Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2018  (Read 55978 times)


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2018, 09:25:41 am »
5. Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (PS4)

I never got round to playing this last generation, and picked it up brand new for £5 in the discount bin of our local supermarket.

It took me about 8 hours to beat, and largely was a lot of mindless fun. It's a linear, over-the-top first person shooter with the main draw being the use of skillshots to gun down hordes of enemies in a variety of gruesome ways. You can get quite creative with your killing here!

In large parts, the game seemed to be a parody of itself and was actually quite funny I thought.

The cartoony style means the remastered graphics look pretty great during actual gameplay.  The game was marginally buggy in the cutscenes, but didn't bother me. I was very bothered however by the poor face animations during the cutscenes, especially around the mouth...really very odd looking.

The plot was a predictable revenge story...utter nonsense, but easy to follow.

I'd recommend it if you fancy a fun & furious, relatively short first person shooter.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 09:34:38 am by arkaneer »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #76 on: February 15, 2018, 01:29:06 pm »
Game 7!
  • Het Huis Anubis: Het Geheim van Osiris (The House of Anubis: The Secret of Osiris)
All right, some background info. This is a point-and-click (erm, touch?) adventure game based on the 2006 Dutch/Flemish hit tv show Het Huis Anubis (The House of Anubis). This show was a massive succes in the Benelux region, and of course, with big success comes DS shovelware games. The show did get an American remake, but this title was naturally released exclusively in Dutch speaking regions (unless the German game based on the German remake of this show is identical, but I have no idea about that).

So regardless of the source material, how's the game? Eh.
It's not bad, but it's very mediocre. I get it can't be too difficult since it's aimed at a younger audience, but for an adult audience it's not too challenging. You find an item, solve a simple riddle, and then right after use this item to move ahead. And these riddles are all puzzles you've done or heard of before. You're not here for the gameplay.

But the story is every bit as disappointing. The one thing that licensed games always need to do is be faithful to the source material, and sadly this game fails. It's an original story that, apart from the Egyptian theming, has nothing to do with the story from the series. None of the characters from the show show up apart from one you choose that has a few lines, and it doesn't even take place in the titular House of Anubis! Instead a part of the title takes place in the House of Osiris, which does not exist in the show at all. It's very clear the House of Osiris is meant to resemble the House of Anubis as much as possible, complete with an old creepy landlord, so it's quite baffling to me why they couldn't base the game in the titular House of Anubis. The building is recognisable, and its layout from the show is perfect for this type of game.

Now it wouldn't be a huge deal that the game has an original story if this story was interesting, but it isn't. It's kind of bland and not elaborate enough. For example, the general idea is that either Nienke or Fabian, a main character from the show you can choose, tasks you with finding an old archeologist. Meanwhile you meet the ghost of Osiris who wants you to free his son. All right, but how are the main cast involved with this story? What's the story behind this archeologist? What are they looking for? How did he get the artifacts he has? What happened to Osiris? And what happened to his son? Why is there a ghost from the show crying without any relevance to the plot? What happened to all the characters after the game's events? What's the deal with the House of Osiris? Tons of questions that are never answered. The story is nothing but a backdrop to get you from puzzle to puzzle.

Now, despite everything in the game being bad, the game is not the worst. It's playable, and for the 1,5 hours it lasts I can see younger fans of the show enjoying it for what it is. It's very mediocre and if you're not a fan of the show it's not even worth a look. It's a shame. I knew it would be bad (Studio 100 has never made a good game as far as I know), but I'm a fan of the show, so at the very least I was hoping for some fan service. But apart from a drawing that barely resemble Nienke, the theme song playing a few times and the logo everywhere, it's just nothing. It's sad, but there are probably flash games out there that offer a better point-and-click experience than this. Nothing to see here folks.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #77 on: February 15, 2018, 11:42:35 pm »
First game done!  :-[

Game 1 - Castlevania: Dracula X (3DS) - 9 Hours

This is the third Castlevania game I've played (SotN and IV being the other two), and this is closest to traditional Castlevania that I've gotten so far. It's pretty good! Good gameplay, good music (though there's a lot of recycled tracks), and really good challenge in the stages and bosses. However, the final boss was a little too tough, took me a solid 30 tries to beat him.

