Author Topic: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console  (Read 12420 times)


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2019, 05:17:07 am »
Speed runners where forced to use joy cons with motion controls for the best variants of certain moves wich the pro controller just can't do even when you flick it.

for normal gameplay it won't matter though
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2019, 07:49:24 am »
I found Galaxy’s to be rather unobtrusive (a flick of the wrist should do ya), and in Odyssey they at least aren’t required.  In DKCR you have to hold Wii-mote sideways and violently shake up and down with both hands for the ground pound, so it’s a much bigger offender in my eyes.

I tend to leave Skyward Sword out of these convos because the controls are 100% necessary for the game they built.

For Skyward Sword, I just hate the motion controls themselves, but at least the game was built around them, rather than being more of just an afterthought gimmick.  With Odyssey, if I remember right, while the motion controls aren't required, the best version of a move that required either a flick or whatever could only be done with motion, which at that point, I don't even know why they added it.  It's been a long time since i played Odyssey,  so I don't remember specifically what it was, it just seemed like an annoying thing to realize.  That's the stuff that bugs me the most.  Sure, I don't like motion controls, but if you are gonna have them, then at least go all in to justify their existence.

I am sorry for being so negative... As I usually say, if you don't have anything good to say about something, it is usually better not to say anything at all. But to what concerns motion controls...
I have NEVER enjoyed ANY experience involving motion control on video games. NEVER!
In my opinion they NEVER (EVER) are necessary and EVERYTIME I see a game that depends on it, I simply give up on playing it. For me, it is simply the most annoying thing there has ever existed in gaming...

Please, forgive me for all the rant...


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2019, 12:10:01 pm »
For controls I'll discuss the Trauma Center series.

I thought they were pretty solid and that the depth in forcing the defibrillator forward has handled well. Horizontal and vertical movements are handled just fine and tilting bones back in to place is also pretty solid. Overall the motion controls work really well and very intriguing concept to see motion controls for a SURGERY game of all things.

Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2019, 03:01:30 pm »
While my Wii didn't get used as much as my 360, I still got plenty of enjoyment  out of it.

The motion controls were probably the biggest problem, not because that they were there, but because most developers had no idea how to use them. As a result, there were so many games were the motion controls were just tacked on and/or were a hindrance, making them much harder to enjoy.

The other thing I hated were all the stupid, useless peripherals. So many pointless plastic golf clubs, tennis rackets, baseball bats, bowling balls, etc., etc. for the remotes to snap into to make the game play worse. I worked in the Electronics department during that time and at one point we had 6 feet of shelves dedicated to that crap.


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Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2019, 05:25:30 pm »
The Wii is a really solid system it's true their is a lot of shovelware but to me thats part of it's charm. You can find alot of really surprisingly good games no one knows about. imo it's a great system to collect for

Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2019, 03:52:39 am »
I like general concept of wii moution control is something but in poland we have specific point of view on situation nintendo sell wii here and pack up 1 year later most of wii games here are imports so shovel ware wasn't that much problem here because stores don't risk selling games that don't have  know names like mario, metroid etc so we have smaler catalogue to play (90% of games are almost imposible to buy here without ebay) backward compatiblity on wii is almost uselees here get gamecube game if they were never sale here 8) and wii is almost imposible to broken but high underpowered. 9/10 for hardware 7/10 for controler and games are hard subject for discuse me favorite game for system is legend of zelda twilight princess yes i know you can play it on gamecube and wiiu in hd. that me opinion and some story of poland wii.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2019, 03:54:22 am by wrk40 »


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2019, 09:04:06 am »
I like it as long as I don't have to worry about motion controls. I've never liked that gimmick. The Kirby titles on there were a blast, and I really enjoyed my time with Arc Rise Fantasia.

Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2019, 12:23:12 pm »
I didn’t get a whole lot of use out of it, other than bowling (maybe the SNES on virtual console was a close 2nd).
I liked the compact system design, but the motion sensor wire was very flimsy.


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2019, 10:09:35 pm »
Love the Wii. It's my favorite "modern" game console, and is home to the fantastic and underrated Super Mario Galaxy among many other great Nintendo titles, as well as a lot of interesting third party one-offs. It really excels at arcade style sporting games, and games built around the use of motion. Some of the shovel-ware was so bad that it was good. Definitely a unique system and that's what makes it.

Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2019, 05:29:43 pm »
I think the 95% shovelware that another poster stated is a bit exaggerated.

It's a fine system with a diverse line-up of quality games.

Yes, there were quite a few shovelware titles, but every system had them, even your most beloved systems.

You can create a knockout library on the Wii system.

Some people who hate on the system don't realize how much fun their missing out on.


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2019, 07:19:05 am »
I'm not a fan of the motion controls, but the Wii has been and will continue to be a cherished system for me, there's so many first-party and third-party games for it that are fun to play. There's a huge amount of shovelware for it, but then the supermarket's full of food I don't like, I just don't put it in my basket.


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2019, 07:36:50 am »
I like it. At the time the Wii and the NDS were essentially the only two systems I played the most on. Regardless of the massive library of shovelware that the system has, which is a constant gripe most everyone always has, and for good reason, there are some truly great gems that I think everyone that has a Wii should experience. Like with most everything, the Wii has it pros and cons, but it’s definitely a great console.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2019, 05:30:32 am »
I try to collect the good games for the Wii, however I don't really feel like picking up the Nintendo published ones except maybe Zelda.
Finding obscure good third party games is more exciting!
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2019, 06:05:58 am »
If it wasn't for Operation Rainfall I wouldn't have a Nintendo Wii at all. All 3 games got me very excited for the system and upon purchasing 1 I never regretted it - Xenoblade Chronicles was worth getting the system for alone and among the greatest JRPG experiences I've ever had.

I've always struggled to align with Nintendo & it's not for the lack of trying but there is always something that just puts me off, wether it be dungeon crawling, silent protagonists or that Sphere level design in Mario Galaxy there's always something which stops me from really enjoying the majority of Nintendo titles - This applies to all consoles and not just the Wii. It's bizarre as I like cute creatures in things & generally enjoy children's TV shows so you'd think I'd eat up all of Nintendo's properties but I never do.

Most of the games I like on the Wii are very Un-Nintendoy. I've already mentioned Operation Rainfall but another stand out title is Silent Hill Shattered Memories - the Wii version being the best as the PS2 version is technically inferior. That game was great it's interactive narrative. Epic Mickey was a brilliant Platformer which utilised the Wii's controls effectively and I loved how they explored the past characters of Disney.

Beyond that though, I don't have much else to say about the system, sadly was it was not built for HD all my Wii content is put in storage. I had a Wii-U but not much really stood out on that console for me to keep it out - I had it on my TV Unit for 2 years and barely touched it. While the Wii-U console is in HD, the Wii games aren't upscaled which is a big set back for me.


Re: Your Opinions Of The Original Nintendo Wii Console
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2020, 07:15:25 am »
I have a love/hate relationship with the Wii probably like many of you.  There are some really great games that utilize the motion controls really well and there are some games that just don't.  I bought a Wii in the early days and after a while I just found that I played my PS3 and 360 more while the Wii just collected dust so I ended up selling it.  When the black Wii console came out with Motion Plus I bought it again and actually have enjoyed it quite a bit more than I initially did.  One thing I do regret is not purchasing more games from the Virtual Console library before Nintendo discontinued it. 
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 07:17:42 am by shatterstar69 »
Time to make the donuts!