I think that education games could really benefit some of our children today since schools seem to be not active as they were before COVID 19
Even though I had other games growing up sometimes I would play educational video games. The kind that were my favorite were were 2 Vtech Laptops one had a like a Gameboy color-like screen. and the older, red one had an original Gameboy like screen, they were both like simple computers and I even remember one even having a phone jack for online play, this was back in the early 1990's. They had games built into them and the older one I think even had a cartridge slot, Not all the games were educational games in both of these laptops.
I learned how to spell and read from them, and do simple math. each game had 6 levels of difficulty. but I only played them when I was vary young.
now I don't bother but I will admit I feel like I want to play those Vtech laptops again, since the ones I had were not kiddy like, they even had a 2 player option for couch coop or competition. and they were also meant for older kids as well. they were powered by huge batteries, and lasted a long time too.
One of them had red, and white plastic. And the other was black and white plastic, I can't find any photo on the internet for them but I'd show them to you if I could.
here is the 1st one I had that was red and white
Here is my 2nd toy I got when I was older only I had the black and white plastic on the outside not red white and blue