I'll probably replay Super Castlevania IV since I never beat it.

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« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 11:53:39 pm by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #78 on: February 17, 2018, 12:16:53 pm »
And game 8 is done!
  • Bayonetta (Switch)
This would be the fourth time I've bought this game and I've lost count of how many times I've played through it. I just love this game! This would be my second favourite game of all time if Bayonetta 2 didn't exist. I don't even know what to say about this game that I haven't said before. Everything about this game is fantastic. It's without a doubt one of the best action hack-and-slash games on the market. I would tell you to buy Bayonetta 2 (and seeing how you get both when you buy it for Switch you absolutely should), but if you're not sure whether or not you'll like it then I highly recommend you pick this one up, since it's criminally cheap on its own for how fantastic it is. If you've never played Bayonetta, please, do yourself a favour and play it. You will not regret it.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2018, 12:13:45 pm »
Well I'm on track for the year so far, mostly because I've been playing a lot of shooters recently as part of refining my top shmups list that I've contributing to another site right now. This one made the list (towards the bottom, but still).

8. Muchi Muchi Pork (360): It's too bad the balancing and controls of this game couldn't rub off on other Cave titles or else I might obsess over Cave like so many other fans of SHMUPs do. This game plays wonderfully and has an excellent balance of projectiles and your ability to dodge them throughout the entire game. The game looks great overall and has a very Japanese feel to it in the sense that there are a lot of random, cutesy, and busty elements to it that give it that distinct Japanese asthetic. While there are definitely shooters that are better than it, Muchi Muchi Pork is definitely one worth checking out if you're into games like this. (2/18/18) [35/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2018, 02:52:48 pm »
Game 9!
  • Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
Tied with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U for my favourite game of all time. Seriously, if you're even remotely interested in the action or hack-and-slash genre, this game is a must-play. It is absolutely the highlight of its genre, a truly fantastic game in every single way. Am I fanboying? Probably, but I don't care. I love this game to death, and there's nothing I can say apart from just play it. The combat, the gameplay, the controls, the characters, the graphics, the music, it's all just top-notch! I can keep on hailing praise on this game for hours, but long story short, if you are looking for any game at all to play I could not recommend this one more. Do yourself a favour and play it!
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #81 on: February 19, 2018, 03:03:01 pm »
6. Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)

This was my first time playing this game and it's easy to see why it is held in such high regard, although it was mixed bag for me.

On the very positive side, this remaster looks absolutely beautiful, especially the environments. The music is fantastic, I am not sure if it differs from the original at all. I really liked the story, with parts of it being open to interpretation by the player. It really must have been a unique experience when it launched.

My biggest gripe with the game was actually the horse! The game took me 7 hours and I'm sure two hours of that was wrestling with the controls for that bastard. It got better as I got used to it, but I know this was a common complaint of the original game, and I don't know why they didn't deal with it here.

The other issue I personally had with the game, was that it is in large part a problem solving game. This is my issue, not the game, as I am a bit useless and impatient when it comes to puzzles in games. I will try once or twice to work out the mechanic required, and then reach for a guide. I would say I only really downed half of the colossi by my own ingenuity. Other people will love this part of the game, just not me!

I'm glad I played it overall if only for the world building and story, but I wasn't as blown away as I was hoping.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 06:02:18 am by arkaneer »


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2018, 03:06:21 pm »
Game 9!
  • Bayonetta 2 (Switch)
Tied with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U for my favourite game of all time. Seriously, if you're even remotely interested in the action or hack-and-slash genre, this game is a must-play. It is absolutely the highlight of its genre, a truly fantastic game in every single way. Am I fanboying? Probably, but I don't care. I love this game to death, and there's nothing I can say apart from just play it. The combat, the gameplay, the controls, the characters, the graphics, the music, it's all just top-notch! I can keep on hailing praise on this game for hours, but long story short, if you are looking for any game at all to play I could not recommend this one more. Do yourself a favour and play it!

Amen to that...Bayonetta 2 is my absolute favourite game of all time. I have never laughed, hooped or hollered so much in my life as I did when playing that game! Man I need to get a Switch now!


