geese, Kasumi, Mature... so many iconic characters added to the roster! The stages are stunning like usually, I especially loved Osaka! I didn't really notice a big change in the graphics or gameplay tho, it's pretty similar with a few new things here and there.

116. Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha [17/20] - Playstation 1 - The EX franchise is by far the most underrated franchise from the Street Fighter serie imo. The first isn't the best from the serie but it's still a really solid fighting game imo. It's pretty average graphically especially compared to other fighting games like Tekken 2 which is way better looking imo, but it's still alright. The best thing about this game imo is the Arika characters, I like the weirdness about them, especially characters like Skullomania and the Cycloyds. The music is also really awesome especially the one from Sakura's stage! The game plays well, the animations are good and they were able to keep the SF character's moveset pretty similar to their originals.

117. Real Bout Fatal Fury Special [20/20] - Neo Geo - Real Bout Fatal Fury was an excellent game, but Special is perfect. The roster is amazing, the stages are amazing, the soundtrack is amazing but what's even more amazing is the gameplay that has been perfected throughout all the previous games and that has now become untouchable. It's fast, the moves are fluid and really well animated and just the whole vibe of the fights makes the game one of the best from the serie!

118. Street Fighter Alpha 3 [19/20] - Arcade/Playstation 1 - I've played two versions of the game because of the roster differences, but my main opinion wil be about the arcade version since it's the one I played the most. First I have to say that this is by far the best Alpha game of the serie. The expanded roster is amazing, so many cool characters have been added that I wish would've made more appearances in later games. The game is also beautiful, I still think that the Alpha serie has one of the best art style from the 2D SF games. The PS1 port is also pretty nice looking, and the bonus characters make it a version definitely worth to play!

119. The Last of Us [20/20] - Playstation 3 - This was my second time beating this legendary game and it's honestly even better than I remembered. The game has graphically aged incredibly well, the lighting in this game is so stunning and all the small details makes it probably the best looking PS3 game of all time. I also adore the gameplay, the shooting and fighting moments are so intense especially against the zombies (still have nightmares about those fuckin clickers and those beasts who throw poison at you lol). But what makes this game so amazing is obviously the story and the characters. I truly felt all types of emotions during this game, some moments are really heartbreaking. Joel and Ellie are both one of my favorite characters ever and I honestly can't wait to see them again in the second game!

120. Gears of War Ultimate Edition [19/20] - Xbox One -I always thought that for some reason the Gears of War games would be a serie that I'd find pretty boring, however I know that it's a very liked serie so I thought I'd try it to finally know what it's all about and I was really nicely surprised! I was planning on playing the entire serie however I'll probably do that next year since I have to many other games I want to play right now, but after finishing this first game I definitely wanted to continue with the second one! The story is pretty basic but the characters are awesome! I love the dialogues between them, it's definitely what makes the game go from a basic shooting game to a really interesting game! Graphically the game is also stunning, they made a really good job with this remaster because it honestly looks like it could've been an Xbox One game!

121. The Last of Us Left Behind [20/20] - Playstation 3 - I played this right after finishing the main game however this was my first time actually playing the DLC! While it's pretty short they still managed to make the story really emotional an introduce a really cool "new" character! I loved seeing Ellie interact with someone her age, it showed a different side of her that was even more funny than usual! I also loved all the interaction between her and Riley, while the "past" moment didn't have any fighting, they were still really interesting because of the dialogue and fun interactions with all the objects! It's definitely a DLC worth playing if you loved the main game (and only if you played the game tbh).

122. The King of Fighters 97' [18/20] - Arcade - This game introduced one of my favorite KOF team, the New Faces Team and just for that it's one of my favorite! Not only that but also the new Special Team from Fatal Fury adding Yamazaki, one of my favorite Fatal Fury character! I do have to say that this KOF game has probably my least favorite stages from any of the KOF game, none of them are bad I just don't think any of them stand out that much. But it's still and incredibly solid fighting game that I really enjoyed!

123. Amped 2 [20/20] - Xbox - Amped 2 is definitely one of my favorite snowboarding game! The gameplay make it a big stand out when you compared it to the other snowboarding games from the 6th generation. It's the most realistic and I can totally see that it influenced other games like Skate or Steep! Graphically it's also stunning, I also love the different type of moutains, there's multiples peak for each of them and the game will definitely last long before getting boring! It's definitely an exclusive worth getting an Xbox imo.

124. Life is Strange : Before the Storm [20/20] - Playstation 4 - I'm huge fan of the previous game, so when I heard they'd make a spin off with Chloe I was really excited, especially since she was the better character imo. I absolutely loved Before the Storm, learning more about Chloe and especially Rachel was something I was really looking forward and it didn't disappoint! Rachel is an excellent character, and knowing what's waiting for her makes the game even more sad, especially the final scene! My only issue is that I think it should've been a 5 episode game since the ending felt a bit rushed, but I still loved every second of the game, the story was amazing with a lot of plot twists! Graphically the game is also stunning, the art style is just so unique and the atmosphere in the game is really something special.

125. Street Fighter Ex 2 Plus [17/20] - Playstation 1 - A very good sequel imo, the graphics are improved, a lot more details on the fighters, the gameplay is also slightly better, the moves a more fluid and the animations are just overall better looking. I also like the new character a lot, especially Area who's probably my favorite EX character! Howeve, even tho the game is technically better, I do slightly prefer the first one which has better music and stages imo.

