Author Topic: Little Toy Cars Collection Thread Or Hot Wheels Track Sets  (Read 2013 times)


Little Toy Cars Collection Thread Or Hot Wheels Track Sets
« on: September 17, 2019, 06:00:44 am »
First off, I'm disappointed to say the internet did not give me any information on a hot wheels track set that I had when I was younger. it was one of my most favorite toys. and it had manual shift instead of being battery operated. when each time the toy car came around  you could compete with a friend and push the car along the track with a lever and the car would go around in a circle. you could even use matchbox cars if you wanted to. they obviously don't make this specific toy anymore

Has anyone ever collected any toy Matchbox or Hot Wheels Cars? When I was younger every Saturday my grandparents would take me grocery shopping and I would get at least one little toy car, Diecast, Nascar, Hotwheels or even a Matchbox brand. I used to collect them, now I only have a few left some were inherited from the 1970's 1980's and some were bought in the 1990's

« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 06:03:42 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Little Toy Cars Collection Thread Or Hot Wheels Track Sets
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2019, 02:55:59 pm »
When Hot Wheels World Race was really new my brother and I wanted to collect all 32(?) of the team cars so we could get that sweet track as a prize... but we only ended up getting three of the cars and no Highway 35 track. I found the poster advertising that that we had the other day which was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Other than that I have a decent size assortment of Hot Wheels, Matchbox and some other random brands stored in carry cases and a drawer. Unfortunately for the cars they just kinda sit in their storage containers as I do nothing with them.


Re: Little Toy Cars Collection Thread Or Hot Wheels Track Sets
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2019, 08:38:21 pm »
My son enjoys Hot Wheels sets.  I used to when I was younger, not so much any more.  I don't have any of mine anymore either.

I do still collect diecast cars I just stay away from Hot Wheels and go more for these.


Re: Little Toy Cars Collection Thread Or Hot Wheels Track Sets
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2019, 01:32:16 pm »
I used to have a bunch of these as a kid, carrying case and all.

My mom used to bring me one or two on occasion whenever she went shopping, and I would often pick a few while at KB Toys or any other toy store, or grocery store. My interest on these died fast – it was mostly a fad for me as a kid. I’ve never been into cars, so I don’t find the appeal on these anymore. I do often see baskets filled with them for cheap at Walmart, and a bunch of grown ups rummaging through them, funnily enough.

I also had a collector's edition of some sort for a Ferrari that my father gifted me once. I have the foggiest clue where I ended up putting that thing...

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