Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2018  (Read 55989 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #150 on: June 11, 2018, 12:11:32 am »
I'm coming into this challenge at almost the halfway point, but I'll try to beat as many games as I can. I'm going to try and focus on games I've never played before or haven't played in a long time and remember almost nothing about them.

Games in bold font are ones I have beaten (seen the end credits).
Games in normal font I played this year, but didn’t beat.
Games in italics are ones I’m currently playing.

1.   Mega Man (PS4)
2.   Donkey Kong (3DS VC)
3.   Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS)
4.   Mega Man 2 (PS4)
5.   Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3)
6.   Batman: Arkham City (PS3)
7.   Dead Space (PS3)
8.   Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
9.   BOXBOY! (3DS)
10.   God of War (PS3)
11.   New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
12.   Diablo III (PC)
13.   Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
14.   Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (3DS VC)
15.   Mega Man 3 (PS4)
16.   Kirby’s Dream Land (3DS VC)
17.   New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
18.   Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (PS3)
19.   Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PS3)
20.   Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
21.   Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
22.   Ratchet & Clank (PS3)
23.   Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

That's it for me this year with 23 games beaten. Not bad considering I started late in the challenge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 11:23:05 pm by mizzach86 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #151 on: June 13, 2018, 12:50:16 am »
Interesting to see people do this. I could beat 52 in a year if I really tried, but that would have to wait until next year.

I remember years before this site launched, I was able to do more than 52 in a given year but then life happened and not so much now.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #152 on: June 13, 2018, 08:57:43 am »
Interesting to see people do this. I could beat 52 in a year if I really tried, but that would have to wait until next year.

I remember years before this site launched, I was able to do more than 52 in a given year but then life happened and not so much now.
In previous years I would do 100+ games a year.  Now I'll be lucky if I'll hit 25.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #153 on: June 15, 2018, 04:50:13 am »
28 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion (Switch 2018) - BEAT - Not technically a full game, but there's enough here to count it I guess.  I didn't beat every mission, but I did enough to get to the games endings.  Overall, it's fun, a definite challenge over what the singleplayer normally is, but that "80 Missions" is misleading.  It makes you think you are getting 80 levels like the singleplayer generally has, but most aren't like that.  Most of them are far shorter, or generally just one shot challenge rooms.  The ending, while cool for what it was, is still not good because they didn't have a final boss.  It's like they can't make a good boss like the first game again.  Disappointing, but overall, still fun.  I'll get back to completing it here soon.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #154 on: June 16, 2018, 02:36:14 pm »
1.   Mega Man (Original: NES, Played: Mega Man: Legacy Collection – PS4)
Mega Man is one of my favorite retro game series of all time and this is a great start to the series. Even though later games improved and perfected the formula, this game laid the foundation of the game’s signature features such as acquiring robot master’s weapons and selecting the order to play the stages. The game is plagued by some retro game flaws such as sections where you are basically forced to get hit or get screwed by RNG (propeller platforms that fire shots in Ice Man’s stage) But a classic game nonetheless.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #155 on: June 17, 2018, 08:22:28 am »
Keep forgetting to update this, but I'm up to 29 games so far across a number of platforms:

Wonderboy in the Dragon Trap
Golf Story
Blossom Tales
Mario Odyssey

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Rocket Knight
Environment Station Alpha
Outcast: Second Contact
Scrap Garden
Duke Nukem: Manhatten Project
Giga Wrecker
Battle Zone Combat Commander
South Park: fractured but whole
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut

Fire And Ice

Amazing Spiderman 2
Gargoyle's Quest
Super Mario land 3: Wario Land
Kid Dracula

Gameboy Colour:
Wario Land 2
Legend of Zelda: Links awakening DX

Duke Nukem 2
Commander Keen 3

Clockwork Knight


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #156 on: June 17, 2018, 01:28:17 pm »
1.   Mega Man (Original: NES, Played: Mega Man: Legacy Collection – PS4)
Mega Man is one of my favorite retro game series of all time and this is a great start to the series. Even though later games improved and perfected the formula, this game laid the foundation of the game’s signature features such as acquiring robot master’s weapons and selecting the order to play the stages. The game is plagued by some retro game flaws such as sections where you are basically forced to get hit or get screwed by RNG (propeller platforms that fire shots in Ice Man’s stage) But a classic game nonetheless.

