Author Topic: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?  (Read 2248 times)


Here is something different to add to the forum

how do you remember culture change things when you were 10, 20, 30, or 40 years younger then today? and how you seen things change over the year?

I grew up in the 1990's. according to what I remember, that I no longer see, or have not seen in many many years, is stuff like, people Roller Blading, watching Monster Truck shows and rodeos. people going to circuses. and sporting events there were a lot more sports, and more adult themed (according to todays standards) cartoons aimed at younger audiences on the television.

Most of my oldest memories involve watching the television and how I remember there was a lot of different tv in the shows back then and less documentaries and no ghost hunting shows. Movie theaters were still popular where seeing the newest film on the big screen before it came out on VHS tape was a big deal. How do you remember things?

in the 1990's arcades were still around most urban places and even in remote locations as well.

One funny thing I don't know much about is what was all those Got Milk? Commercials and school lunch boxes all about? I never know why they were a thing, then and also I remember going to Car Shows and Drag Racing and NASCAR and Indy Car Racing was considered cool. Still remember those heavy engine grinds on cars of the 1980's and 1990's and engine and burning rubber was also cool back then. Then there was laser tag and laser tag arenas and family fun centers lots of children went to like Chucky Cheeses And Cesar Land.

What are some of your memories that you no longer see today? or what changes have you seen before COVID not after March 2020?
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2021, 02:02:12 pm »
10-years ago: I had just finished college, got my first real job, moved into a nice apartment, and was enjoying the early phases of being with my fiancee, then girlfriend. I also heavily got into video game collecting at this point. Life was very, fun and exciting at that point.

20-years ago: I was about to finish middle school and was probably the least happy I'd ever been my entire life at this point. Also started working around then at the ripe age of 14. Still had some excellent times though, lots of fun, cool places to go, and of course I was super into the PS2 and Dreamcast around this time.

30-years ago. Can't really say much, since I was very young. I honestly remember very little before the age of 5.


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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2021, 04:34:26 pm »
When I was young everyone played outside everyday now kids don't. We only had 1 tv in the house witch the adults got to watch except on early Saturday mornings when you could watch cartoons they only showed cartoons from about 8 to 11 o'clock in the morning then it went back to adult programing.There were only 3 channels and no cable.
In my teens I first saw cable it was awesome. We also were introduced to delivery pizza,polaroid pictures,vhs,
microwave ovens,push button phones and cassette tapes.In my 20's we got cd's,dvd's,pagers,internet,wives and children.In my 30's we got cellphones,faster internet,blue rays,Ebay and divorced (yay!)
In my 40's we got smart phones.


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 05:39:48 pm »
1990's - I was 5 when the decade started. The first movie I remember seeing in theaters was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Summer sleepovers with friends were the best. It was an excuse to have water wars with Super Soakers, Nerf wars, bike around, then go inside to consume as many movies, video games, and pizza slices as possible. Then late at night, act like you were going to sleep, shut everything down, and then secretly turn the Super Nintendo back on! Some friends had draconic parents though. You could always tell by wandering into the kitchen and seeing what type of bread they had. If it was that "healthy" birdseed bread instead of a normal loaf, watch out! They would soon yell "You've been on the Nintendo for 30 minutes, time to shut it off!!"... yeah, those were the nights when I'd have to call my parents to come pick me up, faking an allergy or something.

Also, when a hot new toy was coming out, people would have to use the Yellow Pages to furiously call stores to see if they had any stock, then rush over and wait in line.

When your parents were late to pick you up from school, you had to use the payphone and call collect. They would hear "You have a collect call from 'WHERE ARE YOU? COME GET ME!', do you accept?"

Later in the '90s, people got excited for 56K modems and used AOL Instant Messenger to chat with random strangers online.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 05:43:23 pm by zenimus »


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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2021, 06:13:01 pm »
20 years ago
Don't remember, I was an infant.