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #83 on: February 21, 2018, 06:16:58 am »
7. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PS4)

I haven't played a CoD game in a few years, but I picked this up for a £5 as I had read the campaign was quite enjoyable.

It's a decent guns and space rump over 8 hours, with the standard CoD set pieces forming the most memorable bits. There is a fair bit of spaceship battling thrown into the mix as well.

The characters are quite boring and generic...they bought Kit Harrington in to voice the baddie, but he must have knocked his few lines out in under an hour, he's hardly in it!

Graphically it looks as good as you'd expect given the budget, but the art direction was a bit bland.

I haven't tried the multiplayer as it doesn't interest me.

One of those games that kills a bit of time, but I'll have forgotten entirely within a few months.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #84 on: February 21, 2018, 06:54:37 am »
I feel like Monster Hunter World has ruined games lately for me.  I was so obsessed with it, that now I look at some of the stuff I have to play, like Tales of Berseria and I go "Well, the gameplay and action isn't nearly as satisfying as MHW, maybe I should hop back into MHW to farm some monsters to try and get some new armor sets".  I've had no drive to go and play the other games I've been meaning to play lol Think I'm sticking with MonHun mostly till either Attack on Titan 2 or Farcry 5 come out.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2018, 02:17:15 pm »
Part 1 :,8821.msg149037.html#msg149037
Part 2 :,8821.msg149778.html#msg149778

33. Uncharted 4: A thief's end [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Probably the most beautiful game ever made up to this day imo. Everything is stunning, the animations, the locations, the characters (who are by far the most realistic looking video game characters I've ever seen)... Everything is just so detailed!
- Amazing story! We get to know more about Nate's past, especially with the introduction of Sam, but we also get a really satisfying ending imo. The story is full of chocking revelations and also has probably the most annoying villain from the serie (but I kinda feel like every villain from Uncharted is the most annoying so... lol).
- Once again amazing acting and voice acting. The dialogues are also super funny!
- Amazing characters! I mean, it's uncharted so of course one of the best asset of the game is it's characters! I wish Chloe, Cutter or even Marisa made an appearance but I think they did a really good job with separating the time you spend with each characters.
- Amazing gameplay, everything is more fluid and polished with some new additions.
- Overall just a masterpiece, definitely worth getting a PS4 just for this game tbh.

34. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Graphically STUNNING, especially when you consider it being an Indie game! The graphics are definitely one of the game's biggest asset!
- An incredible story! While the "base" story isn't that crazy original, it's the way it's told, through a character who is controlled by the "darkness" (which of course is representing mental illness) that makes it a really unique experience.
- Good gameplay! I loved the puzzle solving and I thought the fighting was also really good.
- A really stressful atmosphere, while the game isn't scary, there is something that makes you slightly uncomfortable when you play it but like in a good way. One thing I realized is that when I started playing the voices were freaking me out and made me super stressed, but at the end of the game they were almost like reassuring because it made me feel like I wasn't alone (I mean Senua wasn't alone but you get what i'm saying lol, it's always better to have a companion in a stressful game).
- Amazing acting and music!
- The levels are a little bit too closed, like sometimes it would be so much easier if you coud just climb up the rock instead of having to find a way to go around it but I guess that's probably because it's an indie game and they just didn't have the budget to add these type of stuffs in the gameplay.

35. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers [20/20] - Switch -
- Definitely the best version of Street Fighter II, it has both the original version and the new version.
- The new version looks STUNNING, it reminded me so much of cartoons I used to watch as a kid tbh. Reminded me a lot of Skullgirls actually, which is one of my favorite fighting game.
- Amazing music and also new sound effect AND the biggest plus for me, they took out the elephant noise in the Dhalsim stage, fr you don't know how much I hate that noise lol it annoyed me so much in the OG version.
- Amazing gameplay, I mean nothing knew but it's still good.
- You can change the colors of the characters outfits, I personally didn't care about this feature but it's still a cool addition.
- Not of a fan of the side backscreen in the og version, it's hard to explain but if you played the game you know what I mean ^^ It's just really distracting.
- I guess the new version isn't really a "new" version since it came out in 2010 or something but I honestly don't care about that ^^ I just thought I had to point it out for those who'd care.

