Author Topic: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?  (Read 4008 times)


I've been setting up my back-up PS3 recently and thought this would make an interesting topic among members - What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?

Back-Up Consoles
As I stated I have recently bought a 2nd PS3 incase my current one tanks on me! I don't normally do this, but with the change in the industry with their approach to digital & online gaming this has become a valid pre-caution. I've actually gone through my entire PS3 collection and backed up the downloadable updates,Separate from the games in install files which you can access online. To do this, you can highlight a game and press Triangle to get the prompt 'Check for Update'. Now all the Data for my PS3 games is saved on my PS3's HDD.

Backing up your Console Data
This will be the next step, taking all the data I have on my console and backing it up on an external HDD - most commonly used for when transferring data from console to console. I will however be using this current PS3 Data Build as my base set-up for any console, so if my console does tank, I can go to my external HDD and transfer my back-up files with all my Online Updates & Downloaded Games & DLC safe.

External HDD for Modern Consoles
Also, with modern games demanding you install all the Data from the Disc to the HDD, I've found that the base 1TB HDD isn't enough. I've installed a 2TB HDD to my PS4 Pro & have an External 4TB HDD also. I mainly have this so if a game has DLC & is 100+GB like Final Fantasy XV I don't have to re-install it all, I can just pop it on my External HDD & should I want to experience that game again I can transfer it over.

Sleeves/Plastic Cases for your game cases
In my perspective, the majority of the time we're not actively using our games, they're readily available for that one particular moment when you want to play the particular title. So while my games are sat on my shelf, I like to re-seal them to keep them safe from dust, damp and whatever else could occur. I find re-sealing very simple to do - I buy packs of 100/200 on eBay & as soon as I get a game that's pre-owned or newly opened I stick a sleeve over it.

Screen Protectors & Cases for Portable Consoles
This is a must for me, it's the first thing I do before even touching my console - beyond giving the console itself a little clean if Pre-owned.

Storage Boxes
Sadly I don't have a good way to play my PS2 Collection, so it gets rejected and left alone in storage boxes in my cupboard. I'd love to have the fully displayed on a shelf, but I simply don't use them at all now due to not having a practical way to display them on a HDTV.

Portable Games - In Multi-Cart cases
With my DS & 3DS games, I actually keep the carts separate from the game cases (Which I also keep in a storage box), I find this a practical & accessible way to store my DS/3DS titles. One thing I absolutely refuse to do is put my Disc based games in Wallet - I've had experience where handling the discs from the wallet has caused scratches, so a big NONO!!

Backing Up Games Digitally
Technically it's not illegal to make back-up of the games you own. I do this with my PSP not only to preserve them horrible UMDs but also the games run better on Memory Stick!

That's most of the methods I can think of that I back-up/preserve my games, I'm curious to hear what other measures members here might go to.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 07:32:15 am by vivigamer »

Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 07:29:23 am »
Honestly? Pretty much nothing. Eventually these things will all break- the discs will rot, the chips corrode, the hard drives break down.

I'm pretty much reliant on folks like you, with the money/time/space/technical know-how to make the appropriate backups & internal schematics to allow for the repair & restoration of my stuff if it breaks down. It helps that I avoid download games as much as I can, so at least it's largely just update data that would needs to be restored.


Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2019, 09:38:05 am »
(About backing up files on the PlayStation 3)

I read unfortunately with the SONY PlayStation 3's that backing up the patch data and transferring it to another PlayStation 3 leaves some of the patches data left out. Some of the patch data on some of the PlayStation 3 games has been copyrighted and was actually programmed to not be allowed to be backed up for use with another PS3 console.

Meaning, that some of the patches will not be backed up using the naked PS3 backup utility. Some of that patch data for a lot of games will need to be hacked in order to actually be backed up for use with other PS3 consoles. than the PS3 that originally held the patch.

I read the backup agreement carefully on the PS3 screen that is how I know this.

