Author Topic: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch  (Read 1151 times)


A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« on: September 29, 2021, 02:44:26 pm »

I wasn't planning to get a Nintendo Switch anytime soon but after the announce of GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon and Metroid Dread, I certainly felt pretty inspired to try again after the failure of the last year getting one and because the Lite model has became pretty cheap right now in my country.

So, after 2 months, I can say something about it? The short story is that I like the console more than I thought I could.

The console just make a pretty good job remember me the good old times when I used to play with the Gameboy Color or Nintendo DS/3DS at times, and since I spend way too much time working... it's pretty useful just take the console and boot it up for just a tad of fun when there nothing else to do at the job.

About the console design... I think is good, at least the plastic for the console feels like hard to scratch and it's certainly something I loved after Nintendo three last consoles were actually way too easy to damage the shell. (Wii, Wii U, N3DS)

The performance for the console is fine... I guess, it's obviously the console can't run some heavy names and the only solution is these annoying "Cloud versions" but... eh... I like the concept of a weaker console being about gameplay instead of graphics... I can also being easy on it because the more of 80 games I have played on the console almost no one takes a lot to load and just start playing.

The handheld mode is 7/10.
A lot of games looks fine but some games just look way too blurry... fortunately the solution for these games is something I believe I read is named call "Adaptive resolution", and pretty much is that depending of the part of the game you are playing, the game automatically prioritize between resolution or performance and I can.... respect that, it could be worse if the game looked blurry all the time, I guess.

The online is something I don't care too much, the Classic games are fine but the library is way too limited and I don't mind at all because a friend invited to join a family group for just 5$ the year. (Family is also the one you die for...)

And at last, the library of games?
While it's obvious the Switch is missing some big names in the industry, I can forgive it for the sole purpose that the digital stote just has tons of games available, just enter the eShop and you may find up to 5000 games.

Of course not all these games are good or outlandish, but new sales all weeks and the golden coins system is... just pretty useful for open the eShop, buy something random for a few bucks and burn a couple hours.

The exclusives are fine I guess... at the very least I can say that... games that Cruis'n Blast or Burger Time Party are stuff that while are obviously games with a smaller budget... it's still stuff I am interesed and make me feel a somehow nostalgia I haven't feel in a long time...

Anyway, while Nintendo Switch is another example of a console that still need some stuff to iron out and some interesting features from past  were removed for no reason, I truly like the console and playing it remember me a lot of when I used to just play for hours while drinking something and just ignoring stuff I didn't care for... something that nowadays... I appreciate a lot.

But that's just my point of view.
What are your thoughts for Nintendo Switch?
Do you like it? you don't?
It's a console you enjoy or you just bought it for a couple games?

Any of those seem honestly valid to me.

- See ya next adventure -
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2021, 03:45:30 pm »
I think Nintendo has done a lot wrong with it, the lack of a proper retro collection of games like before (and the very sluggish release), almost no support for the system in terms of customization with the home menu, the joycon issues people have had, the half-assed online service, and that it is fairly underpowered so there are a lot of games with performance issues, even ones made specifically for it.  That being said, I think just in general, the system is a good idea as while I use it as a console 95% of the time, the other 5% of the time I have a need for it is handy, even if I find most handhelds to be uncomfortable to use for longer than a half hour.

Game wise has been a mixed bag too as while there's been good games for sure, I've had a lot of game droughts, I think at least 2 of the nearly 5 years its been out where I'm just barely playing the system.  Like this year, I've really only played 3 notable games on the Switch for nearly the entire year and one is a Wii port.

I do like the Switch even with my issues, they just haven't been doing a ton that has excited me personally, though getting Nintendo 64 games is an uptick and next year should be a big one for the Switch for me with games like Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Bayonetta 3, Breath of the Wild 2, and some others.


Re: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2021, 04:47:20 pm »

I wasn't planning to get a Nintendo Switch anytime soon but after the announce of GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon and Metroid Dread, I certainly felt pretty inspired to try again after the failure of the last year getting one and because the Lite model has became pretty cheap right now in my country.

GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon is also on steam right?
Your Stylish Sword Master!


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Re: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2021, 04:51:54 pm »
I think the hardware itself is fantastic! A full-on console that is also portable. It's what you expected the Wii U to be when you first saw it. Yeah, it's not as powerful as the Xbox or PlayStation consoles, but again, that's par for the course for Nintendo. The stick drift isn't something I really worry about since I use the Pro-Controller anyways.

The games, well, it's normal Nintendo fair. Not as well-supported as the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the Nintendo exclusives make-up for that. And if you like Mario in particular, this is the console for you.

So all-in-all, good Nintendo console in my book. Might be even better once I get my hands on Metroid: Dread next week...

Re: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2021, 05:23:55 pm »
The games, well, it's normal Nintendo fair. Not as well-supported as the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the Nintendo exclusives make-up for that. And if you like Mario in particular, this is the console for you.

While I totally agree with this, I think where it has really shined has been the indies on the eShop.  My Switch is how I've played Celeste, Hollow Knight, Into the Breach and loads of other to of the line titles.  Being able to play those on the go has been incredible.


Re: A Switch Life -A random chatting thread about the Nintendo Switch
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2021, 01:34:55 am »
Like a lot of people, I bought the Switch for BOTW. Even though it didn't impress me as much as I was hoping it would, I still ended up liking the console itself. It's far from perfect, at least because of the joycon issues (I had to buy a pair of new joycons a year after purchase), but it's still nice to have. I don't spend too much time playing it, but it's very nice to assume a comfy pose on the armchair and play Zelda or whatever else. Or insert it into the dock, press a button on my PC display to switch (ha-ha) the video input and play some Splatoon.

And the recent announcement of both N64 and Sega Genesis games for NSO got me a bit excited; N64 means another F-Zero title on the Switch and Genesis gives me faint hope for some Dreamcast classics in the future. I just hope the Online "expansion" price will be reasonable.

What I miss in the Switch is the versatility of PSP. Back in the day I used it as a e-Book reader (a DS Lite does this job for me now), movie center, music player and gaming console - all in one device. But with Nintendo's policy of having the Switch purely as a gaming console and nothing else, perhaps I won't be getting all this unless I jailbreak my console. And, well, it's not like it will be as useful as years ago, if useful at all.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 01:40:14 am by leshark »