Does this version have a rewind feature. I got the MM Legacy Collection on the Switch and it has a rewind option. Considering that it came out on the PS4 first, I wanted to know.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #157 on: June 17, 2018, 01:36:13 pm »
15. The Evil Within(PS4)-6/17/18

I started off this game earlier in the year and dropped cuz distractions and after fighting with the controller because I forgot how to play it, I started over and I went through it all the way. I could have finished it sooner but I was limiting myself to playing this game in the dead of night with headphones on for the atmosphere and let me just say it has been some time that I game has made feel uneasy. Granted there were sections in the daylight that I played in the daytime but for the most part night time was my go to time. Overall, a really good game from the man behind Resident Evil although the plot was kind meh at times and bit confusing and at times, the game can be a bit of drag and bullshit especially when there are sections where I felt like I was super fucked to the lack of ammo in my arsenal but if horror is your thing, this is a really good one.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #158 on: June 18, 2018, 06:37:38 am »
29 - Dragon Ball Legends (Mobile 2018) - BEAT - Mobile is a very rare thing for me to do as I don't think most of them are any good and the setup for this one is the same as like the WWE mobile game or Fire Emblem Heroes, or most others with character collecting.  I do like the combat abit more here, it's sort of actiony and you do play as an original character in a somewhat original setup (Not by much though, Toei doesn't all for much originality in their DB games).  The story is unfinished though, so I haven't "technically" beat it, just the first part that is available, but I've done enough time and I'll probably keep on whenever they update the game.  It's something I do to chill out before bed lol


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #159 on: June 18, 2018, 12:07:42 pm »
Given up on Vampyr, I really enjoyed the game but I'm at the end and it's pretty much insisting I take a path I've specifically avoided in order to level my character up enough to 'pass', otherwise I've apparently got a 'bad build', I'm just not willing to do that. Was still a good experience but one I'm not willing to tarnish by sickening myself of replaying the same boss or trogging back in-game to do something I didn't want to do. I've just beaten Dark Souls Remastered, it's not like I'm incapable of beating games like this, but I'm calling it quits.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #160 on: June 21, 2018, 02:00:51 pm »
Part 1 :,8821.msg149037.html#msg149037
Part 2 :,8821.msg149778.html#msg149778
Part 3 :,8821.msg150756.html#msg150756
Part 4 :,8821.msg152650.html#msg152650

64. KOF: Maximum Impact Regulation A [17/20] - Playstation 2 -
- A great roster! It's missing a few key fighters like Robert but it has some really cool new fighters who make the game more unique!
- Better graphics. The fighters look better and more details and the stages are also better.
- Great music.
- Overall just a really improved version of the first game.
- I know SNK's AI is hard to beat but the CPU still shouldn't be able to block 3/4 of my hits and then do a 15 hit combo lol

65. The King of Fighters XI [18/20] - Playstation 2 -
- A really great roster! Some really cool new additions and hidden fighters. I also love the final boss! I do find it weird that some of the most important fighters are hidden in this game...
- DUCK! I can't believe it took them so long to put him in a KOF game lol.
- Great gameplay, I also love that you don't have to wait between rounds to fight the next opponent (I'm pretty this it was like that in the previous game tho...).
- Good music.

- KOF from 94 to XI was definitely the sports game of the fighting genre, meaning no real graphical evolution between each games...
- Not a big fan of the stages. I only really liked one.

66. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Amazing characters! I loved Toni as a protagonist! He's just an overall nice guy who can be savage af fuck at times lol. I feel like he's basically what Claude was supposed to be if Claude had a voice lol. I also loved Donald Love in this game! He was already one of my favorite in GTA III but this game made me love him even more! So hilarious XD
- Great missions that are overall easier than the previous game's. That's a huge + lol.
- A huge graphical improvement of Liberty City! It's so cool to see Liberty city with more details (and a map lol), almost feels like a completely different city! While the game isn't graphically better than SA, it's still looks good (I mean it's obviously dated but I still like it =D)
- If you're playing the PS2 version like I did you won't even notice that this was originally a PSP game tbh!
- Overall a really underrated game from the GTA franchise! I started playing it right after finishing SA and I expected to be disappointed but I was actually surprised by how good the game is.

- That's probably because it's a PSP game originally but overall a lot of features missing from SA.
- The story isn't that exciting, especially if you play the game right after SA like I did.
- The radio station is a huge downgrade from SA, thank god for Liberty City Jam lol.

67. Assassin's Creed: Unity [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- The game is STUNNING! While Black Flag was the first game that came out on next gen, I feel like Unity is the first game that truly looks like a next gen game. The animations are a lot more fluid, the city is STUNNING, full of details and life. The number of pedestrians is also crazy tbh.
- Better gameplay! The parkour part of the game is really fun, there's a lot of new animations and it's overall just more fluid. I also LOVE the fighting in this game, it's a little different from the previous game's but the different weapons make it so fun tbh.
- I loved the story. Arno is probably the most underrated protagonist imo. He's very likable, has his own ideas and won't follow orders which I like, he's also funny even tho he becomes more serious towards the end of the game (for obvious reasons lol). The story overall was just really good imo, It's different from the other game's because it's more centered around Arno's feelings more than the Assassin's or the Piece of Eden but I think they made a good job with mixing everything together.
- One thing I love about this game is that it went back to it's original roots. It reminded me a lot of the first 4 games and I think that after the Kenway saga they needed to make a more "simple" game, focusing on the original gameplay.
- Overall just a really underrated game mostly because of the reactions it got when it came out (full of glitches). All the glitches have been fixed so I'd highly recommend playing the game now tbh.

- The side quest are still a little repetitive. But I feel like that's just a AC thing at this point lol, there are some nice missions here and there but it's never really in depth.
- The "current life" story is still trash. Been trash since Desmond died tbh.

68. The King of Fighters '94: Rebout [18/20] - Playstation 2 -
- I love the graphics! The 3D arenas fit really well with the new designs of the fighters. The fighters look amazing tbh, reminds of the Art of Fighting design style.
- It feels totally different from the original game, which imo is a good thing because there would be no point of playing the game if it felt the same. It's just a really unique game of the franchise that I find pretty underrated tbh.
- Good roster, all the characters from the OG game with the boss pre-unlocked.
- Amazing music.
- Good gameplay.
- I probably feel this way because I just played KOF XI before playing this game but damn the CPU is annoying af lol.

69. The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match [12/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Good roster. 98 has one of the most balanced roster imo, good mix of OG and "newer" characters.
- Good music
- The AI is way too strong.
- Graphically i'm not that impressed. The 3D backgrounds worked well in 94 rebout because the fighters were also upgraded, but here it just looks weird and tbh I prefer the original designs.
- Overall this game is just really not that needed, it's just a worse version of the original game tbh.

70. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments [20/20] - Xbox One -
- I loved the humor and the characters. It's just so different from most games, Sherlock Holmes is not the usual hero you'd see in a video game but I loved every part of it tbh.
- I loved the different cases, it's not always obvious who's the criminal and there are a few good plot twists that keep the game interesting.
- While it's not graphically impressive I still think the game looked pretty good. It's a good mix between realistic and a bit cartoonish.
- Good voice acting.
- Overall just a really nice surprise, I expected an Ok game and I ended having a lot of fun tbh. A huge hidden gem.
- There's a cool customization option that you can only use once you finished the game and start it over. That's one of the DUMBEST idea i've seen in a video game especially since this game is the type of game that you only play once and never touch it again (since you already now all the cases, you know the fun part of the game).
- The game lacks a little bit of action but it's not a really big issue.

