Author Topic: A Step Relative Of Mine (May Have) Got Banned From PSN and Lost All His Games  (Read 1357 times)


He more then likely was trolling constantly and I mean he is known for a bad reputation, both offline and apparently online, he has been fired from multiple jobs and likes to trash talk.   according to what my step relative told his step father. he got permanently banned and now he has to purchase all his games over again to play at all. Yes he said he lost access to all of his PSN account games and his account was apparently fried by the authorities aka the people who run PSN apparently

 as far as we were told he got banned. he only told us about a naked photo of a game character he shared with his friends online. But with this guys reputation in my family we know it was for more than just that

This topic is to warn everyone else that this can happen. I would like to know more to see if anyone else knows this or if losing access to all purchased games is even possible in case someone gets permanently banned or he may be lying, we don't know. thoughts?
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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So you're saying he's an jerk and has issues yet your surprised he got banned?

As for losing all his games I would believe that would fall under anything PS+ related, but if they blocked his unit from signing on then yeah, he cant download them again but hey, all this is laid out in the user agreement.

Dude, gonna be real here: what is the purpose of this post?  Play stupid games and win stupid prizes and it sounds like he got what he deserved.

Pretty sure most digital platforms have things in their rules that if you do something bad enough, or enough times, you just lose your account basically.  I know Steam has that with what happens to cheaters.  He most likely did some pretty crappy stuff to lose his entire account.

They should probably only buy physical games.


So you're saying he's an jerk and has issues yet your surprised he got banned?

As for losing all his games I would believe that would fall under anything PS+ related, but if they blocked his unit from signing on then yeah, he cant download them again but hey, all this is laid out in the user agreement.

Dude, gonna be real here: what is the purpose of this post?  Play stupid games and win stupid prizes and it sounds like he got what he deserved.

This topic was meant to warn others to behave themselves, I wasn't sticking up for him

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)