The backlog's something I've been struggling with for years, I've been through different priorities/moods like everyone else at one time or another, over time I've realized that yeah, actually I am collecting things I'm not ever going to play and I'm OK with that.
I've got rid of a few hundred games in recent times, refocused on only picking up stuff I really like the look of (or if it's cheap) and trying to play through what comes in, even then the backlog's still massive. It's felt more like a job, a lot of the time, when looking for something to play it's more about finding something that's unplayed or unbeaten on my Backloggery rather than what I'm in the mood for, then there's pressure of trying to find something with a short play-time and.. nah, sod it.
Only about half my games are with me in the house, most of those currently are unplayable because the system isn't set up or can't be used ATM, so it's becoming increasingly pressurised to claw through it, so I'm currently going through my Backloggery marking most things as null. I'll focus on playing what I want, replay or new game, when I please, it's all self-inflicted anyway (or has been), so it's all getting a lot more relaxed...