[My article or paranoid delusion depending on how you look at it]
I lived inside 2 adult group home for 4 years of my past, in most group homes you can only have the clothes on your back, as pretty much your only possessions. I was lucky, that I could have my own video games and a PC of my own. In which is vary unusual for group home regulations. After living in My first group home for about 1/2 or 2 years, it started to get robbed and stood up with people with guns. They never took anything from me, because they were after money.
I was thinking about American pandemics of the past century tonight, and how in the past people that were sick were sent to places like group homes or worse. I was thinking that they might eventually send people with Covid 19 symptoms to places like group homes. In group homes you can't even eat when and what you want, most people are forced to live with a small income based on circumstances.
in most group homes you can't have video games or anything else of your own, and if you do, it could be stolen from you from other people in the facility or staff. In group homes, they usually force you to have a roommate, without choice. and sleep in the same room with him or her. Most group homes are segregated either with men or women in different homes.
Sometimes Staff will take advantage of people in the group homes. Chances are if this does happen to one of us or someone in our family, I can only imagine the worst. You might be able to have some other possession besides clothes. like maybe a small radio or tiny tv if you can find one, but 99% of your freedoms could be taken away. If you don't listen and do what the staff tells you, you can be restrained without a reason. this is unsettling news that could happen not that it will but if it does.
In my local my local American state county, we have over 2000 Covid 19 victims and growing, what are your thoughts on this, it might never happen to any of you, but. it's just something to think about. Anyway if someone wants to send any of your family members to a nursing or group home tell not to. I've even seen people get seriously hurt in these homes, and staff is vary nasty in most of them.
If you have an group home or a nursing home story please share it here, if not then maybe you will just read this and think I'm delusional or something, this is an open discussion