Author Topic: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?  (Read 3237 times)



I wanted to make this topic for ask and share how our online store purchases went this year because why not.

First of all this year I started ordering stuff for myself instead of ask for the help of some friends and you know what? It is way better, I am thankful with my friends but they just dont care about this at all and they have lost or dont took the proper responsibility about the subject and yeah, I am upset, some lost money and errors are fine the first couple times, not after 7 or more.

My first highlight is Dewy Adventure for the Wii, it was the first game I bought from ebay and it went perfect, no problems and it convinced me of keep buying stuff using the service.

My second highlight is a Tokimeki Memorial game for PS2, I bought it for 6 bucks and I wasnt expecting it to arrive, because after 2 months it looks like the item was lost, I was upset but a few weeks later I received the game and I was truly surprised, it took a lot but I got it at the end, no idea why, though, I assume there was a problem.

My third highlight is that I got Shadow of Memories in great condition, like collector item, it is special because it was the last game that my friends lost and I needed to pay for something I didnt get, so getting it this time using my own methods is truly cathartic, it arrived inside a box and with sleeve for extra care, great stuff.

My four highlight is that I ordered Konami WaiWai World 2 and Sonic Mega Collection for my birthday and it went perfectly, since Konami and Sonic are so important for me it was a nice gift for myself.

Those are my highlights for this year buying stuff from ebay, what are yours?
While that I am not open to make business again with my friends about this subject I still appreciated their help with the subject and I wish them the best,
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2020, 03:07:22 pm »
I don't shop on eBay, but I did buy a lot of games off Lukie Games online store and Walmart as well as Amazon. I purchased mostly racing games online. now I got a lot of racing games that most people on here don't seem to own. Everyone is all out for the expensive games like most retro RPG's. and Nintendo related games. I like to get more for my money too by buying only games I think I'll enjoy at some point. I can't remember the prices though but they didn't cost that much, I got good deals on everything except maybe one thing it was a used mini console I paid $250 for that was a TG-Mini
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Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2020, 04:02:06 pm »
- Answering to oldgamerz

Yeah I am buying mostly cheap games right now, I am not feeling like spending with bucks right now.

I also want a TG-16Mini but it indeed got expensive quickly.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2020, 03:43:18 pm »
Quite recently I got a dozen PS4 games from GameStop that they had on special, which I ended up getting for far less with their buy 5 or more get 50% off deal. I also guess getting Azur Lane: Crosswave in a lot, which I ended up getting for free after flipping everything else. I bought a bunch of stuff online this year, but can't honestly think of anything else...or rather don't feel like making a list.

I don't shop on eBay [...] I got good deals on everything except maybe one thing it was a used mini console I paid $250 for that was a TG-Mini

Had you actually taken the time to go through some listings on eBay you would've undoubtedly saved, at the very least, 40-45% of what you paid. Why you're constantly against using eBay is well beyond me, but it's basically just like any other online store.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 03:45:36 pm by pzeke »

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Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2020, 04:30:27 pm »
- Answering to pzeke

That sounds great pal, I hope you have time for play them.

I assume some people dont want to get scammed with ebay, it is not that bad
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2020, 01:14:14 am »
Most of the games I bought this year were either bought in person at my local Gamestop or ordered from Limited Run Games. Unfortunately I'm just receiving a lot of my LRG orders, even stuff I ordered back in March. But I really enjoyed picking up a lot of the Neo Geo special editions from LRG. Love those AES replica boxes.


Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2020, 09:49:23 am »
This year has been a real blockbuster one for my collection. I'll start with the two biggest ones, which my S/O's got me each respectively and those being;

-Sealed FFIV Collectors Edition Gameboy Micro
-Sealed FFIV Advance (US)
-Sealed The World Ends With You (It's A Wonderful Life) edition DS Lite
-Sealed World Ends With You DS/Switch

These two games are very important pieces of my life, and did a lot to change my perspective on life and people, odd as it may seem to say so owning these things really meant beyond words to me.

As far as things I've added to my collection this year that really stand out,

-Ghost of Tsushima CE
-Sekiro CE
-Blasphemous CE
-Streets of Rage 4 CE
-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle US release/Japanese CE
-Metal Max Returns US Patched Repro [ PLEASE PLAY METAL MAX ]
-Metal Max Xeno/Xeno Reborn CE's Respectively
(Not related to video games but I also got the Secret Lair MTG x The Walking Dead cards and ohmahghad)

Big Disappointments this year so far are just The PS5 in general and the CE for CyberJunk1277. The PS5 feels like a let down and I've since built a PC now it just looks like a house decoration.

Today is also my first year on VGC! So I'm happy to be a part of this lil community and feel a part of something so well made and enjoyable.
Do I look like I celebrate Festivus? 依ヴど疫 ヺ び慰


Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2020, 12:33:03 pm »
TGFX-16 Mini from pre-order since I figured it would be hard to come by at regular price given its Amazon exclusivity
Streets of Rage 4 CE from LGR for the Switch
A few Switch games cheaper than possible via Gamestop and to my surprise, they came complete since they are hit and miss on that
Getting a PS5 from Sony the day of launch
Getting a XSX from Walmart the night before Thanksgiving
Mafia Trilogy Physical for Xbox One from PlayAsia
PS4 20th Anniversary controller from Ebay


Re: What are your highlights buying stuff from online store this 2020?
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2020, 02:05:04 pm »
The TGFX-16 Mini is the biggest highlight I can think of off the top of my head. I knew nothing about the console and I'm glad I took a chance with the Amazon preorder.

Maybe some others would be the stuff from LRG? The Grandia HD Collection, Fairy Fencer, Panzer Dragoon, etc.