(back on topic though)

I'd say if your console still works or has working parts and is not completely melted or corroded than try to repair it and clean it or get it cleaned by someone, instead of getting another console.

Also clean your games, and don't play severely scratched disc games in CD consoles to help preserve the laser. If a game is scratched then you could attempt to repair the scratches on the old one instead of buying another copy. Family Video near me repairs all scratched CD/DVD games for about $3-$6 USD a piece they can resurface the game and sometimes make it like new, but it also can be risky if it is the 2nd or 3rd time the game was resurfaced

to sum of what I said? In the 2nd paragraph.

1: Clean both consoles and games regularly or have someone do it

2: repair broken consoles because a lot of times not all the parts are broken and another console is not guaranteed to work

3: read the fine print on the game licenses because some game will not backup due to copyright crap

4: get the scratches off the Disc based games or don't play them to preserve your consoles lasers

5: and when buying used consoles, make sure that have been refurbished
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 09:03:48 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2019, 10:30:38 am »
by the way? you need for always format any hard drives into FAT32 format when using on the SONY PlayStation 3 if you don't then any PS3 will not even be able to detect your hard drive and also. 1 terabyte maximum on the PlayStation 3

And? on the PS3 you need to create specific PS3 titled folders like PS3 folder with UPDATE folder inside and  in all Capital Letter folders using a PC onto the hard drive or the PS3 also will not detect the hard drive

I am a PS3 enthusiast and I did all of the above here, but also you need a program called FAT32 FORMAT and connect the external hard drive to a PC first in order to do all this (you need a PC or laptop computer to do all of this)

and you cannot just swipe out an internal hard drive and transfer it to another PlayStation 3 I tried that folks! and I needed to personally get the PS3 operating system from SONY's website in order to even use my PlayStation 3
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 10:48:16 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
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Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 07:39:42 pm »
I've been working on box protectors for my entire collection, as of late. It's fairly expensive though, so it's coming along slowly.


Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2019, 09:41:38 pm »
I would like to have box protectors for all my games and consoles, and I do for a few of them already. I've been working on obtaining backup solutions for PS2 / PS1 / GameCube memory cards as well as for all of my cartridge games too. Generally, if I get a new cartridge game, I'll change the battery right away. I've got backups of my Wii, 3DS and Switch SD cards from July of this year. I've also got hard-disk image backups of my PS3, Wii U and PS4. For loose carts, I use global game gear sleeves because they have solutions for NES, SNES, Genesis and N64. I've also got hard cases for all of my GB/GBC/GBA games as well. I keep my consoles as clean as possible and clean all of games I buy, and I clean my hands thoroughly before playing to keep the controls as new and clean as possible.

I've really gotten into ripping disc images and roms using various drives and devices just for fun too. I'm really hoping for solid-state solutions that don't require console mods down the line for disc based systems.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2019, 12:44:56 am »
Pretty good list and suggestions, tho, like someone already mentioned you can’t really use PS3 external or internal drives with any console other than the one it was formatted by. Same is true for PS4.

Xbox One you can use your external drive with any Xbox One provides you sign into Xbox Live at least once afterwards.

Other measures I take is proactively buying extras of the flakey stuff. Extra disc drives, etc.

Plan to learn how (or find a buddy that knows how) to replace capacitors. They will fail in 10-20 years.

Something not mentioned but important is exposure to sunlight. Some materials will become brittle. Many will fade. If how your things look is important to you try to protect them from direct sunlight.

You don’t have to live in darkness, but keep them away from Windows or shield them from the light in some way.

Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2019, 02:22:44 am »
Really Helpfull information @Oldgamerz, this is the message that shows when you make the back-up:

To be fair I've noticed when you upload Save Data to the cloud, a few games won't like Heavy Rain or Street Fighter IV, but really it's a very small percentage still, so I'm still hoping most of the content will transfer.

