Author Topic: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately  (Read 3088 times)


Re: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2020, 12:11:38 am »
Had a book stolen tonight actually. Had to make an emergency drive to see family and so the book came and was taken in the meantime  :-\
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Re: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2020, 01:11:38 am »
Had a book stolen tonight actually. Had to make an emergency drive to see family and so the book came and was taken in the meantime  :-\

Sorry this happened, I know the feeling and the anger that goes with it.  many friends stolen things from me, and I've had some good CD's stolen right out of my attic in my old apartment by roofers, landlords must have been looking in the camera or someone told them. Because my landlords brought most of the stolen items back to me somehow.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 01:19:54 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2020, 07:50:51 am »
1. Give us a place to try and hide it. Put a large planter or some kind of decoration out that we can hide a package behind.
3. Get to know your drivers if you can.  I have a bunch of regular customers that I’ll go out of my way to help if I can. If you see us deliver a package, say thanks.

I make it my mission to know and be cordial with each mailman that gets to deliver to my house, and yes, you're right, most all of them often try to go out their way when they have a package for me. When I told the mailman what happened with the package that was stolen, he got pissed, especially after I told him that the person who did it seemingly did it while he was still in his Grumman in front of my house. After this happened, if there's a package for me, he tends to stop by my house first. He doesn't always deliver the mail, so we often see at least three different mailmen. They're all really nice guys, though.

4. Get to know your trustworthy neighbors. This is important, especially in high traffic areas, apartment complexes, etc.  Let them know if you’re expecting something valuable, so there’s more sets of eyes looking for it.

Unfortunately I have shitty neighbors, so much to the point I've instructed every mailman that gets to deliver in my area to just leave a slip if I'm not home. This is a rare instance, though, as I always make sure to be home when I'm expecting a package.

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Re: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2020, 08:41:01 am »
I've not had anything stolen- even with that, our post office put in cluster boxes a few years back with parcel lockers, so anything coming USPS that isn't huge typically goes in there. The only package I would have worried about was my Xbox One, which I ordered during a Prime Day sale & Amazon opted not to box it. At all. Just stuck a shipping label on the retail box & sent it. It's also the only time the UPS driver ever knocked, and I appreciate that man greatly for putting my console directly into my hands.

I sincerely doubt anyone is hacking your wifi to monitor your shipping information to stalk your packages. That's a lot of effort for very little return (it's not like much of what people buy actually has resale value once it's away from a store.) I imagine your typical package thief is doing the far simpler task of- just knowing when the delivery trucks are out. Why go through the effort of tracking a group's shopping habits in the hope they'll buy something AND ship it somewhere unsecured, when you can just follow the amazon truck around & wait for it to leave something on someone's porch?

Remember, most theft is based on opportunity- you're not likely to be targeted directly unless you're flaunting your wealth pretty fiercely.


Re: Has Anyone Stolen One Of Your Packages Lately
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2020, 02:47:05 pm »
All the packages that I order at USA are received at the warehouse so any time that I receive something somebody has to receive it cause we work 24/7 plus the person who received has to give the package an entry number, this way I can always know where it is, here in Mexico always receive them at DHL of Fedex and I have to go for them, this isn't a problem, both offices are very close, at this day have received all of them.

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