Author Topic: Signature CausingThreads To Go To A Unsecured Connection (I Solved)  (Read 1153 times)


I found out the issue :)

(edit) the reason why some thread pages are marked as Unsecured by some browsers. Might be because of some of our signatures, I noticed right away that as soon as I added my own collection banner link to my collection below. That every single thread I posted in was unsecured according to my browser.

It was because of the following, I did an experiment on this thread and with adding an S on the end of the http URL, when adding the banner link into my signature. my browser now then says the this thread and every thread I posted in is ok and secure. Some people are causing some of our forum pages to not be fully secured.

I've reported this before but I have to but in and know why this is happening to other peoples accounts every time they make a post, This happen just recently to my signature ever since I've added my collection banner. today

According to admin @tripredacus told me that someone else's signature was also causing this  and now mine was as well, because everywhere I posted had an unsecured connection.

What I could not figure out. Is first off why is my own signature might be causing the same result? when I know for a fact I have no code at all in my signature that would contribute towards this.

I use Google chrome, and I don't know why this is happening.

this is all the text included in my signature

Code: [Select]
(I fixed it) by adding an the letter S after http to the URL, thank God
Code: [Select]
is the fix

here is the instructions I followed and others have as well,,6835.msg107061.html#msg107061

without adding the letter S after http 
Code: [Select]
might be causing an error. I't not a good thing to have holes in security, with all the problems servers have these days it's good to keep them running smoothly as possible :-\

« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 04:05:25 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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