Author Topic: Opinion of the New Switch Model  (Read 3524 times)


Re: Opinion of the New Switch Model
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2021, 08:29:11 pm »
Most people won't notice the difference between a regular and 1 chip if where talking image quality
Average people aren't going to notice the difference between the original Switch screen vs the new model either. It's not until you advertise this and charge 50 dollars more that people even care.  ::)

And let's not forget the big fish Mario odyssey and smash ultimate being a hell lot superior than what we got on Wii u. The new stuff that we got on switch is pretty nice compared to the mediocre slob that the wii u has given us. instead of the slow pace of brawl that we got in smash 4. It's more towards smash bros melee in speed now plus brand new mechanics that are fun.
Mario Odyssey Golf Story is the best game I've played on the Nintendo Switch. Luigi's Mansion 3 ain't bad neither. Smash Ultimate? It reuses 80% of the character models from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. It's fun I guess, but it's like the smallest evolution in terms of gameplay and mechanics of any game in that series. The fanbase turns me off of it mostly.

paper mario color splash almost considered the bottom of the barrel vs decent paper mario game on switch in origami king, What kirby game did wii u got again? Some tech demo vs kirby all star allies on switch.

Both of those Paper Mario games and Kirby games are mediocre at best.

What are the arguments for the switch not being essential?
It's an underpowered, overpriced, Wii U port, multi-plat indie game machine. If you love it, good for you. For me, I like it okay, bu it'd be the first Nintendo console I gave up if I had to.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Opinion of the New Switch Model
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2021, 11:51:17 pm »
I think the indie games available on the Switch alone make it worth owning alongside a Wii U if we put the first-party offerings aside for a second.

But I will definitely agree that the Switch overall has much less value if you have a decent Wii U library already. There's just so much overlap between the Switch and Wii U, with a significant portion of Nintendo's first party lineup on the Switch being either sequels with marginal improvements (Splatoon 2, SSB Ultimate, Mario Maker 2, Yoshi's Crafted World, Mario Tennis Aces), or just the straight up ports from the Wii U.

how is smash ultimate different compared to any other smash game in the series, Just like any other smash game it did swap up the mechanics  it's totally different compared to smash 4 i don't see how the title is less unique.

Also mario tennis ultra was legitmately a bad entry in the series while tennis aces is one of the best with great mechanics on par with power tennis. these are not marginal improvements. the mechanics in the wii u mario tennis where terrible

As Aliensstudios said, the Ultimate and 4 play almost identically, and they were both well received. It's only the roster of characters that makes Smash Ultimate better. Aces was still underdeveloped with the adventure mode and content just like Ultra Smash was, it's just... not as bad as Ultra Smash. I certainly don't think it's the best Mario tennis game in the series, but I might be in the minority on that one, since I know a lot of people liked it.

Also if where talking sequels isn't that what happens on almost any console ever? If a series done well it gets a sequel. i don't see how the switch having sequels is a bad thing. Sequels are not a rare thing how is it that different on switch

For me, it's not about whether a game gets a sequel or not, it's more about what that sequel adds to the series that's new or interesting. That's what I was getting at with those 4 games I mentioned above.
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Re: Opinion of the New Switch Model
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2021, 07:42:52 am »
I think the indie games available on the Switch alone make it worth owning alongside a Wii U if we put the first-party offerings aside for a second.

But I will definitely agree that the Switch overall has much less value if you have a decent Wii U library already. There's just so much overlap between the Switch and Wii U, with a significant portion of Nintendo's first party lineup on the Switch being either sequels with marginal improvements (Splatoon 2, SSB Ultimate, Mario Maker 2, Yoshi's Crafted World, Mario Tennis Aces), or just the straight up ports from the Wii U.

how is smash ultimate different compared to any other smash game in the series, Just like any other smash game it did swap up the mechanics  it's totally different compared to smash 4 i don't see how the title is less unique.

Also mario tennis ultra was legitmately a bad entry in the series while tennis aces is one of the best with great mechanics on par with power tennis. these are not marginal improvements. the mechanics in the wii u mario tennis where terrible

As Aliensstudios said, the Ultimate and 4 play almost identically, and they were both well received. It's only the roster of characters that makes Smash Ultimate better. Aces was still underdeveloped with the adventure mode and content just like Ultra Smash was, it's just... not as bad as Ultra Smash. I certainly don't think it's the best Mario tennis game in the series, but I might be in the minority on that one, since I know a lot of people liked it.

