Author Topic: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?  (Read 4258 times)


Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2019, 11:25:36 am »
EDIT: You can find all my shinies in Pokemon Go here!

you sir have a metric crap ton of shinies in pokemon go... I only have a pinsir and as far as the games go I have only seen a shiny vulpix which I accidentally killed trying to weaken it to catch it.
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Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2019, 07:13:59 am »
Shiny Corsola is Emerald
Shiny Hariyama also in Emerald (It got away because it knew WHIRLWIND of all things
Shiny Plusle in X
Shiny Gumshoos in Sun


Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2019, 09:30:03 am »
Shiny Corsola is Emerald
Shiny Hariyama also in Emerald (It got away because it knew WHIRLWIND of all things
Shiny Plusle in X
Shiny Gumshoos in Sun

I probably would have accidentally killed shiny Plusle since it looks almost indistinguishable from the normal version xD
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Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2019, 02:11:30 pm »
I've only played gen 6 and 7 so I haven't caught too many.
One day in Pokemon X I was doing the fishing chain method to get a shiny Corsola, had no results after a few hours, so I closed my 3DS and went to bed. The next morning on my first fishing attempt I found the shiny Corsola. It felt like a comedy bit.
The other one was a shiny Graveler that I randomly found while leveling some Pokemon for the Pokedex.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 01:31:51 pm by wolfen »

Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2019, 03:15:57 pm »
I'll throw my hat in this ring, since Pokemon is most of my childhood and still a large part of my newfound adulthood...

Technically first encountered the shiny red Gyarados in Silver and Crystal. That one is scripted. It doesn't count.
Actually first caught a shiny geodude in LeafGreen's victory road. It's been lost to the aether though, must've deleted my save file with it when I was a kid, I didn't have a way to trade it between gen 3 games.
I don't think I encountered any shinies in gen 4.
The next I remember for sure was shiny Basculin in White 2. I was EV training at the time. And now I absolutely hate Basculin because (A) it's a terrible Pokemon, (B) super generic design, even with the two forms, and (C) its shiny is virtually no different than normal. To encounter something so rare but so underwhelming still upsets me.
I think there was one in generation 6 but I can't recall specifically.
In moon I found a shiny Hakomo-o. I was SOS chaining to find one holding a razor claw (because that was the only way to get one, and get Weavile by association) when it spawned, I remember saying "forget the item, I'm catching the shiny!" Turns out it was also holding a razor claw. So, hands-down that was the best shiny encounter.
In Ultra Sun I found a shiny Staryu and shiny Pineco. No neat story with those though, although I think I was SOS chaining for competitively viable pokemon with both cases.
And a friend has given me a few shinies. However this friend also hacks / generates Pokemon for competitive play. Personally I'm fine with hacking like that, but I can't say in good faith those shinies are legit.

Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2019, 04:20:53 pm »
In all my time, i have never. Not got Pokerus either.


Re: Have you ever found a shiny Pokemon?
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2019, 07:51:48 pm »
Yeah, while playing Gold I found a few, aside from Red Gyarados, the first one being a Rattata. I also did the trick where you traded a shiny to Red/Blue/Yellow to get a shiny Ditto.

On Crystal the Odd Egg was a shiny Smoochum. I stumbled across at least two more during my play-through, but can’t remember which since the battery has since died.

On Emerald, which I played through only once, I found at least three, if I recall correctly. I think one was a Wingull.

On Diamond I hatched a good amount of them, and found a bunch on the wild while training teams. I actually had to faint or run from a few since my boxes were all full from all the Pokémon I bred for the teams I used to train for competitive battling.

I own the newer games, but I haven’t played them yet.

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