I want to see more console collections (like the Sega Genesis Collection or NES/SNES Classic Consoles but on disc).
We've had enough Sega Genesis and Atari ones, already. I want to see other consoles. Give us an NES, SNES, or N64 collection, Nintendo. Or even better, obscure console collections like a Saturn, 3DO, or TurboGrafx collection. Even some classic computer collections (but optimized for console controls) like Commodore 64, MSX, or Amiga collections. Day 1 purchases, for me.
Even if they were just first-party games on the collections, I'd be happy. But with the way mini-consoles have gone, I don't see why they can't get licenses from certain companies for even more. Given how well those mini-consoles have sold, imagine how well console collections would sell, as well. They wouldn't have limited releases, like the consoles did.