Author Topic: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals  (Read 3998 times)

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2019, 08:06:43 pm »
Buy less on impulse: It was something that had made me less enthusiastic about gaming but thankfully after offloading a ton of games and buying less, I have found myself buying less than I have in the past. Instead now, I have more of an idea of what I want and getting those as oppose to hundreds of games that I would get just because it was mega cheap at a store.

Play more: This goes hand in hand with my first point. If I play more then I have less to contend with and allows me to get to what I havent been able to get with because I am suddenly not distracted by the new shiny toy. The more I play through, the more time I can myself to what I already have and anything i plan on getting in the coming year.

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2019, 03:23:09 am »
I'm finding that my collecting goals right now are veering more onto the digital side of things, particularly in building up my Team Fortress 2 inventory even further. Namely I want to:

1) Further secure my status as one of the top single-effect collectors in the world. At 146 items, my collection's the 2nd largest, with the top collector sitting at 172. So there's a decent gap, but not insurmountable.

2) Complete my collection of Unusual Taunts. I'm trying to get 1 of every Taunt with the Roaring Rockets effect. I've got 19 items to go.

3) Make further progress on making a Strange Factory New Top Shelf Minigun/Grenade Launcher/Wrench. I'm 4.4% of the way there, and If I ever finish, I'll have a virtual weapon worth at minimum $3-4,000.

Other than that, I want to continue upgrading my game room. My board game collection's spilling over and I need to get more/better shelves for it. I just recently upgraded my table and chairs, but I need to get the rest of the area up to par now.

I do still want to eventually finish my 360 collection, but it's really at a slog now. Out of the 337 games left to get, 205 of them are Sports, Music, or Kinect titles, none of which I'm incredibly fond of.

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2019, 09:07:32 am »
Earlier and earlier with this topic every year.

I will build something up at some point for next year... probably similar goals.

2019 goals
  • Participate in 52 game challenge.  Aim for 52 games. Success
    - Well past the goal of 52, sitting at like 77 right now.
  • Stay under 7,000 games. Success
    - Sitting at just under 6800.
  • Regularly update my collecting instagram account. Failed
    - This went by the wayside real quick.  Don't think I'll go at it again, I pretty much shortly stopped collecting around the time I made this goal.
  • Reinventory collection Failed
    - Don't think I really even tried this year, but I haven't acquired too much and won't be anymore, so might be a reasonable goal for next year.
  • Reorganize collection since I'm out of space. Partial Success
    - Did quite a bit of reorganizing and made a ton of space, but I still have no room for PS1/PS2 games which is a problem.
  • Finish Dark Souls 3 Failed
    - Didn't even try.
  • Play through God of War franchise. Success
    - I actually completely forgot about this goal until after I finished the franchise, really proud of myself.
  • Get below 3 games left on N64 full set. Failed
    - Sitting at 4 games (3 if I don't count Sculptors) left, don't know that I'll ever get there, may not even put this on the list for next year.
  • Get wishlist under 100. Success
    - I've kept it consistently under 100, and if I stay away from PSP as planned, it won't be an issue.
  • Keep selling games to make money to buy more games. Success
    - So many games got sold this year, paid for so many high price games I've been wanting too.
  • Play through the Metal Gear Solid franchise Partial Success
    - This wasn't on the list, but after finishing the God of War franchise, I decided to play Phantom Pain where I finally earned the platinum trophy, then I decided it was time to play the rest of the franchise.  I've finished Metal Gear, MGS: Twin Snakes, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS5.  Starting up MGS4 today and will do Peace Walker after.

2020 goals
  • Participate in 52 game challenge
  • Keep under 7000 games in collection
  • Play through Devil May Cry franchise
  • Reinventory collection
  • Make room for more PS1 and PS2 games

And I'll add one last one that isn't a goal really, but just something to think about.  Find a way to consolidate collection into fewer rooms.

I want to add something akin to play through 10 or 20 PS2 games or something, maybe X retro games.  I want to make an effort to play MORE old stuff.  Not necessarily less new stuff, just more old stuff.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 08:11:12 am by ignition365 »

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2019, 02:41:53 pm »
I was actually having this conversation with some of my friends recently.