126. SSX [18/20] - Playstation 2 - First ever SSX! What a good first game tbh, while pretty basic compared to some of the sequels, it still holds up well today! The characters are super fun, the stages are amazing and even the graphics are pretty good! Of course the best thing about the SSX games is the gameplay, while this first game doesn't have the tricky tricks yet, it still has an enjoyable gameplay! It is definitely harder to have a high score in this game, mostly because of the tricky tricks not being there, but also because you have to land a lot more precisely than in the future games, but that's what's make this game unique imo.

127. SSX Blur [16/20] - Wii - Imo the worst SSX game of the serie, it isn't a bad game at all however compared to the other games it lacks definitely something. The peaks aren't really standing out compared to some in other games of the franchise, and I probably won't remember any of them in a few weeks. The gameplay is also really frustrating, especially because you have to use the nunchuk to control your rider and not the joystick. It is however a fun game, and while it has it's issues it's still a solid game worth getting if you have a Wii. It also has pretty nice graphics, a bid more childish for some reasons compared to the other SSX games.

128. Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder [20/20] - Playstation 2 - I absolutely ADORE this game! I'm a huge fan of the Tony Hawk games, and this game definitely feels like one. The gameplay, the levels, the music... everything is so good in this game! It is a bit harder that a Tony Hawk game, you have to be really precise with your tricks and your runs to complete objectives, but the more realistic gameplay (compared to SSX) totally fits with the punk/skate vibes of the game.

129. SSX [19/20] - Xbox 360 - Love this game! The last SSX and the only one that's not from the 6th generation! The game is truly beautiful, so many different types of mountains and the animations are also really cool. I love the gameplay, it's the easiest SSX to play imo, you will rarely fall, however I do think that some maps are extremely annoying because of all the gimmicks they tried to put it. So you will never fuck up a trick but you will fall off the mountain a good amount of times. But there is a lot of maps so at the end of the day it isn't that big of an issue. I'm also glad they kept the characters, also adding some cool new ones! I'm still missing some of the original SSX and tricky characters tho. Overall it's an excellent game, definitely get it if you're a fan of the serie, or just snowboarding in general.

130. SSX On Tour [20/20] - Playstation 2 - My second favorite SSX after SSX 3. I used to have this game as a kid with SSX 3 and I played them for hours! The mountain in this game is amazing tbh, so much diversity from forrest to city and you can go from the top all the way to the bottom in one run! I also love that they added people skiing and snowboarding with you, even kids! It just makes the game feel so much more alive. It's also the first game that introduced skiing and it's honestly just as much fun a the snowboard! It's imo the most underrated SSX of the serie, people tend to like SSX 3 and tricky a lot but often forget about this one which is a shame.

131. Steep [20/20] - Xbox One - This game is really special to me because it's the first current gen game I've ever played! I remember watching videos of this game and being so impressed by how beautiful it was! And even after a year of playing a lot of current gen games I still think that Steep is absolutely stunning! The snow, the lighting, everything! There's something really relaxing to this game making it really different from all the arcade type of snow games! I see a lot of Amped influence tbh, but with even less arcade type of gameplay. This game is really just about discover the best sport in the mountain and just have a good time. The music is also amazing and totally fitting.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 02:02:11 pm by chrismb »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #522 on: December 06, 2017, 01:41:10 pm »
97 games beat.  7 games left to meet my goal.

Getting really down to the wire here.

Working on Sniper Elite V2 and Metroid: Samus Returns.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #523 on: December 07, 2017, 04:16:05 am »
Prey on PS4 beat, brings me up to 30, what a game  :o  Wasn't expecting anything like the quality, BioShock and Dead Space in a sordid union with the quality of both.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #524 on: December 11, 2017, 03:19:07 pm »
33 down! I always said that as soon as either Smash Bros. or Bayonetta was coming I would get a Switch. Well, Bayonetta is coming, so I got my Switch! And along with it I have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Mario Odyssey, which can now consider itself beaten! It has already often been hailed as the greatest Mario of all time, so do I agree with that?

Well, objectively, it may very well be. The game is fantastic. You all knew this, and it's true. It's absolutely fantastic. I don't have much to say apart from that it's great. I love the capture mechanic; it adds tons of new variety and interesting gameplay options to the game to really switch things up compared to its predecessors. Especially as someone that had always loved the enemies in Mario games it's a blast. I love the worlds and moon system too. It makes the game much more replayable, and it makes getting to 100% much more fun and tempting compared to previous titles. Everything about it is fantastic. If you're a Mario fan you owe it to yourself to play Odyssey.

But is is the best Mario? Objectively, it most likely is. However, in my heart it can't overshine Galaxy that easily. I fully admit that is mostly nostalgia speaking. Super Mario Galaxy blew me away as a kid, and that fondness isn't overshadowed easily. However, that doesn't take away from the amazingness that is Super Mario Odyssey, and it probably will still go down as one of the best Mario games ever. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more people to bother in New Donk City.

So that puts me at 33!
Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Rivals of Aether
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Undertale
  • Metroid Fusion
  • Nekojishi
  • Tender Loving Care
  • Super Mario Odyssey
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.