10 years ago
I had just started middle school. I was in Fredericton, NB, in an english speaking school for 4 months (to practice my english) and I was nicknamed "the french". I remember shouting stuff like the f word out loud in class and then getting out of trouble just by saying "oh sorry I'm french, I didn't know this was a bad word". But there were times when it came back at my face, like when I used to say "can I go to the washroom?" in front of the class and wondered why everyone would start laughing (in french the words "can" and "may" are the same). Other times my classmates would screw up their french, like my friend Greg who would say "(my name), tu est magnifique" until one day when I told him in front of the whole phys ed class that it actually means "You are beautiful" and not "You are awesome" (oh boy we laughed). French class was just super easy, since it's second language for them but first language for me, everyone would just come to me for questions when the teacher was too busy. Speaking of him, he was a Québécois just like me, and we were pretty much "partners in crime". We would make fun of my classmates in front of them, in french, for instance that time when we compared a guy in our class who's name is Connor and we would say "Connard" and just start laughing uncontrollably in front of a class who wouldn't understand wtf is going on. Ahh fun times.
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2021, 04:17:09 am »
1990's - I was 5 when the decade started. The first movie I remember seeing in theaters was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Summer sleepovers with friends were the best. It was an excuse to have water wars with Super Soakers, Nerf wars, bike around, then go inside to consume as many movies, video games, and pizza slices as possible. Then late at night, act like you were going to sleep, shut everything down, and then secretly turn the Super Nintendo back on! Some friends had draconic parents though. You could always tell by wandering into the kitchen and seeing what type of bread they had. If it was that "healthy" birdseed bread instead of a normal loaf, watch out! They would soon yell "You've been on the Nintendo for 30 minutes, time to shut it off!!"... yeah, those were the nights when I'd have to call my parents to come pick me up, faking an allergy or something.

Also, when a hot new toy was coming out, people would have to use the Yellow Pages to furiously call stores to see if they had any stock, then rush over and wait in line.

When your parents were late to pick you up from school, you had to use the payphone and call collect. They would hear "You have a collect call from 'WHERE ARE YOU? COME GET ME!', do you accept?"

Later in the '90s, people got excited for 56K modems and used AOL Instant Messenger to chat with random strangers online.

I personally stayed out of everyone's kitchen because it's not nice to go wondering into a friends kitchen unattended.

Yes I know exactly what your talking about. parents like that. Some people had vary restrictive parents in the 1970's-1990' If you ever wondered into the those types of folks kitchens usually a lady would yell "GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" From what I remember it usually was the more wealthy family stereotypes  or older parent or grandparent types, of households. My family was not strict like that but the way my home was built it was easy to avoid the kitchen, since you need to go through the living room to get to it.

Some parents are still like that today. where they put a timer on playtime, and  required to go to bed at 8:00PM, when I was vary young that was my bedtime, when I got older bedtime moved to 10:00PM only on school nights. but as I grew I made my own bedtime usually before 10:00PM since I needed to get up at 5:40AAM in high school. I even encountered a man recently that don't let his child play any video games because he does not want his child becoming addicted to them and not studying for school
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 04:19:06 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2021, 11:21:14 pm »
It too was 90's kid for the most part. I remember life being way more simple then. Technology was WAY less integrated into everyone's lives. Most people's idea of high-tech then, was having huge DLP television, or a dual deck VCR. Stuff like GPS, cell phones, video calls, VR, etc, seemed more like a James Bond fantasy than reality back then. PCs were becoming somewhat common among the upper middle class, and some had access to the Internet, but it seemed more like a gimmick than a necessity at the time. It was really fragmented, everything was a ".com", connecting to and surfing was pain because of slow modems and the fact that it tied up your phone lines. It seemed at that time that not everybody had everything they could ever dream of having in materiel possessions then, as where today people own pretty much anything they want. I haven't quite figured out how that has came to be the case.

To me, the entire culture of the west seemed to be in a period of relative peace in the 90s. People were more chilled out and rarely political. They hung out, and had more face to face or voice conversation. They were less socially awkward, and more outgoing. They lived more in the moment, and weren't distracted by a bunch of other things competing for their attention at all times. You didn't have the world's information at your fingertips and you were okay with that, because that stuff just didn't matter as much. You were busy focusing on whatever was actually happening in front of you. You had to maintain friendships and relationships through regular physical interaction for them to count as legitimate. People had "time" back then. Everybody's so busy now and a lot of friendships are reduced to interactions on social media.

