Author Topic: Bye Xbox Scarlet, Hello Xbox Series X (Xbox Official World Reveal) DISCUSSION  (Read 6355 times)

I found out about this on Facebook while I was out about about this evening, and I literally didn't know if it was a new, more powerful XBONE console or its successor for like 10-minutes, and neither did most other people. This thing is probably going to be just as unremarkable as the XBONE, especially if they're banking on the same old franchises to sell this thing. I honestly hope I'm wrong, and they have a ton of exclusives throughout next gen, but as is I have literally no excitement for this thing.

Id say this is a pretty biased assumption to come to this early in the game. With not much to go on it's hard to just say it'll be underwhelming. I haven't had similar experiences on my facebook feed.  I see rave and love for it and many celebrating some of the announcements.   

Hellblade 2 and an Ori have also been announced as exclusives.   Big hitters for an early announcement.   I think that's strong so far.   Not to mention Halo Infinite.  And Forza 8.   And what appears to be some sort of Sea of Thieves expansion or sequel.   

I guess it's too early on to tell,  but I can currently see Xbox undoing so much of their wrongs from last gen.   The only reason Xbox fell behind in sales.  Is because the general public made a consensus about it and Microsoft did nothing to undo it or fix it early on.   Regarding digital only or kinect being forced in mostly.

Similar thing happened last week with sony fans saying Xbox would be digital only. And it would be a steam console.   And microsoft handled that like a boss this time around,  by showing a clear and visible disc drive.    They kept the style simple.  And have already locked down a few good exclusives to drive sales.   They didn't make a rant or have Phil Spencer apologize.  they just let the console speak for itself.  and it's working so far. 

 I think they'll really utilize their niche.  which is software and programming.   Not to make a family all in one console like last time.   But to make a console that is by and far better than anything else.   And I have faith in them this time more than ever :) .

It is very early, and we still have no idea what the future holds for this console. I am basing my comment on the trajectory Microsoft has been on since the original XBOX, which is a criminally underrated console. The 360 was pretty good, but not as good, and I felt like the XBONE wasn't even trying. I love video games, all video games regardless of what console they're on, but I literally struggle to find a reason to buy an XBONE even for under $100. Hellblade 2 looks very promising, and i hope its a sign of things to come where they actually work on getting worthwhile third party sequels. Truth be told, I do like some of the XBOX staples like Halo some of the Forza games, but this isn't even remotely enough for me or a lot of other people to go with XBOX in 2019. As I said, I'm hoping I'm wrong and Series X knocks it out of the park and inspires me to buy one at full retail. I just can't see that happening, at least yet.


I won't be getting it, at least not for a good while. While the 360 is my favorite console of all time, the Xbox One was some seriously shitty hardware. Yeah, it was pretty....but I've had sooooo many problems it's ridiculous.

I will say MvC, while I don't share in your's refreshing to see someone so genuinely excited for a new console. I hope it's everything you hope it to be, and I hope it's more than I expect it to be :D

And Microsoft is making this more confusing by saying that they are just returning to the "Xbox" branding...So they went Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and are technically going back to "Xbox", but the new one is still "Series X" which will refer to different versions they'll be making, which I don't understand how that will work yet...They have a lot of work ahead of them dealing with what is becoming a new marketing fiasco for them.

It's why I think Playstation is smart having only done numbers, or why Nintendo, even when they terribly name things like the Wii and Wii U, they still make each console uniquely named.


Just for the hell of it, they should've called it "Xbox 180"? Missed opportunity, me thinks.

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Well, after today, I'm not touching the next gen Xbox. Woke up this morning, and found my Xbox One S dead...I bought my 1st Xbox one after Thanksgiving 2014, and tomorrow i'll be picking up my 5th one. 1st one lasted less than a year, replacement from MS lasted less than a month, 2nd replacement from MS lasted a month...gave up and bought an S, which lasted from 4 years. Shitty from a $500 console (Gears 4 LE). What sucks all the XB1s I could find new have 1 TB hard drives, and the one I had had a 2...I guess It's a good thing I just got another external HD....

Only had to replace one 360, and still running with my original PS3 from last gen.


Well, after today, I'm not touching the next gen Xbox. Woke up this morning, and found my Xbox One S dead...I bought my 1st Xbox one after Thanksgiving 2014, and tomorrow i'll be picking up my 5th one. 1st one lasted less than a year, replacement from MS lasted less than a month, 2nd replacement from MS lasted a month...gave up and bought an S, which lasted from 4 years. Shitty from a $500 console (Gears 4 LE). What sucks all the XB1s I could find new have 1 TB hard drives, and the one I had had a 2...I guess It's a good thing I just got another external HD....

Only had to replace one 360, and still running with my original PS3 from last gen.

If that happen to me with any console that cost me $500 I would have gotten the first one fixed and kept fixing it when it broke again until I could no more because like I said on here before, replacements are not always going to be better.

But in my original PS3 case I gotten another one after I had mine since 2015-2019. But I am keeping my old one but I need to get it my old one fixed, the hard drive is stuck ajar. but my first one was used when I got it. and my 3rd one is refurbished from GameStop

« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 09:17:36 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Only the original Xbox was hardy enough to not continually die. The 360 is well known as the most replaced piece of junk in the history of consoles. I have heard of people buying more than a dozen of them. Why even bother? It's not shocking that the latest installment of x-trash is also constantly dieing.

Xbox has no redeeming qualities and their library of exclusive games is basically the same 5 or 6 titles rehashed over and over. Obviously I'm disappointed that Hellblade 2 is in that mix now but so was the first one and it made it to the ps4 so I'm not too concerned.

Microsoft needs to stick to their name. Software. Dump the junky consoles and start focusing on the games for the real consoles.

I'll say I haven't had many problems with my Xboxes. My 1st 360 broke once, but was covered under warranty and fixed in about a week and has had no issues since, and my 2nd (Upgrade to a newer model) still works fine. And my One is from the system launch and has had no issues either.

I'll say I haven't had many problems with my Xboxes. My 1st 360 broke once, but was covered under warranty and fixed in about a week and has had no issues since, and my 2nd (Upgrade to a newer model) still works fine. And my One is from the system launch and has had no issues either.

I've had the same 360 S for 5 years and it still works great. On the other hand I've had probably 10 PS2s since they came out, all having failed lasers after a while.


I'll say I haven't had many problems with my Xboxes. My 1st 360 broke once, but was covered under warranty and fixed in about a week and has had no issues since, and my 2nd (Upgrade to a newer model) still works fine. And my One is from the system launch and has had no issues either.

I've had the same 360 S for 5 years and it still works great. On the other hand I've had probably 10 PS2s since they came out, all having failed lasers after a while.

I only play games on my PS2, but on a different PS2 I used it to play music CD's and DVDs, and my CD laser wore out on that one

I have a virgin model that has been refurbished, and cleaned at least 2 times since I had it. It and it seems ok my virgin model PlayStation 2 has a dead battery in it. But other than that it still works fine blue and silver laser too

I try to get refurbished consoles now on instead on just listed as used.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 06:58:20 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)