Author Topic: Garou Mark of The Wolves  (Read 1847 times)

Garou Mark of The Wolves
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:42:52 pm »
As we all probably know by now LRG are printing Garou Mark of The Wolves for PS4 in a limited quantity.

For all of us Europeans, and for those of you that may miss out on the LRG print, it turns out Pix 'n' Love are doing the PEGI release, and there is no limit to the standard PS4 version  :)

Not only this but both LRG and Pix 'n' Love are doing different collectors editions as well.

LRG Edition:

Pix 'n' Love Edition:

Depending on the price points i'd say atm, the Pix 'n' Love version is looking way better.


Re: Garou Mark of The Wolves
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2020, 08:11:12 pm »
That's good news! The Pix 'n' Love's (I didn't know about the existence of this company, by the way) edition ideed looks much better than the one from Limited Run.
Actually, I'm not really a fan of LRG business practices...
Having said that, I lost the oportunity to purchase the physical release of The King of Fighters '98 when it was available initially, so if any of you is willing to sell a copy of it or knows of some other method through which I could get one for my collection without the need to resort to scalpers, please contact me.
I will be forever grateful.


Re: Garou Mark of The Wolves
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2020, 08:15:54 pm »
I'm hopeful they'll bring Last Blade 2 to physical disc because Hibiki. I figure with how many SNK PS4 digital games they've released at this point it's only a matter of time.
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Re: Garou Mark of The Wolves
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2020, 02:45:23 pm »
I'm hopeful they'll bring Last Blade 2 to physical disc because Hibiki. I figure with how many SNK PS4 digital games they've released at this point it's only a matter of time.

I would have thought so too tbh, fingers crossed that if they do bring it physically to console that it'll be as nice looking as this one. Curious if LRG will get it as well though.

I'm really not sure how these limited print runs of these games are working anymore. I mean the contracts have got to be by region at this point right? I know LRG have been going to exclusivity in their releases, but now i'm thinking it's just got to be exclusivity in North America.

Re: Garou Mark of The Wolves
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2020, 07:35:03 pm »
It looks as though only the Code Mystics ports of NeoGeo games ever go physical, not the ACA Hamster ones (based on LRG’s track record thus far, and now PnL), which could explain why neither LRG nor PnL are doing Garou on Switch.

FYI, even for Canadians, the shipping from PnL in France is cheaper than from LRG in the US. They also have far better quality shock boxes than the FanGamer ones used by LRG.

I would get this if it existed on Switch, as I otherwise have a number of ways to play it, but if I were getting this particular release, it would be the Pix N Love version (not with the painting!) all the way.
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Re: Garou Mark of The Wolves
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2020, 10:12:55 am »
Getting frustrated at pix n love’s site.  Have two items in my cart but I’m constantly getting service unavailable and 503 errors.  Ugh.