Author Topic: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020  (Read 5496 times)

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2019, 11:33:35 pm »
I’m not one for early adopting anyway ** (last time I bought a console anywhere near its launch was the GBA SP), so I’m perfectly content to wait a few years and see how things play out. If Xbox continues to push digital gaming (and it will), then I doubt it will be a credible competitor to the PS5 for my money, but even the latter I suspect will have less physical media (excluding BC) than its predecessor.

Meanwhile, I maintain (despite many good arguments to the contrary) that this next generation will be the final one that involves physical media, and once that goes, so does my interest in anything other than retro.

** slightly hypocritical....I don’t yet own a Switch but have already amassed 86 games, lol
—Currently Playing—
F.I.S.T. (PS5)
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (NS)

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2019, 11:44:44 pm »
I still don't think we'll see physical media go after this gen, to put up a hopefully good argument lol.  We are getting to this future, but the infrastructure still isn't there to support everyone going full digital or streaming.  Games are bigger than ever with like Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption 2 being over 100gb's and that doesn't work when a lot of people still have lower internet speeds and data caps in North America, on top of whatever streaming they are doing, and within the next 5 years or so of the next gen, I don't see that drastically changing.

The push is inevitable for physical media going away, but I think we are at least a good gen or two away from that after this upcoming one.

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2019, 02:58:41 pm »
Imo Physical media died years ago.  Games don't have the same nostalgic feel anymore.  They are made with cheesy plastics now,  almost no games include books anymore unless it's from an indie developer.  And it just feels like a souless key to enter a game rather than holding a game itself.  And after the updates are done and servers come down.  Most will be unplayable or buggy.    You still have to install them even in physical form.   It doesn't feel like the old days of holding a cart, blowing in it and playing right away.   Seemless fun like with the PS2 and even PS3.  Now it's kinda already digital. 

Because of this,  I'm not as sentimental about physical media going away and it going digital only.  For current gen I own maybe 100 games physical,  and maybe 100 games digital.  For me it comes down to which is cheaper.   If digital is cheaper I will buy digital.  But any other time its simpler for me to walk to walmart because it installs faster. And I do love having the case to look at. 

I think Nintendo is the sole lone wolf on that for me.  If they went digital only.  I'd be sincerely hurt.  As the Big N is our childhood.  Watching them go down a more modern and cash grabby route would be sad.   I think they'll be last to the finish line in going full digital. 

But I agree with Kamikazekeeg.   I don't see a digital only movement coming for quite some time if ever.  I just think it alienates too many people and leaves an opening for a huge backlash.   Xbox One will now take the stand lol ;D

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2019, 04:17:47 pm »
Imo Physical media died years ago.  [...]
But I agree with Kamikazekeeg.   I don't see a digital only movement coming for quite some time if ever.  I just think it alienates too many people and leaves an opening for a huge backlash.

So, uh, which is it?

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2019, 09:47:07 pm »
Imo Physical media died years ago.  [...]
But I agree with Kamikazekeeg.   I don't see a digital only movement coming for quite some time if ever.  I just think it alienates too many people and leaves an opening for a huge backlash.

So, uh, which is it?

It hasn't actually died as in go away. I meant that is lost some of it's charm. I just don't hold it to heart as much as physical media of days passed. I think it keeps losing more and more of what makes physical media special.  With the necessity to install anyway and the massive amounts of updates.  The seemless play style of old physical media is gone.  But I guess it's better than full digital. 

I hope they remain physical with digital as an option.  It pleases everyone. It'd be very alienating to remove the option to have physical media that you actually own and are able to trade and let others borrow.   


Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2019, 10:32:35 am »
I knew the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the PS5 would somehow coincide. I'll bide my time, though, just like I've been doing since the release of the PS3. I'm planning on getting a PS4 anyway, so this may help me getting it slightly cheaper.

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Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2019, 12:11:45 am »
I'm tempted to want to buy one at launch, but seeing how he have zero launch game announcements for it yet makes me hesitant to do this; I didn't end up buying a PS4 until they'd been out for a year an a half because there weren't enough games to justify the price for me until then. But the backwards compatibility makes it very appealing; I really hope they take it to a new level and make it backwards compatible with the PS3, PS2, and PS1, although this is probably unlikely. If they made it backwards compatible with the PS2 I'd buy one day 1 just based off that. E3 2020 should be very, very interesting.

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2019, 09:35:02 am »
I think there are a couple of things that would make me interested in getting in at launch.

First, the price point.  Duh.

Second, full (or close to full) BC.  PS3 at least PS2 and PS1 would be great.  If it played PS3 as well as PS4 games, that’s two consoles I can get out of my living room and transfer to the game room / office.


Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2019, 10:33:44 pm »
I would def be interested in PS2 backwards compatibility because mine is starting to show it's age and doesn't work like it used to :/
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2019, 12:12:46 pm »
I would def be interested in PS2 backwards compatibility because mine is starting to show it's age and doesn't work like it used to :/

Since the PS2 came out I've had 6 (2 fats, 4 slims) that have failed on me, all for the same reason. The PS2 is maybe a hair more reliable than the original 360, and it isn't like I don't take care of my consoles. It would be awesome to have another option to play physical PS2 games.

Re: PS5 Officially Announced for Holiday 2020
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2019, 01:52:18 pm »
I would def be interested in PS2 backwards compatibility because mine is starting to show it's age and doesn't work like it used to :/

Since the PS2 came out I've had 6 (2 fats, 4 slims) that have failed on me, all for the same reason. The PS2 is maybe a hair more reliable than the original 360, and it isn't like I don't take care of my consoles. It would be awesome to have another option to play physical PS2 games.

I agree :).  Sadly the more time passes, the more PS2s will succumb to their ill timely faith :(.   I really hope all of the great games start becoming playable on newer sony consoles or in the PS Store at least.   

Sadly I just had my 6th 360 kick the bucket.  It's a shame how poorly made that console was.   Disc based consoles will never have the longevity of cart based consoles.  But surely a few years of play shouldn't do one in.   Like the 360 had.