At least this topic made it into the proper place on the first try

Your toe isn't healing because of either 1) bacteria, 2) fungus or 3) because you're walking on it and the cut can't properly close.
I'm betting it's bacteria. Pour peroxide on that bad boy to clean it out and then fill in the cut with neosporin. Let the peroxide do it's thing for ~ 5 minutes before putting on the neosporin. Wrap a bandaid or whatever around the cut then put tape around the bandage tight enough so that the cut doesn't open every time you take a step.
Take the bandage off and repeat those steps twice a day until it either heals or you get in to see the doctor. Wounds need to stay moist and clean to heal properly.
I'm no doctor but I think that's what you should be doing until you get in to see one.
I've officially taken care of my good dead for the month of April.