The new COD is worst than typhus. First game to make me contemplate an arrestable offense. I think maybe warmsignal was right. This is rushed garbage. I have destroyed the case so none of you will buy it anymore. But hopefully some poor sap will give me 20 bucks for it. I hang my head in shame.
from what i've heard this COD is the darkest most realistic wargame the series has ever been.
your doing some fucked up stuff in single player isnt that a good thing that they achieved this realism that the game makes you feel bad for killing some people in the missions.
unless ofcourse they made multiplayer bad. in terms of the rest they did a good job from what i've read it's a bit to dark for some people but they delivered on a realistic wargame experience.
also considering the massive complaints when pretty much all new call of duty games come out and that those very same people will still end up puchasing and enjoy playing the games afterwards anyways as their main time investment I'm kinda unsure what i have to say to those people. ![Roll Eyes ::)](
The biggest issue I had is that they made one of the modes outright PS exclusive. So PC and Xbox players who are paying full retail price for the same game get 1/3 of their game completely removed for a year. And it's not really announced going in properly. My case even says "spec ops" on it. It even has achievements for Spec Ops. A mode I don't even have. That was my biggest dissappointment. It was a huge slap in the face. And it came from greed. Which is worst of all. But then they also took out Hardcore free for all. Which has been a constant in the series since the earliest of entries on 360. It's the only mode I play competitively and have practiced for years. And hardcore mode in general has really taken a backseat. So in a sense. Multiplayer and Spec ops are both completely ruined on Xbox or PC.
The campaign is very fun. Very dark. Probably among the best campaigns it has had. They definitely didn't censor things as you said. Not to spoil anything, but you do some twisted stuff. And see some twisted stuff. It's a step into the boots of a modern soldier. Not sugar coated. Not gimicky. But pretty raw. And honest with itself. I love it very much
As a whole. Call of Duty did everything I tried defending them for never having done. They made a game that is pay to play, rushed, half missing, patch to fix, lameness. I started off being depressed. Still sorta am because I can't really sell it. Campaign is certainly one of them. I just can't stand by a developer making a huge chunk of the game console exclusive and not just making the game console exclusive totally. If Sony paid them enough to give console exclusivity to a mode. The whole game should have went with it. But you can't play keep away in some console war tug of war.
I really hope the next patch adds Hardcore free for all. Hardcore kill confirmed was added in the last patch. Things seem to be getting more stable play wise. Could use a few more maps.
All and all I exaggerated. But i'd say IGN's biased review is very generous to the new call of duty.