36. The King of Fighters 2003 [18/20] - Arcade -
- A huge improvement from the previous game, everything is better tbh.
- Pretty good looking tbh, the characters look really good and Idk what it is about Athena that SNK loves so much but she got her like 10th upgrade since the first game lol.
- Better gameplay, I definitely felt a huge improvement when it came to gameplay! Faster and just overall more enjoyable.
- A good roster with interesting new characters, especially Malin, Shen Woo and Tizoc from GMOTW.
- Some really good levels but I do think that it's still not as good as the ones in the 97-2000 area. A big improvement tho so it's not like a huge negative ^^

37. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Amazing graphics, obviously since the game is made with the same engine that Uncharted 4 was made with. The locations aren't as diverse as in the usual Uncharted but this game is only a standalone expansion so it's still pretty good, and everything is just so stunning that you really can't complain.
- Amazing characters! Chloe and Nadine are two badass females and I absolutely loved playing with them (or more playing with Chloe and having Nadine by my side haha). Chloe was already one of my favorite character from the Uncharted serie and Nadine was a character with a lot of potential since she was introduced as a villain but she clearly wasn't really one, so I'm glad we were able to see more of her. Their relationship going from business partners to friends was really awesome to watch, and I also really like the Sam cameo at the end, he added the Drake humor to this game and I thought he was even funnier here than in Uncharted 4.
- An overall really good story, it reminded me a lot of Uncharted 1 or Golden Abyss.
- A good villain, maybe my favorite from the serie tbh.

38. NBA Live 2001 [15/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Graphically it's pretty nice, obviously it's the first PS2 NBA game so it's not perfect but I thought it was alright.
- Pretty good gameplay, needs a lot of polishing but it's a great base.
- Loved having the Historic players, something that the newer lives doesn't have smh.
- No 2K like camera angle, obviously since 2K wasn't really a thing back then, but it's just a lot harder for me to play a Basketball game with a sideline angle when i'm so used to a baseline one.
- Overall just aged a lot, not necessarily badly, but it's clear that it's an older game that was laying up the base for the next games.

39. Assassin's Creed Revelations [20/20] - Xbox 360 -
- Graphically once again amazing and even better looking than the previous one! The characters once again look better and Constantinople is STUNNING! At first it kinda threw me off being in such a different city, but I quickly fell in  love with it and it's now my second favorite city from the Ezio trilogy after Venise!
- A good story with an even more mature Ezio. I did miss the old characters, especially Leonardo but is loved Sofia and her relationship with Ezio! It just felt really genuine and natural. The ending was a bit brusque, like idk I expected to see what became of Ezio and especially of him and Sofia (I had to wiki it to find out that he did marry Sofia so I was happy about that haha).
- We also got to see more of Altair, I finally can say that he did have some sort of personality, plus we get to see how important he is in the Assassin's community. His death was also really sad and heroic in a way. He dedicated his life to the brotherhood and he died doing it.
- The hookblade is a LIFE SAVER! I loved that addition.
- I hated the part in that underground city, thank god it was only 1 sequence but I was just rally over leaving Constantinople especially since I thought i'd never come back lol.
- Ok I might be dumb but at the beginning of the game we have a mission where we have to secure the area, placing snips and shit and walls to protect it from the ennemi. I liked that mission. It was also the only time in the game where I ever did that type of mission lol. I'm pretty sure the other similar missions were side quest but it seemed like such a big part of the game, like a whole new game style that I thought we would see it again in a main quest, but no. I never really bothered with the AC side quests, mostly because I forget then since i'm so into the main quest.
- The game is a bit short, at least the main quest.

40. Mafia III [20/20] - Xbox One -
- A really good story, the beginning is honestly heartbreaking! The story feels realistic and not over the top. It also makes you realize a lot of things about racism in the 60's, some scenes are really brutal but definitely needed to make the message come across better. I also loved that we can choose between multiple endings.
- Graphically it's stunning! While the characters aren't the best I've seen and the animations sometimes feel a little stiff, New Bordeaux is just mind blowing and totally make elevates the game from a normal open world to a really good game! Each part of the city feels completely different and all the little details makes this city one of my favorite from any games I've played!
- Great gameplay. The sensation when you shoot someone is really realistic, like idk how to explain it but you really feel like you just done shot someone lol.
- Amazing characters, I honestly loved all of them!
- Great music!
- Pretty repetitive missions. Like it's always the same thing again and again.
- The money management is DUMB.
- The side quest are also pretty repetitive and boring.

