Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2018  (Read 55968 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #240 on: September 21, 2018, 03:15:04 am »
55 - Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PC 2012) - BEAT - With Resident Evil 2 Remake coming, I've been dabbling in RE games that I never gave a proper go in the past.  REmake was a clunky, but enjoyable time.  Resident Evil Zero was a co-op experience I hated and abandoned.  Resident Evil 4 on PC was my first PC playthrough of it with a much better HD texture pack that was still a good time.  And finally there is Operation Raccoon City, the shooter RE game that would be considered their worst attempt at that if Umbrella Corps didn't exist.

I remember playing this abit back on the 360 I think.  I don't remember getting more than a couple levels in as it wasn't a very good shooter.  I'm not even against Resident Evil doing action games for spinoffs, but this is one lacking game, especially singleplayer.  The AI isn't good, the shooting is sloppy and I feel like the weapons are all abit shit.  Really just stick with the machine guns the first chance you get.  Making enemies bullet sponges is just obnoxious too.  I kinda like this idea of a non-canon take on Resident Evil 2, with a specialized Umbrella unit doing stuff in the background while other events are happening, but it's again all very sloppy. 

Ending sucks too.  Sure, you get the option to kill Leon and Claire with a real lazy story point of fighting your teammates too in what I'm positive is just a multiplayer map, but it's so rushed, like they didn't have any real idea what to do other other than quickly kill them and end the game.  There's some DLC as the Spec Ops, but I'm basically done.  Only reason I got this game was because it was like 7 bucks or something, otherwise, just ignore it.  It's not even worth the second look, which is a shame, as I think there was a chance this could be fun, but it needed a big overhaul to be any good.


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #241 on: September 21, 2018, 08:24:47 am »
1. Dragon Quest IV (NDS)

2. Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja (NDS)

3. The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons (GBC)

4. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)

5. Metroid Fusion (GBA)

6. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360)

7. Deadspace 2 (360)

8. Dark Souls (PS3)

9. Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2)
What happened? VP1 is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, but they sure dropped the ball on this one! I guess the Squaresoft/Enix merge and the staff swap didn't help them at all! The Einherjars are bland, the difficulty rollercoaster is stupid and some inconsistencies with the timeline of VP1 and 2 doesn't make sense (Arngrim anyone?).

10. Beyond Good & Evil (PS2)

11. Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4)
As a kid, I enjoyed a good ol' game of Dynasty Warriors in co-op mode with a friend. Now, I can't say it's a genre that I enjoy all that much. Especially in a single player experience.

12. Digimon World (PS1)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #242 on: September 21, 2018, 03:15:06 pm »
I finished Sonic Mania and made a very important discovery: I don’t like Sonic games.  Even the old school ones.  The platforming is too slick and imprecise and while the levels look cool to speed through they are relatively unintuitive.  And I wanted to love it.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #243 on: September 21, 2018, 04:52:18 pm »
I finished Sonic Mania and made a very important discovery: I don’t like Sonic games.  Even the old school ones.  The platforming is too slick and imprecise and while the levels look cool to speed through they are relatively unintuitive.  And I wanted to love it.

Not the only one with that view.  The style, visuals, and music are top quality stuff, but found that I just don't like playing it. It's just a lot of running into stuff mostly.  Sonic is better in 3D to me when you can actually see what is coming up.  Not that there are many good 3D games, but I liked playing Generations more than I did Mania.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #244 on: September 21, 2018, 04:54:32 pm »
I finished Sonic Mania and made a very important discovery: I don’t like Sonic games.  Even the old school ones.  The platforming is too slick and imprecise and while the levels look cool to speed through they are relatively unintuitive.  And I wanted to love it.

I love Sonic, but Mario has it beat in regards to actual gameplay across the board.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #245 on: September 22, 2018, 01:53:56 pm »
10.   God of War (PS3)
I’m still working through God of War on PS4, but I thought I’d take a break and play the very first game via the God of War Saga collection on PS3.

This was one of my favorite PS2 games years ago and I think today it is still a great action game along with many others on that console.

+ The presentation is fantastic. The game has an excellent soundtrack, epic battles and camera shots plus an emotionally gripping story.

+ The gameplay is also top notch as well in that it is easy to get into, but mastering the combat system takes some dedication.

I do have some minor complaints with the game.

- First off, the game features some platforming sections that are kind of tedious and annoying. Most of my deaths came from these sections (I played on normal mode). Funnily enough, the game offers you the opportunity to switch to easy mode if you die too many consecutive times on one part, but this only happened to me during those platforming parts which I don’t think easy mode would have affected anyway.

- Also, the game’s fixed camera I have mixed feelings about. Most of the time I think it works fine, but there’s some parts where not being able to see in a direction causes you to make a blind jump or miss a secret.

Overall, it’s a great game and a good start to the series. It has come a long way having played God of War PS4 though.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #246 on: September 22, 2018, 06:51:01 pm »
11.   New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
I forgot I had beaten this game earlier this year, so I’m adding a belated review for it.

I think this is a great modern 2D Mario game and I had a lot of fun with it.

+ I love the game’s presentation. The overworld map and in-game levels look very vivid and colorful making it a real pleasure to look at. The gameplay also feels very tight, but that’s pretty much a given in Mario games. Overall, I think this is a step up from New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

- Not much I didn’t like about this game. Nintendo probably could have pushed the graphics a little harder since they had HD capable hardware to work with, but I’m one of those people that excuses Nintendo on things like this because I love their in-house franchises so much. I will say that having the two identical Toad characters instead of a 4th unique character could’ve been tweaked in this game since they did the same thing on the Wii game, but at least Super Mario 3D World accomplished that by letting us play as the classic SMB 2 line-up with Peach alongside Mario, Luigi and Toad.

