Author Topic: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?  (Read 3192 times)


When you follow someone or they follow you on VGcollect what does that feature actually do on this site? I don't mind having any of my followers, but I been wondering for a long long time what exactly does that feature do?

 Is it for your followers to receive notifications only when you add or remove a game to or from your collection?
 does it send them a notification when you make a post in the forum? or both?
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 09:02:00 pm »
On the main site the first tab is the 'Feed' tab.  That tab will give a chronological list of actions (from most recent) that the people you follow have partaken.  Games added, games removed.  That's about it as far as I can tell. 


Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 09:29:50 am »
On the feed tab of the main site, I believe it shows all actions. Items added/removed to collection and wishlist for sure. Not certain about sell list, the two I follow do not use that function. Of course, the person you follow needs to have a public collection in order for their collection actions to show up in the feed.


Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 06:27:09 pm »
I wish there was a way to follow yourself or at least have the option to see what you've added/removed. It seems oddly weird that people who follow me can see this information but I can't. I know ignition or someone was able to rig it to allow you to see your own feed but I don't recall how and would prefer a non-loophole way of doing it.

It's also weird that people can just up and follow you on a whim without having to ask any kind of permission or anything. Like "Hey there stranger, look at what I have listed in my collection and send me PMs asking to buy those items from me" (this has happened more than once).

I do realize I can set my collection to private but that seems counter intuitive to me. Aside from the occasional mouth breather mentioned above trying to buy items out of my collection, I don't have a problem with people seeing what I have. A few times I've gotten PM's of people who also own a hard-to-find/rare item and it creates a nice conversation between us.  8)

My cousin has his collection on here but he's more a private person than I am so he set his collection to private. I've tried following but it shows me nothing of his and there's no options for "allow this user to see your private collection".  :(


Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 07:15:23 pm »
I wish there was a way to follow yourself or at least have the option to see what you've added/removed. It seems oddly weird that people who follow me can see this information but I can't. I know ignition or someone was able to rig it to allow you to see your own feed but I don't recall how and would prefer a non-loophole way of doing it.

It's also weird that people can just up and follow you on a whim without having to ask any kind of permission or anything. Like "Hey there stranger, look at what I have listed in my collection and send me PMs asking to buy those items from me" (this has happened more than once).

I do realize I can set my collection to private but that seems counter intuitive to me. Aside from the occasional mouth breather mentioned above trying to buy items out of my collection, I don't have a problem with people seeing what I have. A few times I've gotten PM's of people who also own a hard-to-find/rare item and it creates a nice conversation between us.  8)

My cousin has his collection on here but he's more a private person than I am so he set his collection to private. I've tried following but it shows me nothing of his and there's no options for "allow this user to see your private collection".  :(

I don't know why anyone would want to follow someone on second thought, what if they know where you live and you don't know that. They could just be trying to stalk you or steal your password or something. But for me,so far I never had anyone so far PM me about anything. and if they were asking for to buy or sell anything in my collection the answer would be no
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2018, 09:07:19 pm »
You want PMs? Start editing in the database. Tripredacus will send you one of his love notes eventually ;)
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Re: What Happens When You Follow Someone On VGcollect Or They Follow You?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2018, 08:12:09 am »
You want PMs? Start editing in the database. Tripredacus will send you one of his love notes eventually ;)


Stumbled across this thread. I don't really use the follow function that much either. I suppose it's neat if you have friends on VGCollect so you can follow them and see what they have been adding into their collection and vice versa through the feed.

My friend is signing up soon and said he wanted to follow me, similar to other social platforms, so that’s pretty cool.

For me if someone decides to follow me I will follow them back, it's always fun to see what people are buying these days, whether it's retro or modern ;D The community here is not massive so it's manageable.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 10:07:34 am by mark1982 »
  l    l 


I don't know why anyone would want to follow someone on second thought, what if they know where you live and you don't know that. They could just be trying to stalk you or steal your password or something.

Well, being followed by someone on this website doesn't necessarily mean that that person would like to follow you where you live.
Try not to worry so much about this sort of things ;)


I don't know why anyone would want to follow someone on second thought, what if they know where you live and you don't know that. They could just be trying to stalk you or steal your password or something.

Well, being followed by someone on this website doesn't necessarily mean that that person would like to follow you where you live.
Try not to worry so much about this sort of things ;)

ok thanks ferraroso ;)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)