Author Topic: With next gen starting holiday 2020 will you look back on current gen fondly?  (Read 5534 times)

I've actually enjoyed this last generation. The rise of the boutique publisher has brought many indie games I may not have tried otherwise into the physical game space. The AAA space, dominated last gen by the first person shooters I don't care for, diversified just a bit and popped out a couple titles I very much enjoyed (Horizon Zero Dawn, Monster Hunter World come to mind.)

I realize this gen has also been full of real dumbf*ckery- mostly involving loot boxes & greedy DLC- but those games are almost always in forms I don't care for even before the money grubbing kicks in, so it's not something that's really messed with my gameplay. My experience has been a few people realizing weirdos like me, with a preference for indies, imports, & b-tier titles got cash to burn & started selling the crap I want. Yay!

Exactly how I feel.  This has been the generation that really got me back into gaming.  Sure there were good games last gen, but things had gotten way too homogenized.  This generation we got Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, Breath of the Wild.  There's a reason the PS4 is the console I have the second most games for.


Considering that, during this generation, I spent much more time playing remakes and remastered versions of older games than new stuff made especifically for it, I'd say that, for my taste, the current gen has been a waste.
However, when I think that during this generation we had so many great remakes and remastered versions of older games, then it was a huge win! Haha!

I've actually enjoyed this last generation. The rise of the boutique publisher has brought many indie games I may not have tried otherwise into the physical game space. The AAA space, dominated last gen by the first person shooters I don't care for, diversified just a bit and popped out a couple titles I very much enjoyed (Horizon Zero Dawn, Monster Hunter World come to mind.)

I realize this gen has also been full of real dumbf*ckery- mostly involving loot boxes & greedy DLC- but those games are almost always in forms I don't care for even before the money grubbing kicks in, so it's not something that's really messed with my gameplay. My experience has been a few people realizing weirdos like me, with a preference for indies, imports, & b-tier titles got cash to burn & started selling the crap I want. Yay!

Exactly how I feel.  This has been the generation that really got me back into gaming.  Sure there were good games last gen, but things had gotten way too homogenized.  This generation we got Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, Breath of the Wild.  There's a reason the PS4 is the console I have the second most games for.

Me too. Last time actually was excited about games was during the Xbox/Gamecube era. I was buying and collecting vintage up until the Switch. The Switch literally brought me into the newest generation of gaming. I've since bough a One X, but mostly only play indies (free on Gamepass), racing sims, and Monster Hunter World. Everything else I play on Switch. I can't say I'll look back fondly at the "generation," but I will definitely look back on the birth of the Switch and its games, the way they stood out and the way I got excited about them. It's literally the first console I waited in line on launch day for since the N64 (RIP Toys R Us...).

I do concede at times that the pursuit of hyper realism in games has made for a visually bland experience. I feel like we're in the post-Flemmish/Realism era of games and the impressionists will start rising in earnest, with Nintendo and Indies leading the way. Smaller file sizes, faster loading, cheaper to make and buy, but big on story, fun, and meaning making. I guess what I'm saying is all that console power doesn't mean much to me, so this generation won't have the same staying power for me.