No, all sales threads need to have pictures, including this one. Chain of command exists, forum admins do not mod each other.
I see – know the rules well so that you can break them effectively. Duly noted.
Jab aside, admin's not moderating each other is absurd. Certainly you can remind/alert the person, in this case a fellow admin, by posting, no?
You lead by example.
I feel like because pzeke is an active member and not someone just joining VGC to sell stuff he should have at least been given the opportunity to add photos into the original thread, no?
I sincerely appreciate your post, but that's okay; the game's were sold already.
Maybe it was because of the amount of games your selling with only 6 games it's fairly easy to list 1 picture
yet on the other hand with soerra selling nearly 700 games quite tough to make pictures of everything. with that system it might be better to just make pics if anyone is interested in any particular games of his list
maybe the amount of games have something to do with this. I can see an exception being made for a couple hundred games. but that's just my 2 cents
if all topics do need pictures I guess this one was missed but for a large amount of games such as that i could see the exception being made + a well known member.
The rules have to apply to everyone; you don't cherry-pick when and to whom you'll enforce them on. Lead by example, as I said above. Pretty basic, pretty simple.
Nonetheless, all of this will certainly fall on deaf ears, so, in other words...

Carry on.