Hi! Slowly trying get to grips with the formatting rules while adding my Switch collection to the database here (sorry to whoever moderates my edits, for all the rejected ones, I hope they'll improve going forward

One particular rejection I do not agree with. It was to the following entry:
https://vgcollect.com/item/187561 and the notification said that the info I supplied was incorrect. But I don't think it is.
Cross referencing the barcode, it matches my boxed version, as does the item number. The boxed version contains the same box of pins that the
North American "Day-one Edition" does, but in Europe it was just sold under the name "Double Pack", which again is what the database entry mentioned seems to refer to.
The game case within the box has a separate barcode (5056280422884) and has different artwork on the cover than the box (a lot more similar to the
Japanese non-double pack release).
The EAN can be seen in this listing, proving that it refers to the box with game and merch:
https://www.proshop.se/Spel/Robotics-Notes-Double-Pack-Collector-Edition-Nintendo-Switch-Aeventyr/2884385In the above listing you can also see the cover of the game case that I am refering to.
I can take some pictures of my own copy to prove it if needed, but my camera is too potato to produce database-worthy images.