In the 90s kids often played with one another outside, and did things for fun that had little or nothing to do with technology. Although video games were quite popular among the kids who's parents could afford it, they were not a massive pop culture theme like today. The gaming industry was not as big, and was not perceived as being one that catered to an adult audience. Nintendo and SEGA were thought of more like children's toys, than a hobby let alone a lifestyle or career. There was a perception that once you transitioned into adulthood, you were getting "too old" for video games and you needed to grow up. I witnessed a few people reach that point and stop playing games ever since. Where as now, it's mostly adults who play video games, and most games are for adults.

Of course, retail and the culture of shopping was way different. There were tons more brick and mortar stores then. Indoor shopping malls were very popular, and were brimming with different specialty shops and outlets. It was considered a "cool" hangout for teens then. Where as now, malls are dead, most stores are empty, very few shoppers, and no one cares anymore. One of the indoor malls in my town was actually demolished because it became completely empty and started to decay on the inside. Back then, there were a bunch of retail stores not called Walmart that were pretty much like Walmart. Ames, Hills, Murphy's Mart, Magic Mart, Montgomery Ward, Heck's, Kmart. These were all popular shopping destinations at one time, and now they are all gone. There were multiple toy stores in my town when I was a kid, and now there are no major toy stores left anywhere. I don't really think that kids like toys as much. People are okay with buying more and more things online now and waiting for them to come in the mail, rather than going out.

I have a lot of early memories of my brother and myself playing Nintendo and Super Nintendo in his room, and of friends and cousin's coming over to play as well. I remember watching a lot of cartoons as a kid. My parents had this small child-size table and chair my brother and I would sit at and watch Nickelodeon while we ate dinner. Nick was the only cartoon channel we got then, as basic cable was limited in our area to about 43 channels I wanna say. Years later they expanded the channel line-up and stuff like Cartoon Network was brand new to us. Today, I kinda feel like people don't watch live TV anymore? Everyone likes Netflix, for reasons I can't understand. My childhood best friend lived about 2 or 3 blocks from me, and I used to ride my bike to his house a lot. He now lives about 5 hours away and we almost never talk anymore. It seemed like we all enjoyed bike riding a lot back then, but I rarely see kids doing this now. We would ride around the neighborhood for hours. Suspicious looking vans would tail us out of nowhere, we'd bail, then they'd just turn around a leave. Does anyone else remember such a thing? There used to be a lot of creepers back then. I'm positive some of them were up to no good when they spotted us.

10 years ago I was a young adult becoming obsessed with video game collecting, playing in a jam band with a good friend of mine, and trying to figure out what my future would consist of. 20 years ago, I was an awkward middle school kid, taking up an interest in drumming, and spending a lot of time hanging with my childhood best friend. Roughly 30 years ago, I was a young child who liked to play Super Nintendo with my brother, I was afraid of ghosts in my room, and I liked bologna sandwiches.

I actually still retain a lot of my early memories, I could go on and on...
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 10:56:55 am by Warmsignal »


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2021, 04:08:05 am »
30 years ago: My dad was working at this new IBM factory over 500km from home, so he would board on a plane on Monday mornings and get back home only on Friday nights. I went with my mom to pick him up at the airport every week and he would always have some small gift for me (usually something related to Kamen Rider or other Japanese tokusatsu hero as those shows were huge in Brazil at the time).

20 years ago: I had just entered high school. As most of my friends from elementary and middle schools had moved to other places, I used my free time to start my first part-time job at a huge churrascaria (a Brazilian steak house).

10 years ago: I received a scholarship to conclude my Master's and PhD degrees in Japan. I arrived in this country on Abril 4th 2011 and have been living here ever since. In this 10 years, I got my PhD diploma, became a university professor myself and got married. Now that I think about it, these have been some very active 10 years... Haha
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 04:10:05 am by ferraroso »


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2021, 12:28:28 pm »
It too was 90's kid for the most part. I remember life being way more simple then. Technology was WAY less integrated into everyone's lives. Most people's idea of high-tech then, was having huge DLP television, or a dual deck VCR. Stuff like GPS, cell phones, video calls, VR, etc, seemed more like a James Bond fantasy than reality back then. PCs were becoming somewhat common among the upper middle class, and some had access to the Internet, but it seemed more like a gimmick than a necessity at the time. It was really fragmented, everything was a ".com", connecting to and surfing was pain because of slow modems and the fact that it tied up your phone lines. It seemed at that time that not everybody had everything they could ever dream of having in materiel possessions then, as where today people own pretty much anything they want. I haven't quite figured out how that has came to be the case.

