Last year Pac-Man celebrated it's 40th anniversary so I just wanted to talk a bit about the franchise.
First of all, I think is kind of cool that the general culture towards Pac-Man is that massive that even people that never played video games at all wanted to try it up or knew about the development of the original game.
Like a game itself I don't think is even neccesary explain the concept because just like Mario I want to believe it is that popular for quickly understand it or know it, I think Pac-Man is just a master-piece, after 40 years the game is still fun and well designed like the first day it was released, I think just some games like Pac-Man has managed to truly build up a timeless concept that will be always fun and great.
About other sequels I have played a bunch, that are like different version of the original game, some more interesting games are Pac-Man 2 for the Genesis and SNES that is like a point and click platforming game, or Pac-Attack that is a good puzzle game.
Some peeps could met Pac-Man back then in 2000, playing the classic game "Pac-Man World" that was a 2.5 game with Pac-Man having a new design and a good gameplay that made a game that is the favorite of many people for the console.
Anyway Pac-Man had lots of other games and concepts, nowadays the most popular game is a free to play android game of the original games and Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 that is certainly great.
About other projects, there is a more family friendly project called "Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures" that used a Kid version of the character with a new design, it had a fun tv show and 4 games that are kind of underrated and were good enough for fans.
About other stuff I never consumed at all are merchandise and such, but I always knew that Pac-Man was such a phenomenon back then and nowadays is still loved by many fans around the world.
I certainly hope Pac-Man still make people happy for many more years.
And you? What is your story with the all times master-piece "Pac-Man"?