Gaming wise my main priority is to organize my gaming collection lol I've got so many gems that I need to still update my list on this website for all consoles. At the moment I'm occupying an entire room at my parents house for games/gaming collectibles, its intense lol. With that said I've put a hold on buying retro games/collectibles. The exciting thing is I'm getting married with my fiancee in the first quarter of next year and we found our dream home to move into a week after our wedding date... SO I'm hoping to begin building out the man cave with my collection. I've also purchased a few of the 1up arcade gaming cabinets which have been un-opened. So the goal is also to make an arcade room with those once moving out.

2020 will be a busy and exciting year, but that will make it all the funner!

Good luck on everyone's goals, wishes and gaming gem's to find!

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2019, 04:11:34 pm »
To be honest, I have slowed down on buying.   Not sure why.  I binge one game heavily when it launches, love it.  So I still definitely game.  But I collect a lot less.   So I don't go on the hunt as much.  I think I have almost every childhood game I used to love.  Maybe that's why.  I'm not sure.

As for my gaming goals.  Buy a Xbox Scarlett if it in fact drops 2020.   All next gen.  I'm all in lol.   I'll probably begin saving around August just to try to hit preorders around october.  Hopefully get one reserved. If not enter the scalping war.   I hope to pay no more than 1000 dollars.  If the MSRP is 800.  I will pay it.  If it's 900,  I'll cringe but pay it.   If it's 1000.  I might walk away. 

I am so in love with the new tech.  I have been waiting for next gen for a long time.  I hope it's as much of a jump from One as 360 was to one.   If they can hit a home run and make something that competes on a gaming PC level but as a home console with tight UI.  Backwards compatabile would be lovely.  I'll be in heaven. :)


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Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2019, 05:52:13 pm »
1.get last two remaining n64 games I need to complete my first ever completed collection.
2.devote more time to playing my collection and less time collecting.
3.collect less ps4 and xbox and concentrate mainly on retro games and switch.

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2019, 04:24:36 am »
My main goal is to try stick to ONLY Pre-Ordering 5 games through out the year... I think I end up Pre-Ordering too many mid-range titles and they remain sealed. So far I have The Yakuza 3-5 Remaster Collection & Final Fantasy VII-Part1 Remake Pre-Ordered. Other games like The Last of Us Part II & Trials of Mana I have cancelled for now.

Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2020, 08:54:37 am »
I completed one of those 2020 goals in 2019, so now it's getting removed.  Anyway, now that we are months later and into the new year I have a better understanding of what my goals are.

My original goals had me staying under 7000 games and making room for PS1/PS2 games.  I'm already pretty close to 7000 and I'm really getting into collecting PS1 now, so I'm just gonna say stay under 7500, might adjust that to 7250 or something.  I made a shelving unit sized for jewel cases and longboxes which helped make room for PS1 and PS2.  I'll probably run out of room again now that I'm going for PS1 games, but making room for PS1/PS2 isn't a priority anymore as I've got room for now. 

I ran into an issue that I bought a game because it wasn't listed in my collection, and then thought there is no way I don't already own it and surprise surprise, I already own it, wasted about $4.  So I went and reinventoried PS1 and PS2.  So I've already started the process of reinventorying.

And at some point I'll try to pick another franchise to run through this year, I'm trying to make a habit of playing through 2 franchises a year.  Dead Rising comes to mind, but maybe not that.

2020 goals
  • Participate in 52 game challenge - Success
    - I'm sitting around 106 games beat right now.
  • Keep under 7500 games in collection - Success
    - Doing good so far.
  • Play through Devil May Cry franchise - Success
    - Beat all of the games.
  • Reinventory collection
  • Play more retro games - Success
    - Beat a ton of retro games this year
  • Sell dupes and stuff to pay for some higher priced PS1 games
  • Play through Battlefield franchise - Success
    - Done
  • Play through Sonic franchise - Partial Success
    - Played through up to Sonic Heroes (Not including Sonic Advance games) Probably going to save the rest for next year.
  • Play through Resident Evil franchse - Partial Success
    - Played through Revelations games, RE6, REmake 3.  Still got a handful more games to make time for.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 11:16:13 am by ignition365 »


Re: 2020 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2020, 10:59:17 am »
My goal for this year? To sit my ass down and play my video games. Simple.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!