Author Topic: Arbian Nights 1100-in-1  (Read 1650 times)


Arbian Nights 1100-in-1
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:38:13 am »
Anyone ever heard of this cart? Someone brought a copy of it into the store I work at and we offered him $50 cash for it but he kept. Id love to track down a copy, even though Im told that carts with that many games generally have issues with most of the games on them.
I just added it to the database. If anyone else has more info about it, you should add an edit onto it!

Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder


Re: Arbian Nights 1100-in-1
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 02:59:30 am »
Anyone ever heard of this cart? Someone brought a copy of it into the store I work at and we offered him $50 cash for it but he kept. Id love to track down a copy, even though Im told that carts with that many games generally have issues with most of the games on them.
I just added it to the database. If anyone else has more info about it, you should add an edit onto it!

welcome lordmeatpie to the site  all i can find on it is that its vary rare unlicensed multicart by a company named lucky chicken (no to be confused with lucky chicken games ) who made unlicensed multicarts in the early 90s and thats all i can find on it so im guessing you will not find one any time soon and if you do find one it probably will be expensive
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 08:46:45 am by htimreimer »


Re: Arbian Nights 1100-in-1
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 11:37:06 pm »
yeah, all i could find in other forums was that a couple people sold it for 30 and 50 dollars. but other than that ive found no average price for it anywhere. at the store i work in i added it to our database, but the guy who had me appraise it wouldnt sell it.
Now Playing: Borderlands 2 (PS3) / Crystalis (NES)
The Obnoxious Canadian Acoustic Grinder

Re: Arbian Nights 1100-in-1
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2021, 01:20:56 am »
Hi guys.

I stumped upon this thread (many years later here) and have a copy of this cartridge (in grey).

If somebody is interested in purchasing, they may make me an offer through here.