Author Topic: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?  (Read 3510 times)


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2020, 08:30:15 pm »

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

That's a bold claim oldgamerz, we should get some facts first before we start pointing fingers.

A relative of mine claims to have seen a video showing a chemical factory explosion in the eastern part of the world from what this relative saw and heard  without getting the government involved in this post all I can say is it  was an accident and was not intended to be used on the country that was developing this at this factory or were led to believe

I do think the bats are where the diseased started from but the sickness may or may not have been in mass production, also.

All I can say is whoever did this maybe wanted to become more famous the WWII's Hitler, If your wondering why someone would want this done just look at Adolf Hitler, he ordered and executed over 6 million people for not a single reason at all and Hitler even killed his own Nazi followers for fun as well
« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 08:36:52 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2020, 08:52:51 pm »


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2020, 09:04:34 pm »
A relative of mine claims to have seen a video showing a chemical factory explosion in the eastern part of the world from what this relative saw and heard  without getting the government involved in this post all I can say is it  was an accident and was not intended to be used on the country that was developing this at this factory or were led to believe

I do think the bats are where the diseased started from but the sickness may or may not have been in mass production, also.

All I can say is whoever did this maybe wanted to become more famous the WWII's Hitler, If your wondering why someone would want this done just look at Adolf Hitler, he ordered and executed over 6 million people for not a single reason at all and Hitler even killed his own Nazi followers for fun as well

Just relax, man... Stay home as much as you can, avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes and wash your hands frequently...


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2020, 09:19:50 pm »
I love these Oldgamerz threads. They go from 1 to 1000 reeeeal quick.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2020, 11:48:38 am »
A relative of mine claims to have seen a video showing a chemical factory explosion in the eastern part of the world from what this relative saw and heard  without getting the government involved in this post all I can say is it  was an accident and was not intended to be used on the country that was developing this at this factory or were led to believe

I do think the bats are where the diseased started from but the sickness may or may not have been in mass production, also.

All I can say is whoever did this maybe wanted to become more famous the WWII's Hitler, If your wondering why someone would want this done just look at Adolf Hitler, he ordered and executed over 6 million people for not a single reason at all and Hitler even killed his own Nazi followers for fun as well

And I've read articles saying it's from America & you can trace it to a government bioweapon facility that closed for poor containment practices.

Right now, where it's from isn't important outside of 'will knowing help find a cure'- everybody's affected anyway, let's work on social distancing & a cure, then the financial fallout, THEN we can be petty & point fingers.

And nobody did it in purpose to be 'bigger than Hilter'- you can't be famous if no one knows who you are, & no one's out there saying "That's right! It was ME! I am the harbinger of humanity's downfall!" We'd probably know if you could trace to someone.

Wash your hands, play some games, worry less about things you can't change.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2020, 08:52:29 pm »
A relative of mine claims to have seen a video showing a chemical factory explosion in the eastern part of the world from what this relative saw and heard  without getting the government involved in this post all I can say is it  was an accident and was not intended to be used on the country that was developing this at this factory or were led to believe

I do think the bats are where the diseased started from but the sickness may or may not have been in mass production, also.

All I can say is whoever did this maybe wanted to become more famous the WWII's Hitler, If your wondering why someone would want this done just look at Adolf Hitler, he ordered and executed over 6 million people for not a single reason at all and Hitler even killed his own Nazi followers for fun as well

And I've read articles saying it's from America & you can trace it to a government bioweapon facility that closed for poor containment practices.

Right now, where it's from isn't important outside of 'will knowing help find a cure'- everybody's affected anyway, let's work on social distancing & a cure, then the financial fallout, THEN we can be petty & point fingers.

And nobody did it in purpose to be 'bigger than Hilter'- you can't be famous if no one knows who you are, & no one's out there saying "That's right! It was ME! I am the harbinger of humanity's downfall!" We'd probably know if you could trace to someone.

Wash your hands, play some games, worry less about things you can't change.
The 2001 anthrax attacks came from an employee at said facility.  And there has been much higher rates of cancer around the facility.  It wasn't closed though, it was barred from doing high level testing a few months ago because it failed safety tests.  It should be though considering it is in the middle of a 70000+ city.


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2020, 08:54:51 pm »
Overall, I'm a bit concerned, mostly for my parents who are older and with health conditions. My father's work is particularly problematic as his boss refuses to shutter and has a penchant for greed and using the business as personal piggy-bank while illegally withholding employee paychecks whenever he drains the store's payroll accounts. So while he's busy slaving away for that tyrant, I'm afraid he could catch it and also bring it home to my chronically ill mother. Not a good situation.

As for me, I'm taking every precaution that comes to mind in avoiding it. I don't want to get it, and more importantly I don't want to help spread it. So hand washing has become a religion. I'm fortunate enough to live in a state that is mostly rural with no major metro areas so our numbers are low, relatively speaking. However, I feel like the people here aren't using their heads, and aren't being as cautious as they need to be, despite the benefit of a shutdown before we even had a single reported case. People aren't staying home enough, and they're packing into the open stores far too densely, and still hoarding essentials in way too much frenzy. For some it would seem the reality of this still hasn't hit close enough and they need to wake up and take it all a bit more seriously, or many more people could pay the price.

Everyone should relax, and stay home as much as they can possibly tolerate. Don't go running into dense crowds to snatch up sugary snack foods and toilet paper. I'm making a conscious effort to stop going out except when out of staple food supplies, maintaining a distance, washing hands, and hoping for the best.

Stay safe everyone.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 09:02:37 pm by Warmsignal »