41. The Order: 1886 [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Graphically it's one of the most stunning looking game I've ever seen. It honestly feels like you're watching a movie and not playing a game! Some of the scenes were really impressive, the one in the plane (if it was a plane lol) for example.
- A really good story, because of the bad reviews I expected something way worse but I actually adored it!
- Loved the characters, especially Gray, Marquis and Lakshmi! The dialogues and voice acting were really solid.
- The ending, lmao wtf. I red previously that the ending was shitty but damn I didn't expect such a brutal one. I wanted to know what happens between Gray and Lakshmi, and what happened with Isi, especially since she became a hateable  cunt at the end. The fact that there will probably never be a sequel makes the ending even worse.

42. Grand Theft Auto III [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Graphically it's pretty impressive for a game that came out in 2001, especially the huge city! It's also a huge change from the first two game, and definitely paved the way for all the other open world GTA like games that came after.
- A good story with great characters! The dialogues are funny as hell and the voice acting is AMAZING.
- A huge number of diverse missions!
- Cool music, it took me a little time to appreciate it but at the end of the game I was in love.
- Overall the game just has a really cool vibe, it's the type of game that has it's issues but you can't help but love it for how iconic it is.
- I hate that you can't move the camera, also the shooting is not really great.
- Claude doesn't speak, you don't even know his name in the game. I'm really not a fan of mute protagonists.
- Some missions are really hard and what makes them even more annoying is that you have to go back to the starting point of the mission to start it again instead of just being able to retry it right away.
- No map. You honestly don't realize how important a map is until you don't have one lol

43. NBA Street Vol.3 [20/20] - Gamecube -
- A slight graphical improvement with amazing courts!
- New body types! I loved playing with kids or fat players haha
- Dunk contest! It's a really really cool addition tbh.
- Amazing gameplay, nothing really new but it didn't really need to be changed in the first place.
- Amazing music.
- Bonafide still trash. And where tf is my boy Drake? Also no secret teams.

44. Assassin's Creed III [20/20] - Xbox 360 -
- Graphically once again the game is stunning! Revelations was already stunning but III feels like a totally new engine! The animations are a lot more realistic and fluid, and the locations are just STUNNING! I especially loved Boston! The characters also looked even better.
- A really good story! You start with Haytham thinking that he's the hero only to find out that he's a Templar! I think the whole story was just really well written and interesting.
- Amazing characters! I know a lot of people will disagree but I actually thought that Connor was an amazing character. Was he as good as Ezio? no obviously, but Ezio had 3 games where you basically see him going from a 19 yo to a 50 yo assassin master. Connor is similar to Ezio in a lot of ways but he's also really different, he's a lot more impulsive and want to go straight to the point. Connor doesn't have any family left, except his dad who's basically the one who killed his family (even tho he swears he didn't, which might be true). Haytham is another amazing character, while he's a Templar and has some really bad qualities, he's also a really complex character who's not a villain just to be a villain. He's likable and charismatic, and the small time he spent with Connor showed that they could've made a really good team.
- The fighting is a LOT better than in the previous games.
- That might be silly, but you can't steal money lol.
- One of the 'biggest" addition to the game was that you could climb trees. I probably did it like 5 times during the entire game lol. I feel like there is just not enough climbable trees. However i didn't do the hunting missions, had I done them I would've probably used this addition a lot more.

45. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Better graphics and an amazing open world! I just adore the 80's Miami neon vibes of Vice City! It's so different from Liberty City which was a lot darker and serious.
- A lot of fun and varied missions! What I love about GTA is that rockstar puts just as much effort into the side missions as they do into the main missions.
- Amazing characters! My main issue with GTA III was Claude being silent, so having Tommy in this game is definitely a huge +! And overall all the characters are just really fun and charismatic.
- Good music!
- Really good voice acting!
- The gameplay has aged a bit, not as bad as GTA III tho but some missions are really a struggle.
- I didn't find the main story particularly interesting.

