Author Topic: Advice for Gaming Setup  (Read 1065 times)


Advice for Gaming Setup
« on: September 05, 2020, 07:42:17 pm »
I was hoping I could get some advice for a new gaming setup. I have sold a bulk of my retro collection and my goal is to only have 8th and 9th gen consoles for a while. I would like to optimize my setup for those consoles and for streaming TV and movies.

I plan on buying the 85 inch Sony X900H TV and I plan on hiring a professional to wall mount the TV. What do you recommend for a TV mount and what I need to be able to have the chords hidden in the wall?

What do you recommend for surround sound? I was leaning toward the Sonos Beam, sub, and two Ones but I know this doesn't have Atmos support. I was wondering if you had any better suggestions?

I also cannot find a good TV stand that holds an 85 inch TV, a Wii U, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, Switch, and a cable box that is in stock. I prefer something that looks modern and is black (I might settle for something grey or white). Do I even need a TV stand specified for an 85 inch TV since I plan on wall mounting it anyway?

I also have a lot of physical games for PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. I will be going digital from now on on Xbox and PS4 but I will continue to be buying physical Switch games as storage space is pretty limited on Switch. I don't have a lot of room for storage space so what are your recommendations?

I appreciate any thoughts, most of the people in my life just shrug when I ask them for advice lol.


Re: Advice for Gaming Setup
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2020, 08:55:07 pm »
Make sure you don't close off any of your new tv  consoles or  the TV itself in a tight space, because new consoles need proper ventilation otherwise they would overheat, and stop working.

if you are going for a stand for a large television I recommend a firm X-like stand because a lot of flat screen tvs have a crappy round or square stand that can be easily knock over, like what happen to me. Don''t trust a wiggly tv stand. If your Television stand is wiggly than either be extra careful or your tv could fall and break. even when you are out of the room.

If you are wall mounting it than make sure the screws holding the stand or television up. on the wall are drilled into the wall beams, and not into just the wall plaster. if you drill holes off the wall beams then you run the risk of the television falling off the wall taking the stand with it.

If you can afford a professional wall mounter than that is the safest way but, they do sell devices that help find wall beams for the public

(info from google)

Tavool stud beam finder is a device that is used to determine exact location of framing studs that are located behind the drywall. This Multi-scanner stud finder uses electronic signals to quickly locate edges and center of metal, studs, joists, pipes, live AC wire behind walls, floors and ceilings.

also home depot's website has tips on how to wall mount a tv yourself
« Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 10:50:50 am by oldgamerz »
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