^ Good luck with the boss fight on X4, he's brutal 
Like worse than X1? I'll keep it in mind as so far I've been liking everything in X4 other than the goofy dialogue and voice acting lol A brutal final boss will be annoying, but so far everything is on an upward swing after getting frusted with X3.
Oh, three forms of Sigma and the last one is crazy...Gotcha lol
43 - Mega Man X4 (Switch 2018) - BEAT - Okay, that boss fight isn't anything crazy. Once you figure out the patterns, it's totally cool. This is definitely the easiest of the them all so far, but you know what? I had a fun ass time! X plays well, the weapons are useful, the levels are kinda basic, but again enjoyable, and the boss fights had a comfortable challenge that relied on you really figuring out the patterns. X1 is kinda the picture perfect version of X series, but X4 was just a good time. Automatically my 2nd favorite right now.
The only major negative I have is the very awkward dub and dialogue. I don't know if it's as bad as...Mega Man 7? 8? Whatever it was, but oh boy it's not good. Capcom was on a roll with these poorly acted scenes during this era lol Not a fan of X with a kid voice either. It's not good lol
Also, it physically hurt me, it hurt my very soul, to realize that the robot was named "Double", because he was a double agent. Why game...why?