46. Skate [17/20] - Xbox 360 -
- Amazing gameplay! The more realistic type of gameplay really made this game a huge stand out compared to other skating games! It's really just so much fun, might be a little weird at first if you're used to the Tony Hawk's games tho.
- Good graphics. The more realistic type of graphics fit really well with the gameplay, and I also think that the game has aged quite well, even today it's still beautiful.
- Overall just a never ending experience, like you can complete the challenges and everything but that's not the real fun part of the game, the real fun is just skating around and finding the right spot!
- You can't take of your board. That's by far the most annoying thing in the game since you will often want to skate a spot but you won't be able to get to it because of stairs =/
- The city is definitely my least favorite out of the 3 games. I just feel like it's really hard to find a good spot to skate, there are that many skateparks and the funnest one are the one you unlock at the end of the game.

47. KOF: Maximum Impact [16/20] - Playstation 2 -
- While the game isn't the best looking fighting game of the the generation, it's still nice to see the KOF fighters in 3D and I think they did a pretty good job with the animations too.
- Good Music!
- Good gameplay, feels a bit different from the 2D games obviously but it's really enjoyable.
- A cool roster with some really good new characters!
- Not a big fan of the arena's, found them pretty boring.
- It takes to much time to die like that life bar just doesn't want to empty lol

48. Skate 2 [20/20] - Xbox 360 -
- Amazing gameplay! It's the same as the first games except with new tricks and you can finally take of your board!
- An AMAZING city! My main issue with the first game was how hard it was to find a cool spot to skate, in this game however you can't go anywhere without finding an amazing spot every two seconds. It's a really realistic city with a lot of diverse areas and it's honestly just so much fun to skate around!
- You can be a girl. A lot of people don't really care about that but I think it's always cool to have the choice.
- Graphically it's really beautiful, even today it still looks amazing!
- The controls when you take off your board are GARBAGE. Still better then not being able to get of your skate but damn your character is a slow motherfucker.

49. Assassin's Creed III: Liberation HD [20/20] - PC -
- Graphically the game looks stunning, especially for an HD port of a Vita game! The faces don't look as good as the previous game obviously (still good tho) but I was honestly shocked at how good the game actually looks like!
- A great Assassin! First female assassin and I honestly really enjoyed Aveline! I loved being able to change between her 3 personas, I thought that was a really cool feature.
- Good gameplay, mostly the same as ASIII with a few new things.
- A good story, the villain was also pretty surprising! It's not as elaborated as ASIII but you have to keep into consideration that this is originally a Vita game.
- Overall just a really underrated game that I feel like a lot of fans haven't played and definitely should.
- The voice acting was...interesting. Aveline's voice is the best one and the only one that I would consider on the same level as the previous character's voices. The guy who's helping, I don't remember the name but he's always in blue, has the weirdest voice ever! He has the softest voice but looks like he's in his late 30's lol.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 09:36:22 pm by chrismb »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2018, 10:42:21 pm »
This is the first of several games I'm in the process of replaying that currently rank as the best games I've ever played. I am re-evaluating my top games in light of the fact that many of them I haven't played and/or beat in over a decade, and also I've played many excellent games since. I'm not sure if MvC2 will make the cut in terms of remaining in my top 10, but it is still a damn fun fighting game and one I will always love.

14. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Dreamcast): MvC2 is an example of a game that could have only happened in the late 90s when developers could get away with putting so many awesome and interesting characters together in one of the most over the top, fun and addictive fighting games to ever be released. While the intoxicating effect this game once had on me has faded a little, it still stands as one of the best fighting games I've ever played, maybe the greatest. On top of that this game is one of the most nostalgic I can play these days given how much I played this in my youth and also how much it reminds me of gaming during the late 90s and early 2000s. (2/28/18) [43/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2018, 09:00:20 pm »
4. Unravel (PS4)

This is such a beautiful game and an emotional story. The only problems I had were with the physics sometimes just completely not working and having to restart certain parts.

