Author Topic: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)  (Read 3951 times)

Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2020, 05:01:53 pm »
I joined due to retrocollect going down, retrocollect was much much easier to use then VGCollect, RC has better search options for the my collection area, so you could quick search a game rather than having to use VGCollects main search function and look through loads and loads of titles just to see if you have a game, its the only thing that annoys me here, I have put the idea forward to admins and on the forum and admins havent replied and forum took a dis-liking to the idea as most are collectors for many different systems whilst I collect solely for 1 , Playstation1. favours some on here and not others, If RC comes back online I will likley go back - If VGC adds a search function to your Game collection area I may stay, as I say its not a demand but a request if the answers no then that's the answer ill accept it.


Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2020, 10:23:28 am »
so you could quick search a game rather than having to use VGCollects main search function and look through loads and loads of titles just to see if you have a game

For a game with a common term, you can use Advanced Search and filter by platform. Also, you can use quotes in both general or advanced search.

Searching for "Caesars Palace" in general search:

Searching for caesars in Playstation [EU] using Advanced Search

Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2020, 11:34:47 am »
I understand that mate but your searching the database and not your currently owned games.
Be easier even if instead of pages 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 etc in your collection area it was actually alphabetical, so you could at least search by letter.


Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2020, 12:00:21 pm »
I tried to find a way to search in a collection, but it appears the search currently doesn't have that ability. :(

Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2020, 12:13:58 pm »
It is almost certainly the most requested feature for the DB.


Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2020, 02:33:48 pm »
You guys ever consider a "list" or text only view that could be toggled between in the collection (if any ADMIN is reading this)?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 02:35:48 pm by Warmsignal »


Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2020, 12:39:19 am »
I used Gamespot for years prior to coming here. They had a collection catalog tool that I used, but one day without warning they got rid of it. The forums on that site were also filled to the brim with trolls and fanboys, which luckily this site is mostly free of.

Same! The collection catalogue on the old Gamespot site was actually worth investing time in. It had Wishlist and Currently Playing Sections that I pretty much used daily to track my collection and backlog. Was fun to use with the leveling system as Azure mentioned, also how the box arts were actually all well arranged and properly uploaded.

I still have my account there, but they changed it to some Stacks Card collection thing overnight, was pretty disappointed about it since I invested a lot of time into it. I even sent a complaint to the Gamespot admin team back when the initial change started, they replied me saying they were fixing the issues with the new system and to give it some time. Till now nothing has changed... glad I found VGCollect since this place is pretty much top tier for collection organizing imo.

And agreed on the Forums, System Wars probably was one of the most trolled filled forums on the internet back then. Some were there for fun including myself, but you could clearly see others were taking it WAY too seriously.

Ah well, was fun while it lasted.
  l    l 


Re: Why I joined this website (Not that anyone cares)
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2020, 01:46:41 am »
I used Gamespot for years prior to coming here. They had a collection catalog tool that I used, but one day without warning they got rid of it. The forums on that site were also filled to the brim with trolls and fanboys, which luckily this site is mostly free of.

Same! The collection catalogue on the old Gamespot site was actually worth investing time in. It had Wishlist and Currently Playing Sections that I pretty much used daily to track my collection and backlog. Was fun to use with the leveling system as Azure mentioned, also how the box arts were actually all well arranged and properly uploaded.

I still have my account there, but they changed it to some Stacks Card collection thing overnight, was pretty disappointed about it since I invested a lot of time into it. I even sent a complaint to the Gamespot admin team back when the initial change started, they replied me saying they were fixing the issues with the new system and to give it some time. Till now nothing has changed... glad I found VGCollect since this place is pretty much top tier for collection organizing imo.

And agreed on the Forums, System Wars probably was one of the most trolled filled forums on the internet back then. Some were there for fun including myself, but you could clearly see others were taking it WAY too seriously.

Ah well, was fun while it lasted.
Glad to hear from other GS users from back in the day, haha. The forums were a thing to behold for sure. Now that you mention it VGC is a little bit of a carry over for me as well. I never really thought about it at the time, because I wasn't really actively seeking games, but a big part of it was the collection tracker.