Author Topic: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection  (Read 1228 times)

Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« on: October 19, 2020, 06:17:25 pm »

I noticed that in the PSN - PS4 N/A database, the DLC releases for Fallout 4 are listed as regular games. I think they are great additions to have with the Fallout 4 game, but do they need to be listed as part of a collection as if they were stand-alone games? Isn't that what purchasing Fallout 4: GOTY Edition (or any other special Fallout 4 collection) is supposed to get you?

Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 06:40:30 pm »
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but they aren't listed as "games" technically.  They are listed as software that can be purchased.


Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2020, 09:38:23 am »
Game type is by sub-category, not by entry.

Everything in a PSN category is classified as "Games - Digital" as opposed to "Games" which is the designation assigned to physical categories.
The distinction should be broken down properly in your about page.

Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2020, 10:32:58 am »
They are broken down between physical & digital.

What I'm asking about is DLC being listed as a stand alone game. Should they be listed in the database since you have to own Fallout 4 in order to play the DLCs that are listed such as Nuka-World, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, etc?


Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2020, 10:57:55 am »
I think it's fine to have DLC as a separate item since you can purchase it just like any other product on the digital store.
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Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2020, 11:14:01 am »
They are broken down between physical & digital.

What I'm asking about is DLC being listed as a stand alone game. Should they be listed in the database since you have to own Fallout 4 in order to play the DLCs that are listed such as Nuka-World, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, etc?

Think about it like this - you can own a Sega Genesis cart without owning a Genesis.  You can't play it, but you can still buy and have it.  Same thing with the DLC.  You can't play it, but you can still have it.


Re: Question about DLC being featured as part of a collection
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2020, 12:14:56 pm »
I can't speak about PSN, but it is possible to "own" a DLC for a game you do not own on Steam. Or at least, it is possible to have a key for a DLC. Whether or not Steam will let you activate a DLC without having a game is another story. If anyone wants to try it out, I have some DLC keys for various games.  8)