Time: 15-20 hours

I'm also working on Horizon and Owl Boy
« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 09:02:12 pm by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #88 on: March 02, 2018, 10:04:58 am »
Game number 10
  • Metroid: Other M (Wii)
So, the former black sheep of the Metroid franchise until Federation Force kicked it of its throne. Is it really as bad as the internet has made it out to be? Well, no. Not in the slightest. It's actually a pretty damn good game.

Let's start with the main flaw, the story. We all know the main reason this game is hated is its depiction of Samus. And yeah, she's flawed to put it lightly. But it's not as bad as you may think. Yes, she's represented poorly partially due to some bad story points, and the voice acting is terrible, but it's not what the internet made me believe. She still goes through this solo, she still kicks all the butt, and outside of the cutscenes and the bullshit limitations Adam puts on you, it does feel like you're controlling Samus. And as for the story in general, it suffers from an interesting premise suffering a lot from poor execution of the main characters and plot devices. It's not great, but not the worst.

But I decided not to judge this game on its story from the get-go. I was here for its gameplay. How was it? Well...firstly I would say, make sure you give it some time and prepare for a rough start. This game gave me similair things to Wonderful 101, but worse, in that it starts of bad. The controls will take time to adjust to, and it doesn't really start to pay off until you're at least 2 hours or more into the game. Couple that with a beginning that is not well-fit for these kinds of controls and you have a bad start. I won't lie, I hated it when I started. But trust me, you will adjust to it and in the end it will be worth the trip. It's obviously not nearly as deep as other action games like Bayonetta or anything, and I firmly believe the game suffered from being limited to the Wii Remote, but once you're in a good bit it's actually pretty enjoyable for what it is.

So in summary, I quite liked Metroid: Other M! It's not perfect by any means, but once you get past the poor representation of Samus, the overall story flaws and the adjustment period to the controls it's actually a really damn good game. It does not get the love it deserves online, because hiding behind those barriers is a really competent and enjoyable action game. If you're curious about it, I recommend you check it out. Not the best Metroid game, but still a really solid game on its own.


Well, after some extended playing, that's game 11
  • Excite Truck (Wii)
Absolutely a hidden gem on the Wii. Excite Truck is a fantastic racing game. The idea is that you are racing on off-road courses, but rather than just trying to come in first your goal is to earn as many stars as possible. And you get these stars by doing anything from drifting to being airborne to driving close to trees to even crashing into other trucks. Just be as extreme as you can be! This simple change of focus from pure speed to technique and extreme manoeuvres makes the game unique and tons of fun. I would definitely rank this as one of my favourite racing games on the Wii, and I highly recommend you pick it up. If you're looking for a fresh take on off-road racing this is a perfect pick.

Full list:,8821.msg149075.html#msg149075
Next games to play: Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique (3DS), and t.b.d.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2018, 08:09:09 pm by realpoketendonl »
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #89 on: March 04, 2018, 09:18:51 pm »
8 - Metro 2033 Redux (PC 2014) - BEAT - The Metro games are a particular favorite of mine, sorta the realization of what the STALKER series failed at accomplishing in terms of game quality (I like those games, but man that engine is ROUGH).  Great atmosphere, setting, and just all around solid singleplayer shooter experience.  I've beaten Metro 2033 normally 2 or 3 times and I think this is my second completion of the Redux version.  The only real negatives I have about the game is the dialogue/voice acting is kinda poor, animations can get abit stiff looking, and sound design is at varying levels of quality.  A few sections of the game also get abit obnoxious to go through as I basically hate any area that has the rats in it.  Hard to hear when they come up on you.  They are easy to kill, and don't do much damage, it's just tedious.  Also the Nosalis in terms of combat are annoying with repetitive strikes.  I had to drop the difficulty back down, because it was too easy to just get swipe spammed to death, which isn't fun to me.  Still a good time though.

I'm actually quite excited for my Metro Last Light run next.  I haven't played it in a few years and I remember liking it even more than the first and being that I only played through it twice I believe, I remember it less than the first game.  Will probably get to that soon as I'm playing through both due to Metro Exodus coming out later this year.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 09:21:12 pm by kamikazekeeg »