Author Topic: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?  (Read 3565 times)

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2019, 04:14:52 pm »
Everyone raging about it and sending death threats to gamefreak about it has made me want it more.  I'm pretty excited.  I am switchless though :(.   I lost my switch to a loan shark.   So I might have to wait till black friday unfortunately.  It looks awesome though :).  And I  am excited for the big pokemon. 

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2019, 12:16:20 am »
Less than 48-hours until my Gamestop does 10pm release, and I'm still heavily undecided. I'm actually shocked Nintendo hasn't done a final Direct to help promote this game, and at this point I'd be surprised if they did. This is a first for a while, since if memory serves me right they've heavily promoted all previous Pokemon games going back to Black and White via Direct. It's almost as if they're wanting to keep people in the dark about this game. Makes you wonder why?

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2019, 03:15:36 am »
It is kinda frustrating that with the first mainline Pokemon release on console that Gamefreak is kinda flopping into this gen with a few issues.  I don't think the cut Dex is the worst possible thing, but it certainly doesn't seem like they were being honest as to why the Dex was cut down as it was.  People are finding that the models really aren't any different from the 3DS, and that there's a lot of clunky animations and re-used content throughout the game, meaning they most likely just cut down the list hard to make release and early talk on the game is that it's looking abit sloppy.

I'll probably just wait to see the reviews and get a better look at the status of the game before buying it at this point.  I'll still most likely buy it eventually, just maybe not right out of the gate.

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2019, 07:20:50 am »
I bet it’s absurdly easy with exp share for whole party always forced on and the ‘make Pokemon giant for three turns button’.

Pokemon X/Y and Let’s Go Eevee/Pikachu also offered no challenge.

I want to have to grind in rpgs. Pokemon Black / White 1 and 2 are dope because they level curve upwards well and pro rata exp based on levels (I.e. high level Pokemon obtains less exp for winning than a lower level mon would)


Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2019, 09:53:37 am »
to be fair the 3ds era pokemon games where already kinda mediocre compared to the ds gba era barely acceptable imo but they did their job.

However most people expected at least most features to be on the switch release. the pokedex cut kinda hurts postgame for some of the more hardcore fans and for sure in the competitive meta not to mention the removal of 144 moves including competitive ones.

for majority though the increased grapics compared to 3ds should be enough to ignore the shortcomings and removed features wich isn't that great for the series future considering what one could expect from the series if they set the bar lower than even their 3ds titles.

it's probably going to sell well even if sword & shield have the most negative press from the dexit in the entire series history. It got so bad that the devs can't even go outside publicly anymore and they had to cancel the promo event in japan.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 05:00:00 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2019, 04:18:16 pm »
Pokemon will definitely always sell well, but here both the Japanese and Western audiences are upset with them and they could take a hit in sales.  Reading on stuff, I think I am going to wait and I wouldn't be surprised if by next year we hear about "Ultra Sword and Shield" with more features, content, and the entire Pokedex back in.  This seems likely after what they did with Sun & Moon.


Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2019, 04:57:19 pm »
was there ever a pokemon game with that much negativety as this one.

Nothing comes close to this time around

Sure some people complained in the past like with pretty much every game  even if it's fantastic but that's pretty normal for like pretty much every game series.

will be kinda interesting to see what will happen this time around.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2019, 05:37:35 pm »
was there ever a pokemon game with that much negativety as this one.

Nothing comes close to this time around

Sure some people complained in the past like with pretty much every game  even if it's fantastic but that's pretty normal for like pretty much every game series.

will be kinda interesting to see what will happen this time around.

Not that I know of.  I personally haven't played a proper Pokemon game other than a little of X since Yellow, but reading up, apparently the 3DS era was getting some flack for making the series easier than usual and a few other things, but nothing on this level.  Even if the early leaked stuff doesn't end up coming out as bad for everyone in the end, it still seems like they are making a lot of weird missteps, and are making decisions for the game that come across very limiting, which isn't surprising coming from the same company that wouldn't let you play Pokemon Let's Go with anything other than a single joycon in docked mode, despite being able to play it normally in handheld lol  And yes that still bugs me a year later, despite my general enjoyment of the game.  You want to annoy me specifically? Make motion controls unchangeable for no damn good reason lol


PRO Supporter

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2019, 09:35:51 am »
Gen 3- Ruby and sapphire had a partial pokedex like sword and shield. 7.5 out of 10 too much water. This is most likely a problem people see looking back but If you wanted a complete national dex back then with no help you needed 2 GBA's, a NGC, GBA link cable, GBA to NGC transfer cable, and the games Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Coliseum, and Gale of Darkness.

Gen 4- the overall speed of the game is the main complaint.

Gen 5- you could only use pokemon from Gen 5 until the post-game.

Gen 6- lack of story, mega evolution makes it too easy, Team Flare, Lack of postgame content

Gen 7- too many cutscenes, Z-moves make things too easy

And to top it all off people during each gen will complain about lack of a jerk Rival and that "This Generation has the worst designed pokemon ever" particularly around gen 4 & 5 for most people.

Basically there is always conplaints about pokemon  yet people still keep coming back. And this is all just what i remember off the top of my head


Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2019, 10:39:56 am »
People are complaining even with the best game franchises

mario 3d games got complaints at the time in particular sunshine. or like mario odyssey as the newest entry or the abomination of mario 3d world on wii u.

zelda games always got tons of complaints. for example windwaker in terms of looks and twilight princess being to much like ocarina of time even breath of the wild has people complaining. was kinda a big deal on the cube zelda games.

pretty sure every game in the series got it's complaints for mario & zelda

People like to complain this isnt only pokemon it doesnt matter how good or bad games are you will always have people that complain unavoidable.

this time around though

you've got to remember all prior games you could use all pokemon from prior gens to battle eachother. gen 3 to 5 had minor complaints. complaining about designs happens in every pokemon gen that isn't gen 1. that the games got more easy and lack postgame got more complaints a bit of a bigger deal in gen 6 to 7 but still small fry stuff however.

the last 3ds releases both sun & moon and ultra sun & ultra moon gen 7 had 807 pokemon total you could use everything just like any other pokemon game.

yet sword & shield broke that tradition by allot with a total of 400 80ish new ones so 500ish are removed. to rub more salt in the wound gamefreak said that they would give excellent grapics and animations in return however 144 moves removed reused animations and subpar grapics with ocasional N64 moments. the game looks worse than most 3rd party games. sword & shield aside from raids apparantly also lacking postgame even compared to gen 6 and 7 wich already had not much to do compared to gen 5 and prior releases.

pokemon was never known for it's grapics but on the handheld consoles they where well above average. there where games that looked better but not by much especially on the 3ds even the best games don't look that great.

they removed quite allot from the series wich is why the backlash is so harsh this time around mainly by fans who even bought all games in the 3ds era play the games competitively etc. old fans are maybe just a small fraction that complain about this but for majority it would not make a difference to them. these aren't old fans or casuals that are complaining.

also the cut a tons of iconic ones from what I've heard and left mediocre ones in

also say your playing smash ultimate

squirtle yvisaur mewtwo incineroar jigglypuff and greninja are all cut from sword & shield . that's maybe 50% if not more of the smash bros pokemon cast.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2019, 12:59:31 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2019, 07:24:52 pm »
Decided to buy it. Screw it; we'll see if it's that bad (or good).

Re: Ya'll hyped for dat Pokemon Sword and Shield next Friday?
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2019, 02:16:06 pm »
It’s hereeeee

*runs home to play dem pokemanz*