So I really can't put this back-up onto another PS3? Because I've transferred data from PS4 to PS4 - Mostly to keep my copy of PT valid :P

Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2019, 12:33:25 pm »
Really Helpfull information @Oldgamerz, this is the message that shows when you make the back-up:

To be fair I've noticed when you upload Save Data to the cloud, a few games won't like Heavy Rain or Street Fighter IV, but really it's a very small percentage still, so I'm still hoping most of the content will transfer.

So I really can't put this back-up onto another PS3? Because I've transferred data from PS4 to PS4 - Mostly to keep my copy of PT valid :P

It will transfer- Sony knows some people upgrade their systems- but it won't be 100%, depending on how much of a butt the game developers where for specific titles.

It's still a good idea, but if there's a certain title you really want to be sure you have, look into it a bit.

Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2019, 06:54:20 pm »
I guess I should be thinking about this with all of my systems since the retro stuff won't last forever either, but it's mainly a concern of mine for newer consoles that depend regularly on server updates and patching. My plan for the PS3 is to increase the HDD and sometime before the servers go dark, download every available patch for every game I own, which at this point is almost every game I'll ever care to have on those systems. I also plan on doing this with the PS4, however the size of PS4 game downloads is significant enough to where I'll probably end up having 3 or 4 PS4s with how big my library of games is for these systems, as well as how many more games I want that have yet to release. I'll probably end up throwing 4TB SSDs into a few ps4 Pros and this should hopefully do it. Luckily we still have a while before the PS4 goes dark. As for XBONE, 360, and Wii U, I don't have enough games for these systems to where I think upgrading and backing up will be an issue, but it's still something I plan on doing.

When it comes to retro systems, I mostly just want a backup of most systems, especially the older CD based stuff, and I'll probably hunt down ISOs/ROMs of everything that I haven't already downloaded.


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Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2019, 07:47:04 pm »
Really not much you can do but try to push back the inevitable as long as possible. I have extra systems for most of my consoles and use screen protectors when available. I store most games that have cardboard type boxes in display cases and keep everythig out of direct sunlight.Have some clear plastic protective cases and would like to get more but it's a big undertaking to cover my whole collection. At least my collection should out live me and my kids and possibly their children (whenever thay decided to have some already) I guess that's the best any of us could expect.


Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2019, 11:36:17 pm »
Just for thought, You can still buy working replacement parts for a lot of your consoles.

but if part of the gaming industry keeps selling us Consoles with the games built in that is a great sign.
that you can actually buy these mini consoles, and use them until they break without worrying about consumer rights licenses, and patches expiring. as well as not needing to download all the games.

Walmart near me, is selling a lot of Mini consoles with games already in them. they have a big stock pile of them last time I was there.

I am cheering all the way for AtGames and their console market
, personally I don't think SONY gives a hoot about gamers anymore, Microsoft is still a lot more generous then SONY in my opinion by letting us play old Xbox on the Xbox One and some old PC games on Windows 10, and in my own opinion Nintendo is at least better caring today than SONY seems to be. not much.

but is it true the Nintendo Switch has physical games? if so then I say they are slightly more caring then SONY is right now

 Steam is ok but I've had bad experiences with them so there not for me anymore.

SONY,  I am not a fan of them much anymore after they came out with the PlayStation 4

Sorry for the hit on SONY but They really lost their customer quality  :'(
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 11:55:13 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2019, 02:22:32 am »
With PS4 yes you can transfer from one to the other but it requires both consoles be functional at the time. If your console dies before you can do a transfer any HDD backup from that console becomes effectively useless.

Re: What Measures Do You Take To Future Proof/Preserve Your Gaming Collection?
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2019, 09:07:24 pm »
Xbox keeps most of my stuff in the cloud regarding achievements and saved stuff.  If they get hacked I'm screwed but it's a gamble I take.   With old consoles I keep them in a climate controlled room.  It's never above 85 degrees, never below 50.   And it's kept dry and dust free.  Other than that I don't do too much :)