Author Topic: Finding Online Retro Games Could Now Becoming Scarce Too Many Collectors  (Read 3717 times)


Lmao. So much for this video game bubble crash bullshit fairy tail. Was just a myth pushed to keep down prices as long as possible.

I wouldn't write off a crash just yet. Unemployment is at 10% right now and we're almost assuredly in an economic recession right now if not a full on depression. What are the first things people are going to sell if they need money from lost wages? Video games, sports cars, boats and motorcycles, vacations, and all other non-essential things get put on the back burner, and in the case of actual assets they get sold. Interest in retro games can be there all day long, but if most people who want them can no longer afford them and many that do have them are selling you create a perfect storm for values to plummet.

Even before all this COVID shit happened overall prices on most retro consoles were either dropping or plateauing, indicating a lack of interest and an increased supply. I think it's only going to get worse in the coming months and years. I think most people are still under the illusion that everything is going to go back to the way things were before when the economy starts reopening and Corona cases are on the decline. This is only the beginning, and retro gaming prices are going to crash, I'm sure of it now.
To to be fair I was expecting it to happen with Covid-19. Maybe it's just a momentary still. I have some games I'm not interested in anymore at the moment and wanted to sell, the covid-19 potentially affecting prices made me uneasy.


With all due respect to those who have opined, but I think one must be a delusional fool if they'd think that due to the pandemic the crash was going to happen overnight. As with most everyone else, the industry had, or at the very least devised a plan to stay afloat, and have quite effectively managed to do so. A crash may not necessarily mean a repeat of 1983, but could very well be the fall of big-name companies or perhaps customers finally getting wiser and voting with their wallets (which given how acquiescent most gamers these days are, I'd say probably never).

With that said, I never subscribed to the idea that the pandemic would affect the industry, all the contrary. To give you an idea, last month I went to Walmart and the video game displays were basically empty. Hell, they still had some Wii and Wii U games and they were gone! People are locked up with pretty much nothing else to do, so many of them are coping with video games.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


I wounder if some other console company will come into the gaming industry (in the future) and have a Physical release for all or most of their video games, there may be a more generous or new company that specializes making old physical games come back, lets just pray to God that happens, I'm pretty sure they would kill competition! on the holiday seasons.

 I mean what idiot would want to buy a lame code for someone Christmas or birthday gift, or a game that developers could take away game requiring a download server at any given time frame.

 (edit) it has not happened to most 7th and 8th Generation consoles but it's heading towards that direction

 I am aware of free ROM's but those ROM's are not all what their cracked up to be, trust me. if someone could send malware through a porn site. Those same SOB's would probably send it through a ROM site as well just to piss people off as well.

I will warn about those ROMS' again. I have had malware on my computer from downloading off game sites before and it's not fun. Anti-virus will only protect against malware that has already been discovered.

The good news is there are still companies making game consoles with games built in them, Walmart has some and Amazon online stores and sites like Etsy are selling them. A lot of these machines are well built and tested to work, it may not be exactly a shelf filler, but they'll keep your entertained for years to come I assume
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Lmao. So much for this video game bubble crash bullshit fairy tail. Was just a myth pushed to keep down prices as long as possible.

I wouldn't write off a crash just yet. Unemployment is at 10% right now and we're almost assuredly in an economic recession right now if not a full on depression. What are the first things people are going to sell if they need money from lost wages? Video games, sports cars, boats and motorcycles, vacations, and all other non-essential things get put on the back burner, and in the case of actual assets they get sold. Interest in retro games can be there all day long, but if most people who want them can no longer afford them and many that do have them are selling you create a perfect storm for values to plummet.

Even before all this COVID shit happened overall prices on most retro consoles were either dropping or plateauing, indicating a lack of interest and an increased supply. I think it's only going to get worse in the coming months and years. I think most people are still under the illusion that everything is going to go back to the way things were before when the economy starts reopening and Corona cases are on the decline. This is only the beginning, and retro gaming prices are going to crash, I'm sure of it now.
To to be fair I was expecting it to happen with Covid-19. Maybe it's just a momentary still. I have some games I'm not interested in anymore at the moment and wanted to sell, the covid-19 potentially affecting prices made me uneasy.

The worst scenario is when the economy is normal again that the increased prices are here to stay.

I mean we have seen this situation before, pokemon games before pokemon go hype where like 50% the price or lower cib especially ds gba and gameboy classic. When pokemon go was new pokemon prices increased like crazy and even when pokemon go has died big time even today and before covid. Prices are still insanely high even though there is less demand for pokemon games than when pokemon go was at it's peak.

So let's hope the situation won't be the same as what happened with the pokemon go craze.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


The worst scenario is when the economy is normal again that the increased prices are here to stay.

Possibly some might stay, maybe with a slight drop, but I'm sure the rest will deflate shortly after everything goes "back to normal". Hopeful thinking.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!