Author Topic: Editing entries with mixed PAL-regions  (Read 797 times)

Editing entries with mixed PAL-regions
« on: April 18, 2021, 03:07:10 pm »
Hey all,

first post, I hope it's okay to start a new topic for this, I didn't find something for this in the forum.
I hope this is not to incomprehensible, I'm from Germany and there are definitely better Englisch speakers.

I was wondering what I should do when I encounter an item with mixed regions.

As an exaple I take this item:

Front Box Art:
Represents the German version (SNSP-AXOP-NOE). It has the gray "PAL VERSION" printed beneath the red "SUPER NINTENDO". The French / Benelux version (SNSP-AXOP-FAH) has something printed in Dutch and French. The European version (SNSP-AXOP-EUR) has nothing beneath.

Back Box Art:
Represents the French / Benelux version. It's the only one with two languages. The German one has only German, the European one has three languages (English, Spanish and Italian).

Cart/Disc/Media Art:
Represents the French / Benelux version. There are two lines printed above the item number. The German and European version has only one line above.

Item number:
SNSP-AXOP-NOE, therefore the German version. But it doesn't match the Back Box- / Cart Art.

Should I change
 1. title, front art and item number to the FAH-version, because it matches the cartridge which has the item number
 2. title, back art and cart art to the NOE-version, because it matches the item number
 3. front art, back art, cart and item number to the EUR-version, because the Style Guide wants the general European / UK version without TLDs in the title?

I hope someone can help me.



Re: Editing entries with mixed PAL-regions
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2021, 10:02:13 am »
This is a franken-entry, which is common to find in EU categories. You should refrain from trying to edit an entry like this yourself and instead post about it in listing errors thread that is stickied in this section.

Re: Editing entries with mixed PAL-regions
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2021, 12:26:17 pm »
Okay, thanks. Thought I'd do as much work as possible myself. I'll post it there then.