71. Shenmue II [20/20] - Xbox -
- Graphically the game was really ahead of it's time! The attention to details is crazy!
- I love the story. I honestly can't wait for Shenmue 3 after that ending!
- I love the characters, especially Ren who's hilarious tbh.
- Amazing soundtrack.
- For some people it might be a "negative", but I honestly love the english voices! The acting is so weird but it's just make the game even more unique. The acting is a bit better than in the first game tho.
- The game really needs a map, but like a real detailed map and not that trash they give us lol. The city is so much bigger than the first game's and I got lost plenty of times tbh.
- When you ask someone to show you the way to a place, they take forever to walk there. It's a small detail but damn them mfs slow as hell lmao.
- Not a big fan of how you need money to continue the game at some point. It just breaks the pace of the game.

72. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Vice city has been highly upgraded and it's honestly a joy to drive around. Definitely my favorite city after San Andreas!
- I love the characters! GTA always has amazing characters tbh. I especially loved the relationship between Vic and Louise.
- A great story. Compared to Liberty City Stories, the story is a lot more interesting tbh.
- Amazing soundtrack.
- Amazing acting.
- The missions are really difficult. I'm pretty trash already at these PS2 GTA but damn this one has some really difficult missions tbh.

73. Red Dead Revolver [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- While the graphics aren't mind blowing, the whole vibe of the game is amazing.
- If you're a fan of RDR, I definitely recommend playing this game just for the experience. It feels so much like a prototype (in a good way lol) of RDR, a lot of the ideas and mechanics from RDR came from this game so it's nice to actually play it and see how much everything has evolved.
- Love the story, it's funny because the game starts kinda like how RDR ends actually. The characters a fun and even tho Red doesn't talk that much he's still pretty charismatic.
- Amazing soundtrack.
- I think this game would've been probably even better if it was an open world type game like GTA. Even tho I like the story it's short and a missions type of system would've allowed it to be more detailed. But I think even rockstar said the game should've been an open world but they just didn't have the time.

74. WWE 2K18 [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- The gameplay is definitely better than the last one I played (16). There are plenty of game modes so the game never gets boring.
- A lot of past wrestlers! I love when sports games add past players/athletes... I often prefer playing with them so It's a huge + for me.
- Amazing customization system! Idk how the create a fighter is so good in the game and so trash in NBA 2k18 tbh. It's also super fun to download player made wrestlers, a lot of old wrestlers who didn't make the roster and other funny characters. Some of them are honestly extremely realistic and looks like they've been actually made by 2k!
- TRASH mycareer mode. The moment as saw there was a myplayer online system I knew it was gonna be booty XD.

75. MLB The Show 18 [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Graphically the game looks pretty good, it's definitely the most realistic Baseball game I've ever seen. The animations, the players... everything looks good.
- Really good gameplay. You have a lot of options for batting which is great, and overall the gameplay just feels really polished.
- Historical players, like I said previously, past players are always a huge plus in sports game imo.
- While the idea of having to work you way up into the MLB in career mode is a good idea, I hated the fact that I had to play (thank god I simulated a good portion of it) 3 seasons in the minor leagues with fake players just to be traded to the freaking Marlins (because you can't choose your team =/) and having my favorite player retired from the league.

76. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Amazing Graphics! Honestly really impressing. This game has one of the best lighting I've seen in a video game tbh.
- Amazing story with amazing characters. Every character is just so well written and likable (except a few lol). Geralt has become one of my favorite protagonist tbh, he's extremely charismatic and I just love his idgaf humor.
- Amazing side quests! The side quests really push the game to another level. You can't play this game and not play the side quests, you would be missing out on the most fun part of the game tbh. The only side quests that became a bit repetitive were the contracts but even them were interesting.
- I love the level up system. I hate how in RPG you have to grind your way to the next level by fighting enemies and that type of stuff. Here you just have to play side quests and you can level pretty quickly which made the game a lot more fun to me.
- A beautiful open world!
- Really good voice acting!
- Beautiful soundtrack.
- Overall just an amazing game that everyone should play tbh.

77. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate [20/20] - Xbox One -
- Graphically really impressing! The characters look amazing and London looks STUNNING! The city is so full of life it's really a pleasure to just walk around and not do anything.
- Good characters. While I like Evie, Jacob was definitely the star of the game§ He's probably the funniest Assassin we ever had! I also loved the side characters, especially that Mrs. Disraeli!
- Good gameplay! While I miss the diversity of weapons Unity had, I love all the new additions like the hook (or whatever they call it lol).
- Overall just a really underrated Assassin's Creed game imo. I love that this game is just not taking it self seriously, it has a more fun story with funnier characters and doesn't have any dramatic events happening.
- I guess once again, the side quests do become repetitive but that's just an Assassin's Creed trend at this point lol.
- While I do like that we have to playable assassins, Evie does feel like a last second thought. Her personality is less developed than Jacob and overall she's just less interesting. I do think that she's necessary to the game tho because her duo with Jacob is really fun + her missions are also really cool.

78. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China [16/20] - Xbox One -
- Graphically the game is nice, nothing mind blowing but I like the art style a lot and the animations are also really fluid and nice looking.
- The gameplay especially the free running is really well converted from a 3D game to a 2D plateform game imo. It really feels like and Assassin's Creed game just in 2D.
- I like Shao Jun a lot! She's pretty badass tbh her fighting move are really fun, I love her shoe blade thing lol. She doesn't have a huge personality but the game also isn't long enough to develop her into the most well written character. She's just that silent assassin who has no mercy for her targets, which isn't shocking since she was trained (or something like that) by Ezio.
- Some moments are hard and can get annoying tbh. My main issue was that I had 2 bar of life for the whole game (I saw on youtube that someone upgraded it to 3 but I have zero idea how since there is no upgrade menu in the game) and you can't fight you way trough any situation because even if you can kill someone with your sword another guard will shoot you from far away and that will either kill you in one or two shot. The whole fighting system is just really shaky tbh and you basically have to do the whole game stealthily.
- The characters have a British or american accent. That just really threw me off because why lol? Why is it the only game where the characters don't have a correct accent?

79. Yakuza [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- AMAZING story!  The story is really something else tbh. There are some many unexpected moments and you just always want to know what will happen next!
- Amazing characters. Kazuma is a really likable and charismatic protagonist tbh. I also liked Date, Haruka, Shinji and Yumi a lot. Even Nishiki was a well written character, I wouldn't say I liked him because he's kind of a betraying bitch but he's a cool character lol.
- Really good graphics! The camera angles are a choice but the level of detail put into the city is really mind blowing! The characters also look really good!
- I actually thought the english voice over was pretty good, I know a lot of people don't like it and maybe I won't either if I hear it after playing the next games but I actually thought it was good.
- Cool fighting system. Fighting is actually really fun in this game and the "finishers" are pretty satisfying lol.
- As I said the camera angles are a choice. But you get used to it. Kazuma is really slow too lol.
- The one big negative of this game that made me super annoyed at times is the fact that you can't cross two streets without someone trying to beat you up. Every two seconds someone tries to fight you and you can't do anything about it you just have to fight them and continue. I know it's because you gain experience points and it allows you to upgrade your fighting and all that stuff but I really wish they thought about another system to gain xp points because this ain't it lol.

80. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India [17/20] - Xbox One -
- Graphically I prefer this game to China. Its a lot more colorful and diverse, and some backgrounds are really stunning!
- The gameplay is still good, with a few new things like the helix abilities (or at least new abilities).
- I liked the story a lot more than in China. Arbaaz is actually a pretty good character, he reminds me of a young Ezio Auditore. It's also fun to be playing with Henry Green's dad!
- This game is SO much harder than the first one. At times I really wanted to just throw my controller at the screen tbh. Plus the fact that I still don't know how to fuckin upgrade anything in this game doesn't make it easier.

81. The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match [19/20] - Playstation 2 -
- A really good roster!
- Amazing backgrounds! This game made the 3D elements look really good compared to the previous games! It doesn't look odd at all.
- Amazing Soundtrack.
- Overall just comparing this game to the original 2002 game is just night and day. The original 2002 is probably my least favorite KOF game while this one is one of my favorites. It honestly doesn't even feel like the same game (or even inspired by it).
- The difficulty is still a bit annoying but I'm used to it by now lol.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 02:09:36 pm by chrismb »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #161 on: June 22, 2018, 05:31:25 am »
30 - Cuisine Royale (PC 2018) - ENDLESS - Ever have one of those games you feel abit guilty liking?  Like this should be awful, but I've put 4 hours into it.  It's an early access game, on Steam, based on an April Fool's joke...but it's actually alright.  It's super bare-bones right now and needs a lot of stuff, but the realistic weaponry and WW2 setting, with the absurd cookware armor and joke items you can wear is weirdly fun to play.  It also looks real nice for some reason despite everyone running around in their boxers.  It makes no sense, but it's become quite fun.  Hope it works out in the long run.  If you download it now on Steam, you get it free forever as it'll get a price tag sometime in the next week.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #162 on: June 24, 2018, 02:20:37 am »
After rethinking this challenge, I've decided I'm going to just beat the game instead of try and 100% it. As much as I'm a completionist, I'm hoping this will let me get through more games.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #163 on: June 25, 2018, 11:35:06 pm »
1.   Mega Man (Original: NES, Played: Mega Man: Legacy Collection – PS4)
Mega Man is one of my favorite retro game series of all time and this is a great start to the series. Even though later games improved and perfected the formula, this game laid the foundation of the game’s signature features such as acquiring robot master’s weapons and selecting the order to play the stages. The game is plagued by some retro game flaws such as sections where you are basically forced to get hit or get screwed by RNG (propeller platforms that fire shots in Ice Man’s stage) But a classic game nonetheless.

Does this version have a rewind feature. I got the MM Legacy Collection on the Switch and it has a rewind option. Considering that it came out on the PS4 first, I wanted to know.

I don't think so.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #164 on: June 26, 2018, 05:25:22 pm »
Game 8 - Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (PS2) - 13 Hours

+ Really enjoyed this game, and I think it's probably my favorite out of the three Sly games. The thing that really stood out to me was the memorable characters and villains. I loved how you work through the game to build a "band of thieves" ;) and it was great that they brought in some villains from previous games too. Dimitri in particular was so funny, he was a complete riot. The bosses were also phenomenal too. The only one that I didn't like was that dumb mask in the Australian level, but the rest of them, particularly Captain LeFwee and Tsao, were great. The gameplay and graphics are very similar to Sly 2 and were great as always but there are some additional elements that make it amazing. Some of my favorites were finding secret codes in paintings, wearing disguises, searching for treasure and AIRPLANE and PIRATE SHIP battles :D Lastly, the game has a lot of replay value with a lot of special challenge stages to play through.

- I have a couple of nitpicks. Some of the gameplay I didn't like, especially the  "argument" sections where you have to select from lines of dialogue to try and persuade people. Also I felt like half the time conflicting thief senses all over the place makes you jump to places you didn't want to go. I also liked the overall story and final bosses in Sly 1 and 2 more. Also I missed the clue bottles :(

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