Author Topic: Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?  (Read 1737 times)

Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:50:28 am »

I know you can take DVD based games (PS2, Xbox 360) to a Store to get a CD cleaned of scratches - Can you do that for games this generation that are Blu-Rays? Family member broke their game recently and would rather do that than buy a replacement.


Re: Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2019, 07:04:50 am »
Absolutely, it depends on the repair machine they're using. My local indy store has one of these:

It'll gladly scalp the bejesus out of anything,

Just watch out for game stores that are using these:

The disc-go devil was the go-to machine for the likes of CEX and Game, but they're simply not as good as the likes of the VMI Hybrid and might not handle blu rays as well.

Re: Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2019, 11:03:15 am »
Very informative response! Thanks for the heads up :)

Re: Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2019, 11:49:15 am »
Blu-rays have a harder coating than DVDs, which is why all those home repair kits have fallen by the wayside. You'll definitely want to call ahead to see if the machine can handle a Blu-ray.

Also, try your local library- many have repair machines to keep their collections in working order & will repair your discs for free/a nominal fee.


Re: Can you take BLU-RAY Discs to a Store to clean?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2019, 10:07:59 pm »
You may be able to clean any disc and remove the scratches without consequences once or twice,

but it does not help with disc rot. I've had a lot of PlayStation 3 BluRay games get disc rot. More so then my DVD and CD's. And As long as my DVDs and CD games and music is well stored, and put in the case they usually stay in fine shape

I store my PlayStation 3 blurays in the same location as my other games and I've lost a lot of them, I going to try to run one of them anyway because I hate replacing my Call Of Duty PS3 games I've already had to replace 2 Call Of Duty Black Ops 1 and my 2nd Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has a spot on it. that series of PS3 discs tends to get data holes in them

Please if your reading this it's a good time to check all your PlayStation 3 games, because according to the internet I'm not the only one suffering pin holes sized chunks of cover art and light shine through the disc.

 in my PlayStation 3 games. I heard that and even some PS4 games can be found like that as well
« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 10:25:11 pm by oldgamerz »
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