Author Topic: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X  (Read 4570 times)


Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2019, 02:34:37 am »
However, DMC and Vesperia both have One releases, making that less of an issue.

Do I have to re-purchase the the games again on Xbox One? or can I put in my X360 discs and it will download the Xbox One versions? If I need to buy them again then those are not really backwards compatible. Sorry for asking and not trying it out myself as my XONE is back home and I'm stationed in another country at the moment.

I think you're thinking of Infinite Undiscovery, which is backwards compatible as well as the other 2 exclusive JRPGs for the system, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.

I have and played Infinite Undiscovery and Lost Odyssey (I'm glad these are backwards compatible because I wanted to re-play Lost Odyssey again)

Last Remnant was only available on X360 for consoles, I believe a PC version was released as well, but it never came out on PS3. I have this game on 360 and haven't played it yet, guess I have to play it on its original hardware.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 05:08:36 am by mark1982 »
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Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2019, 03:42:04 am »

Do I have to re-purchase the the games again on Xbox One? or can I put in my X360 discs and it will download the Xbox One versions? If I need to buy them again then those are not really backwards compatible. Sorry for asking and not trying it out myself as my XONE is back home and I'm stationed in another country at the moment.

They're separate games. What I'm saying is that the game was released for both systems, and as the game already had a version for the One, there was little incentive to try and make the game BC (There are a few games that have both versions playable on the One, but by and large, having a One version meant that the 360 version wouldn't be added to the BC list).

Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2019, 08:58:00 am »

Wow I never knew Devil May Cry 4, El Shaddai, Last Remnant and Tales of Vesperia are not backwards compatible... Those titles are pretty big especially DMC4.

However, DMC and Vesperia both have One releases, making that less of an issue.

DmC, yes- NOT Devil May Cry 4. That one didn't get a port, at least not as a physical copy in North America (which is the focus of a conversation on backwards compatibility.) I'd be pretty mad if a system with 'backwards combability' skipped including one of my discs becuase they expected me to re-buy the game digitally. Then again, I've never considered the Xbox's BC to be sufficient for my gaming needs anyway.

Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2019, 11:42:36 am »
The Xbox One X is the best console I have ever owned in my entire life. And the hate it gets is unwarranted.  People harp on the fact that PS4 has more exclusives,  and that it does.  But Xbox has spread out exclusives to dominate a few key genres that Sony doesn't.    Like racing games, platformers and shooters.  Those 3 categories all go to Xbox.   Not to mention Xbox performs 3rd party games much better than the Pro does.   It balances elegance, UI with flawless 4k graphics and visuals.  It has the greatest controller I have ever held.  It took everything I loved about the 360 and upped it 100x.  It is dependable.   I have put over 100 DAYS into my original Xbox.  And probably a few dozen days into my One X.   They are just amazing :)

As for your questions. 

1. You need internet to play most games now.  But you can play offline without the xbox gold.  You will just not be able to play with any multiplayer online features or use chat. 

2. You do need to download most games from the disc even when you buy digital games.  They are downloaded and stored onto your HDD.   If their is a way to avoid it, i'm not aware of it.   

Are the modern consoles worth the money?   Well old gamerz,  I wanted to let you know that Xbox One S,  Is going to be on sale black friday for 149 at Walmart And One X (the king of all consoles spec wise) will be 349 with Gears 5 bundled.  So now is the best time than ever to buy one.   I'd say not to spend too much because Xbox Scarlet will be here next year.  But they are well worth the price tag imo :D


Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2019, 12:16:48 pm »
Are the modern consoles worth the money?   Well old gamerz,  I wanted to let you know that Xbox One S,  Is going to be on sale black friday for 149 at Walmart And One X (the king of all consoles spec wise) will be 349 with Gears 5 bundled.  So now is the best time than ever to buy one.   I'd say not to spend too much because Xbox Scarlet will be here next year.  But they are well worth the price tag imo :D

This is probably one of the biggest considerations right here- the Xbox One can be had for crazy cheap compared to PS4/Switch. The games also tend to go on more impressive sales as well- Microsoft themselves do blowouts from time to time with physical discs as cheap as 5 bucks each- with free shipping!

When you really get down to the nitty-gritty, the PS4 and the Xbox One are similar enough usage-wise that it's mostly personal quirks that'll push you one way or another on it. Maybe your specific video setup can push a better picture from an Xbox. Maybe you like the UI better. Maybe you just like that wonderful lil' chirpy noise it makes when you turn it on. Honestly, I think the only way your could be disappointed in it is if you just buy one impulsively without knowing what you intend to be using it for, & finding out afterward that it doesn't do anything you couldn't/already do on another device. There's some very specific niches the Xbox caters to- and if you're wanting to fill one of those niches, you'll be very happy with it.


Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2019, 02:16:23 pm »
thanks for all the responses everyone :) I'm I little bit disappointed with the fact the the Xbox One is not compatible with most original and 360 Xbox games though. I have an xbox360 but I probably need to fix it. instead of getting rid of it

sorry for the late reply
« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 02:19:33 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: What Is Your Experience With The Xbox One Original Or S Or X
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2019, 07:34:06 pm »
The Xbox One X is the best console I have ever owned in my entire life. And the hate it gets is unwarranted.  People harp on the fact that PS4 has more exclusives,  and that it does.  But Xbox has spread out exclusives to dominate a few key genres that Sony doesn't.    Like racing games, platformers and shooters.  Those 3 categories all go to Xbox.   Not to mention Xbox performs 3rd party games much better than the Pro does.   It balances elegance, UI with flawless 4k graphics and visuals.  It has the greatest controller I have ever held.  It took everything I loved about the 360 and upped it 100x.  It is dependable.   I have put over 100 DAYS into my original Xbox.  And probably a few dozen days into my One X.   They are just amazing :)

Well said exactly this