Power tennis on cube definitely wins in the single player department but in terms of vs play Tennis aces has great mechanics surpassing the cube's entry. Besides even in the cube era multiplayer 1 vs 1 content was the most fun aswell. so 1 vs 1 gameplay being great is the most important thing since once you finish the single player content your replay value comes in them 1 vs 1 matches that's where the most fun comes from in them mario tennis series. The basic mechanics in this game are very well done and the slo mo mechanic and being able to destroy your opponent racket forcing them to forfeit are very welcome bonusses for gimmicks. The music is also amazing.

As far as smash goes.

It doesn't play the same mechanics got switched up by quite allot

The difference in gameplay is way larger than brawl to smash 4.

You can parry moves nowadays wich is the opposite of the perfect shield in other smash games in wich you let the shield button go right before a hit in wich your opponent gets delayed in wich you can punish. you can only air dodge 1 time while midair. In smash 4 and brawl you could spam that button withouth any risk edge guards are way more common in smash ultimate as a result. Also unlike in smash brawl and 4. you can move decide the direction in wich you air dodge wich can be a double jump for some characters or make terrible recoveries a bit better. also if your air dodging off stage in ultimate you might die because of the lag. in smash 4 and brawl you where free to spam it to your hearts content. invincibility for days the attacker could actually be at risk so edge guarding was rare in brawl and especially smash 4.

Shields while crazy strong in brawl and smash 4 are pretty weak in ultimate. Shield breaks happen allot faster, offensive play is far more rewarding. The game has a way faster flow compared to the campy play of brawl and smash 4

Also while rolling smash brawl and smash 4 came withouth risk your roll is getting slower and slower when you spam it in ultimate making it far easier to punish. rage mechanic is almost gone now. unlike smash 4 a factor wich made combo's really inconsistent and introduced to many random elements.

Smash attacks can be charged and held back for a ridiculously long time now making room for mind game shenenigans wich where impossible in previous smash games.

Also we got new competitive modes to play games smash down but more importantly squadstrike in wich you make a team of 3 characters. speaking of competitive you can turn every stage into a battlefield or final destination keeping the area background and it's music. Let alone that you can even turn off stage hazzards in wich allot more stages are tournament legal nowadays. The customization that smash ultimate introduced is really nice a first in the smash series.

Also if where talking casual play they introduced 8 player smash, Final smash meter in wich you gain a final smash when you take enough damage naturally during battle. When you land the killing blow you get a close up plus sound nowadays. It's especially exciting when people survive those giving extra tension in them matches.

also unlike what other people say models did not get reused, They are remade from the ground up and it does have a different art style. Does the difference seem smaller than usual? Sure does but that's mostly because we are at a point in wich it can't look that much better. Singeplayer content wise smash 4 had nothing a mario party board game. Smash ultimate has world of light in wich you can power up your character with rpg esk elements in the form of spirits that you collect while traversing the world map. It's not subspace emmisary but them bosses are pretty cool.

Smash 4 and brawl's balance where horrible. with a select few god characters dominating the game. Meanwhile smash ultimate has a very balanced roster almost any character has a shot against anyone the variety in good characters in ultimate is pretty great. Smash ultimate has been the most balanced smash game we got since smash 64. you don't have gods like meta knight or bayo. mainly because they made most characters allot faster and gave heavy's a shot so that they could keep up with the rest.

Overall though. smash 4 and brawl are pretty slow pased rewarding very defensive campy playstyles. Ultimate is more like melee fast paced rewarding offensive play it's a huge change considering we got 2 slow very defensive orientated smash games in a row. it's nice that we got a more aggresive smash game again.

The only big difference that smash 4 had from brawl that was major during gameplay was edge hogging. in past smash games only 1 person can hang on the ledge if you'd grab the ledge during invincibility anyone else trying to grab it will fail and die. In smash 4 and ultimate you'll always grab the hedge anyway.

Also the rage mechanics I guess but that's less obvious. when you have more damage your moves have more knockback. and they removed tripping although i doubt that allot of non competitive players noticed that plus you could avoid it by fast walking and it wasn't a common occurence.

Aside from the hidden tech. gameplay wise brawl and smash 4 are way closer than smash 4 to ultimate.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 09:36:04 am by sworddude »
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Re: Opinion of the New Switch Model
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2021, 06:22:53 pm »
It's an underpowered, overpriced, Wii U port, multi-plat indie game machine. If you love it, good for you. For me, I like it okay, bu it'd be the first Nintendo console I gave up if I had to.

I got a Switch quite recently—about four months ago, give or take—and I've pretty much given up on it. Hopefully Metroid Dread will help spark some interest on the console. There are some upcoming releases that are tentative, too, so we'll see.

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