Another great Mario game for sure.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #247 on: September 22, 2018, 09:27:24 pm »
12.   Diablo III (PC)
Booted up my save game on this from several months ago and finished it. I’m a big fan of the Diablo series and played Diablo II to death like many people did, so I had high expectations for this game. Here’s my thoughts:

+ I love the variety of character classes you can play as, each of which is very unique. Plus, the way the game’s story is presented changes depending on which class you choose. I played as the Crusader. Also, the amount of content in the game is staggering in terms of weapons, items, artisans, upgrades, achievements, transmogs…etc, so you could be playing this one for a while. The overall story in the game and the way its presented is also epic and a joy to experience.

- My biggest reservation with this game is that it’s too easy. I was able to bulldoze through the whole game and died merely once or twice because a powerful enemy had a strength in an area that my defenses happened to be weak against. Even Diablo himself was a pushover. The enemy design and variety are great, but they don’t really pose much of a threat in terms of actually hurting you. Granted, there are higher difficulties from normal all the way up to torment XIII (and I only played normal), but even the base difficulty should’ve been harder than this.

As somebody who grew up with Diablo and Diablo II this was a fun experience to have. I have only beaten the base game (Acts I through IV) and haven’t played Reaper of Souls yet. However, based on the opening cutscenes of it, I am eager to do so.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #248 on: September 24, 2018, 12:27:11 am »
Nintendo Entartainment System - Nintendo Switch Online

I bought the Nintendo Online membership and thought I would play through a few quick NES games.

18. Donkey Kong

I actually beat this in about 5-10 minutes, I always thought it was harder than that.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #249 on: September 24, 2018, 02:34:16 pm »
Excited for next month to play some horror themed games, specifically I really want play REmake on the Gamecube (or one of it's HD ports on newer consoles). Also, considering playing RE2 since the remake is coming out soon. I haven't played RE2 in probably 15-years, at least so it's been a while. Remember thinking it was awesome however.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #250 on: September 24, 2018, 05:24:46 pm »
Excited for next month to play some horror themed games, specifically I really want play REmake on the Gamecube (or one of it's HD ports on newer consoles). Also, considering playing RE2 since the remake is coming out soon. I haven't played RE2 in probably 15-years, at least so it's been a while. Remember thinking it was awesome however.

If you have a PC, I'd recommend the REmake release on there with the Fluffy Manager 5000 for mods to use the door skip mod.  Greatly improved my experience, though it sounds like you are more okay with the old RE stuff, which might not matter lol

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #251 on: September 24, 2018, 05:28:53 pm »
Excited for next month to play some horror themed games, specifically I really want play REmake on the Gamecube (or one of it's HD ports on newer consoles). Also, considering playing RE2 since the remake is coming out soon. I haven't played RE2 in probably 15-years, at least so it's been a while. Remember thinking it was awesome however.

If you have a PC, I'd recommend the REmake release on there with the Fluffy Manager 5000 for mods to use the door skip mod.  Greatly improved my experience, though it sounds like you are more okay with the old RE stuff, which might not matter lol

Too be honest, I'll probably just play it on the PS4 since it is the best looking version I own and also it's a lot more convenient since it's already hooked up. I mostly just want to experience this game again despite graphical fidelity lol


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #252 on: September 25, 2018, 04:01:37 pm »
Game 16 - Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (GBC) - 3 Hours

This was a game I had since I was a kid, and someday I'd like to reacquire all the games from my childhood to replay them, since I think it's really interesting to revisit old games that I haven't touched in years.

+ That said, this game was alright! It's a decent enough platformer with solid controls, decent graphics and some nice weapon variety. The soundtrack is also top notch. Not even kidding, this is some of the best music the GBC has to offer, at least in my opinion.

- While the overall difficulty was pretty good for my tastes, there was some annoying programming choices like being able to fall vertically though walls, really annoying jumps, and enemy's bullets being able to go through objects while yours can't. Also, all the weapons that required charging to use were really tough to use and I never touched them.

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 02:20:21 pm by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #253 on: September 25, 2018, 10:40:14 pm »
I know this is probably the longest time someone has taken to post on here, but I just wanted to try and see if I could remember all the games I've beaten this year.

1. Fire Emblem Warriors
2. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3
3. Tony Hawks American Wasteland
4. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
5. Saints Row the Third
6. Saints Row IV
7. Yakuza 0
8. Yakuza Kiwami
9. Yakuza 3
10. Yakuza 4
11. Yakuza 6
12. Marvel's Spider-Man
13. God of War

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #254 on: October 01, 2018, 04:04:12 am »
56 - Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PC 2015) - ABANDONED - Yeah I ended up really not getting into this game.  I find the combat kinda clunky, the camera isn't great, it just feels boring.  The cinematics are stylish, but everything else about this game was just nothing interesting, which surprises me that that the DMC reboot gets so much shit from fans.  Yeah I can tell where it shifted away from things, but give me that game over this any day (Story and characters are probably better in DMC4 though).  Honestly, just give me Bayonetta lol

A shame I couldn't get into this as I was kinda playing it to mostly build more hype from DMC5, but if that game plays anything like this, I don't know if I'll plan on getting it.