This is compounded further when you remember there’s an Xbox One S and Xbox Series S as well.
It’s almost like the worst name they could possibly have chosen. It’s like naming a bootleg version of your old console. And I like Xbox and have owned every generation of Xbox.
Oh, it's worse than that- they've said the next one is actually just Xbox, like it's a generic brand name. Like how if you ask someone what their phone is and they say 'iphone'. Series X just tells you what iteration (like iPhone 11 vs. iPhone XS or whatnot.) Because THAT makes it so much clearer! *extreme eyeroll*
Playstation's naming may be boring as heck, but at least you always know what system you're talking about!
1st one was called
1: Xbox
2: Xbox 360
3: Xbox 360 S
4: Xbox One
5: Xbox One S
6: Xbox One X
7: Xbox One Series X
I can agree it's been confusing for a number of years now, Especially naming Xbox One, after already having 2 game consoles separate generations from one another. I honestly don't get it either, unless what @Seether said about bootleg naming, maybe Microsoft is trying to prevent bootlegging? I don't know because there is a product for sale now that looks almost exactly like a SNES mini. but it comes with a bunch of 8-bit games built in and it's called "Super-Mini SN-2 Home Entertainment system" I can't be too sure what Microsoft is thinking,
unless that they want everyone to forget their even was an Original Xbox and an Xbox 360 to begin with,
PlayStation 5 is less confusing I think it's fine.
Now speaking of this maybe Microsoft want to make more money hoping people will buy all 4 different Xbox One consoles after all collectors might do this after all

But producing 4 consoles at one time might hamper their budget