To me, the entire culture of the west seemed to be in a period of relative peace in the 90s. People were more chilled out and rarely political. They hung out, and had more face to face or voice conversation. They were less socially awkward, and more outgoing. They lived more in the moment, and weren't distracted by a bunch of other things competing for their attention at all times. You didn't have the world's information at your fingertips and you were okay with that, because that stuff just didn't matter as much. You were busy focusing on whatever was actually happening in front of you. You had to maintain friendships and relationships through regular physical interaction for them to count as legitimate. People had "time" back then. Everybody's so busy now and a lot of friendships are reduced to interactions on social media.

In the 90s kids often played with one another outside, and did things for fun that had little or nothing to do with technology. Although video games were quite popular among the kids who's parents could afford it, they were not a massive pop culture theme like today. The gaming industry was not as big, and was not perceived as being one that catered to an adult audience. Nintendo and SEGA were thought of more like children's toys, than a hobby let alone a lifestyle or career. There was a perception that once you transitioned into adulthood, you were getting "too old" for video games and you needed to grow up. I witnessed a few people reach that point and stop playing games ever since. Where as now, it's mostly adults who play video games, and most games are for adults.

Of course, retail and the culture of shopping was way different. There were tons more brick and mortar stores then. Indoor shopping malls were very popular, and were brimming with different specialty shops and outlets. It was considered a "cool" hangout for teens then. Where as now, malls are dead, most stores are empty, very few shoppers, and no one cares anymore. One of the indoor malls in my town was actually demolished because it became completely empty and started to decay on the inside. Back then, there were a bunch of retail stores not called Walmart that were pretty much like Walmart. Ames, Hills, Murphy's Mart, Magic Mart, Montgomery Ward, Heck's, Kmart. These were all popular shopping destinations at one time, and now they are all gone. There were multiple toy stores in my town when I was a kid, and now there are no major toy stores left anywhere. I don't really think that kids like toys as much. People are okay with buying more and more things online now and waiting for them to come in the mail, rather than going out.

I have a lot of early memories of my brother and myself playing Nintendo and Super Nintendo in his room, and of friends and cousin's coming over to play as well. I remember watching a lot of cartoons as a kid. My parents had this small child-size table and chair my brother and I would sit at and watch Nickelodeon while we ate dinner. Nick was the only cartoon channel we got then, as basic cable was limited in our area to about 43 channels I wanna say. Years later they expanded the channel line-up and stuff like Cartoon Network was brand new to us. Today, I kinda feel like people don't watch live TV anymore? Everyone likes Netflix, for reasons I can't understand. My childhood best friend lived about 2 or 3 blocks from me, and I used to ride my bike to his house a lot. He now lives about 5 hours away and we almost never talk anymore. It seemed like we all enjoyed bike riding a lot back then, but I rarely see kids doing this now. We would ride around the neighborhood for hours. Suspicious looking vans would tail us out of nowhere, we'd bail, then they'd just turn around a leave. Does anyone else remember such a thing? There used to be a lot of creepers back then. I'm positive some of them were up to no good when they spotted us.

10 years ago I was a young adult becoming obsessed with video game collecting, playing in a jam band with a good friend of mine, and trying to figure out what my future would consist of. 20 years ago, I was an awkward middle school kid, taking up an interest in drumming, and spending a lot of time hanging with my childhood best friend. Roughly 30 years ago, I was a young child who liked to play Super Nintendo with my brother, I was afraid of ghosts in my room, and I liked bologna sandwiches.

I actually still retain a lot of my early memories, I could go on and on...

The creepers are still out there and in mass, now these days, instead of creepy people watching children, you've got people that park there vehicles. a block or sometimes down the street from peoples homes and sit on a phone and hack peoples WIFI.
Most of the creepers these days evolved. Into the form of cyber criminals, and scan artist looking for fast cash. I read somewhere that occasionally police and private detectives do the same to try to catch them. Yup those creepy people to me seem even more creepy then ever before. with spy drones and peeping toms that still exist, google address and phone number hunters trying to find naive people to give cash for nothing and try to get away from justice.

but law enforcement is catching up to them, and these creepers today are probably also getting busted. But back in the 2000-2007, they were even worse then today, (foe example) internet WIFI used to use WEP and that was  a vary low encryption method. now WIFI, and wireless devices use a more secure method today.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 07:15:25 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2021, 12:47:39 pm »
30 years ago: My dad was working at this new IBM factory over 500km from home, so he would board on a plane on Monday mornings and get back home only on Friday nights. I went with my mom to pick him up at the airport every week and he would always have some small gift for me (usually something related to Kamen Rider or other Japanese tokusatsu hero as those shows were huge in Brazil at the time).

