Anyone have experience with one? I'm considering getting one to replace my second busted Retron 5. I'm tired of dealing with bent pins, fighting the inevitable death grip with dielectric grease, and failure to read working carts. I suppose I got my money's worth out of the Retron 5, but only because they replaced my first one for free.
I can't find much info about the Retro Freak as it stands today, only reviews of it at the time of release, so I don't know if there are any longterm issues with it, other than the console itself seems to "feel" cheap, in the same way that the Retron 5 always felt like it was going to smash into pieces when just gently touching it. I don't see a barrage of complaints about it like you do with the Retron 5, but since it's primarily a Japanese console, that would be why, I guess. I don't mind the price point, really, as long as it works well.
Also, I've never imported a Japanese console before, so... this probably sounds stupid but, is it safe to plug into an outlet? I'm in the US, and I know that here our voltage output is higher than Japan's. I don't want to fry the console. Do I need some kind of power converter?