Author Topic: Gaming Shows and Podcasts  (Read 2735 times)


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Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:03:39 pm »
Are there any videogame shows out there that you are a fan of?
I'm a fan of a few.  Most of them I have found through and they are hosted by  The RetrowareTV show is awesome when they come out with a new episode.  It's real informative and more like the Discovery Channel than reviews.
The Game Chasers are awesome.  It's like American Pickers with video games.  I'm a huge fan of this one.  I guess it's just like what we all do, but they tape it all.
Pat The NES Punk and The Happy Video Game Nerd have great shows over there as well.  And the list goes on and on.
That really sounds like an ad for the site doesn't it?  Anyway, I would suggest checking those shows out either on the site or on youtube. 
Are there any shows you guys are into?  I'm always looking to find more to watch.  I have 10 min to watch something sometime during every day.
*Mods: If this is in the wrong spot, don't be afraid to move it.  I just didn't know where to put it.


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 02:07:13 pm »
I've listened to a few podcasts for video gaming and tech. I used to watch Totally Rad Show a lot, but have since gotten out of it. I don't like Talk Radio shows, so I have a hard time listening to people blather on in podcasts.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 02:42:37 pm »
I watch the Totally Rad Show each week and listen to countless other podcasts at the office. Usually it's the TWiT and Shacknews stuff. Speaking of good shows, GameOn just got cancelled off of TWiT after only like 6 shows. It was one of the best produced gaming podcasts I've ever seen. :(


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 07:14:26 pm »
I'm really only into a few.  The Game Anthropologist, HVGN, and Clan of the Gray Wolf.  That's pretty much it for me.


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 07:29:01 pm »
Retronauts. The Jeremy Parish days were better, but Bob Mackey still does a good job.


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 08:41:02 pm »
I don't currently listen to any podcasts.

As for gaming shows, mostly stuff on retrowaretv, especially 16-bit Gems and HVGN, though I do like certain Pat the NES Punk videos and the Game Chasers (though "season 2" has been kinda meh so far).

On screwattack I really used to like the Game Overthinker (in fact I've been watching his stuff long before he joined screwattack), but he recently added that dumb storyline and has been talking about uninteresting stuff of late so... bleh.

As for completely random stuff, I actually surprisingly like Pach-Attack on Gametrailers (though I watch nothing else on there, the less ad-revenue they get from me the better)... I used to think Michael Pacther was dumb because his predictions made no sense, but watching his show I think he's a cool dude.
Another weird one is the Jimquisition, by troll reviewer Jim Sterling, on crappy website The Escapist. His reviews are super hokey a lot of the time, but I like these rant videos. I don't always agree with him (such as him saying that Fez is good in his last episode...), but he tends to make sense a lot of the time.
I also kinda like Extra Credits at times, but I think they're a bit too concentrated on the whole "video games are art" issue and less about having fun with them.

On youtube.... I watch razorfist, afr0blu3, Game Sack, the gaming anthropologist, spida1a, JewWario (I refuse to watch him on TGWTG/BT)... and I think that's really it. I used to watch anything and everything just because, but I've been cutting down on the crap.

Retronauts. The Jeremy Parish days were better, but Bob Mackey still does a good job.

Wait, retronauts are back? Why did no one tell me!!


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 09:18:37 pm »
Wait, retronauts are back? Why did no one tell me!!

Hahah, he's tried to kill Retronauts off about three times now and it just won't stay dead (yay).


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 11:40:17 pm »
Yeah I used to listen to retronauts and pretty much all of the 1up podcasts until recently when they pretty much got rid of my favorites. I still listen to a few.

The ones I currently listen to now are; Games Dammit, Oddcast (not really about games haha), 8-4 Play, Achievement Hounds Podcast, Rebel FM, Retro Gaming Roundup, Rooster Teeth, The Geek box (not game exclusive but really awesome), The Indoor kids, Limit Break Radio, and a few more not really video game podcasts but they are podcasts that stem off of people from 1up and IGN.

On another note everybody should check out The Comedy Button (if you like the Gamespy Debriefings and Geek Box) and Knockin boots which is a spin off of Gamescoop. They are very NSFW but hilarious and worth a listen to.


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2012, 12:31:26 am »
My favorite shows to watch on youtube are
Classic Game Room (The reviewer Mark is super cool and pretty much likes any game.  Even the ones that are bad he finds a way to see the good in the game and to enjoy it.)
Big Game Hunter (One of the guys that runs GameGavel going to flea markets and craigslist deals.)
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 12:33:49 am »
Oh yeah, Oddcast was good too. 1UP was really good up until about two years ago when they fired Ray Barnholt, Shane Bettenhausen, Scott Sharkey, Matt Leone, and Frank Cifaldi left. Thankfully Ray, Sharkey, Kat Bailey and Christian Nutt are still regulars on Retronauts Live.


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Re: Gaming Shows and Podcasts
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 10:15:14 am »
I listen to a ton of gaming podcasts at work.  Let's start with the granddaddy of them all - RetroGaming Radio.  Shane Monroe has been doing this show since 1998!  After a break for a few years, he brought the show back about six months ago.  It's geared more towards the early 80's PC/C64 gamer, but he always covers a great deal of territory.  Definitely check this one out.

Sega Addicts - A well-done show that focuses entirely on new and retro Sega games.

Retro Gaming Roundup - This one is huge!  Each episode is loooooooooooooong; the shortest episodes clock in around 5 hours while the longest push 8 hours.  Break it up into chunks and it's good stuff.

The Nintendo Retrocast - Two guys did a show dedicated entirely to the NES. They recorded 66 episodes before calling it quits a few years ago, but the episodes are still available through iTunes, I believe.

I also watch quite a few classic game shows too.  Classic Game Room, Game Sack, everything on RetrowareTV and ThePunkEffect.  There's a dedicated TG16 show on ThePunkEffect.

Big Game Hunter (One of the guys that runs GameGavel going to flea markets and craigslist deals.)

I helped Mike (from Big Game Hunter) out back when he was doing Chasing the Chuckwagon and he's a great guy.  He hooked me up with some really awesome stuff in exchange for design work for him(I actually designed the original GameGavel logo).  He's also one of the hosts of the Retro Gaming Roundup podcast.