20 years ago: I had just entered high school. As most of my friends from elementary and middle schools had moved to other places, I used my free time to start my first part-time job at a huge churrascaria (a Brazilian steak house).

10 years ago: I received a scholarship to conclude my Master's and PhD degrees in Japan. I arrived in this country on Abril 4th 2011 and have been living here ever since. In this 10 years, I got my PhD diploma, became a university professor myself and got married. Now that I think about it, these have been some very active 10 years... Haha

Glad to hear you've got a great job as a professor today :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2021, 09:40:39 pm »
30 years ago I was 7, I had recently just got my first NES, video games were a relatively new thing to me. No cell phones, but I remember riding my bike friends' houses to play and just to see if they were home since my parents never let me use the phone. Rarely did I get yo go anywhere fun like the movies, bowling, roller rink and mini golf but they were around and mostly still thriving. I never went to an arcade at least not a real one, just a Chuck E Cheese knockoff called Showbiz which is the only sort of fun place I would get to go to semi consistently. But times were good. School wasn't bad, I had a bunch of friends, played outside a lot, and collected Ninja Turtle figures.

20 years ago I graduated high school and started college. I started working 2 years prior and just got my first car and cell phone. I spent a lot of free time hanging with my friends. I was huge into N64 and GameCube later in the year. My friends and I played GoldenEye and smash bros all the time together. College was good, I enjoyed having the freedom to come and go as I pleased now I had my own car, cell phone and disposable income. My friends and I went to movies semi frequently. And honestly it was probably some of the most fun times I had in my life. To be 18 again would be a dream.

10 years ago I was severely depressed, in one of several emotionally and mentally abusive relationships. I was working non-stop, like I am today, but I still had no money because my parents took most of it and my exes took whatever was left of it. I rarely got to go anywhere fun. I still lived at home because I didn't make a lot despite working 60+ hours a week. Probably some of the worst years of my life. And the whole thing was a blur so I really don't remember a lot aside from depression, abuse, being broke and working a lot. Even video games I had a quickly waning interest in. The Wii and PS3 were the consoles at the time and aside from generally just not liking them that much to begin with, the detachment I felt in life and loss of interest in any and all hobbies at the time just made me feel like a hollow shell of myself compared to the years that came before it.

Today I still work 60ish hours a week at minimum wage because of being laid off my job last year because of COVID. But I have a family now and a house and I'm enjoying life (generally) more than I was 10 years ago, despite being absolutely exhausted all the time from parenting and working. Even before COVID my wife and I rarely went out to eat or went to movies or bowling or anything fun. We'd visit the local wineries maybe once or twice a year but not much more than that. Now with COVID we haven't done anything in a year. But that's life.


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2021, 03:36:37 am »
About ten years ago I got my first PS3 which really sparks my interest in collecting, I had been collecting PS2 games for a long time but after I got my PS3 I just started going wild with it, buying every games that I was able to get my hands on even ones I can't play because I don't own the console.


Re: Culture Memories Of The Past, How Was Life Like 30-40 or 10 Years ago?
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2021, 09:37:34 am »
About ten years ago I got my first PS3 which really sparks my interest in collecting, I had been collecting PS2 games for a long time but after I got my PS3 I just started going wild with it, buying every games that I was able to get my hands on even ones I can't play because I don't own the console.

I think the PS3 is an underrated yet great console, especially the Slim models, but the Super Slim was nice also, except for the fact that, there is a tiny switch under the front casing of the PS3 Super Slim models that can break off easily, even with a light touch of the finger.

And if you break that tiny light switch. like object off, your entire Disc Drive will not work at all. And it's a pain in the ass to fix, even for a professional repair technician. I got mine fixed by someone else.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 09:39:15 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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