Author Topic: This gen it's called Xbox One X and next gen it's called Xbox Series X  (Read 5174 times)


If it ain't broke, yada-yada...

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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This is compounded further when you remember there’s an Xbox One S and Xbox Series S as well.

It’s almost like the worst name they could possibly have chosen. It’s like naming a bootleg version of your old console. And I like Xbox and have owned every generation of Xbox.

Oh, it's worse than that- they've said the next one is actually just Xbox, like it's a generic brand name. Like how if you ask someone what their phone is and they say 'iphone'. Series X just tells you what iteration (like iPhone 11 vs. iPhone XS or whatnot.) Because THAT makes it so much clearer! *extreme eyeroll*

Playstation's naming may be boring as heck, but at least you always know what system you're talking about!

1st one was called

1: Xbox
2: Xbox 360
3: Xbox 360 S
4: Xbox One
5: Xbox One S
6: Xbox One X
7: Xbox One Series X

I can agree it's been confusing for a number of years now, Especially naming Xbox One,  after already having 2 game consoles separate generations from one another. I honestly don't get it either, unless what @Seether said about bootleg naming, maybe Microsoft is trying to prevent bootlegging? I don't know because there is a product for sale now that looks almost exactly like a SNES mini. but it comes with a bunch of 8-bit games built in and it's called "Super-Mini SN-2 Home Entertainment system" I can't be too sure what Microsoft is thinking,

 unless that they want everyone to forget their even was an Original Xbox and an Xbox 360 to begin with,

PlayStation 5 is less confusing I think it's fine.

Now speaking of this maybe Microsoft want to make more money hoping people will buy all 4 different Xbox One consoles after all collectors might do this after all :-\

But producing 4 consoles at one time might hamper their budget :(
« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 02:21:25 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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I still wait for the Dreamcast 2


Keep waiting.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Still a better name than PlayStation 5  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't see how that is lol Yeah it's simple and straightforward, but you know what it is.  Xbox Series X makes little sense when you remember that the Xbox One X is a thing.  Also there is info out there, that when the new Xbox releases, there will be at least two versions, one that is less powerful and one that is actually their top of the line one, so there will be something like 5 different Xbox consoles out there to buy unless they stop production on some soon.  Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, and whatever the weaker Series X is called.  That's just begging for market confusion.

Agree with all this 100%.


I miss Sega's naming conventions. I really liked pretty much all their system names though the name Dreamcast had to grow on me.

Playstation has pretty much always made sense with their naming.

Xbox has always been a head-scratcher after the first. The first made sense as it was a literal box with an X on the top. After that... they lost me.

As for Nintendo... their names are hit or miss for me. I absolutely hate just about everything that has to do with the Wii, including the name.


I can, people said the Xbox 360 had a dumb name, it gained publicity. People said the Xbox One had a dumb name, it gained publicity. This is something Microsoft has become known for and they realize that naming their console something dumb or confusing just generates more publicity for their console and in turn more sales.
Like the Wii U.


As for Nintendo... their names are hit or miss for me. I absolutely hate just about everything that has to do with the Wii, including the name.

The childish innuendo that came with the name got old real fast, so yeah, I can see your point.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


As for Nintendo... their names are hit or miss for me. I absolutely hate just about everything that has to do with the Wii, including the name.

The childish innuendo that came with the name got old real fast, so yeah, I can see your point.

Well you know why the Wii-U wasn't simply called the Wii 2 right?

In Japan it would have been known as the Wii Ni.... weenie.....  :D

It's fitting though as forcing devs to use that ridiculous motion control was a dick move....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 04:32:19 pm by telekill »


PRO Supporter

If people got confused with Wii U, then they're gonna get confused with Xbox Series X, too. People are stupid.