Author Topic: Finished Halo CE for the OG XBoX Before 20th Anniversary  (Read 654 times)


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Finished Halo CE for the OG XBoX Before 20th Anniversary
« on: August 30, 2021, 04:38:28 pm »
Not sure if this is interesting, just shows how pathetic I am, or really means not much of anything.

I finally finished my first Halo game, and I made sure it was the original and that I accomplished it right before the 20th anniversary arrives. There are a multitude of reasons why this never happened in the past and I will detail them now:

1. When the game first came out I was taking 21 credit hours at school and had no time for games or making money to buy games.
2. Soon after I got married and once again found there was no time for games or money to buy them (although I did pickup a Game Boy Advance for Advance Wars and WarioWare - always money for that)
3. Life had moved on and the XBox was old news once I had money and time again. Many years had passed and it felt silly to go back and play yesterday’s FPS.
4. Finally purchased an OG Xbox and copy of Halo CE. Found that my rear projection DLP 65 inch TV (which was cool At the time) was not bright enough to play this game in full sunlight. It was so hard to see in some of the levels. Gave up in frustration.
5. My first child was born and I had a new house, a new TV, and time in the middle of the night while I rocked her back to sleep to play. Made decent progress until I abandoned the game because my job changed and I ended up needing to do more work around the clock.
6. Fast forward to now and I finally beat the game today. That last level sucked. I didn’t realize how terrible I was at driving. Yet, here I am almost twenty years later - finished and game is compete.

What now? I need to find another game that has inspired decades of sequels and media to start. I guess it is time for Uncharted. Yep, never beat that one either.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: Finished Halo CE for the OG XBoX Before 20th Anniversary
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2021, 06:01:55 pm »
I need to replay it for sure. Tons of great memories with the first two Halo games. I never played any after two, but they're on my never ending backlog lol

Re: Finished Halo CE for the OG XBoX Before 20th Anniversary
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2021, 06:10:14 pm »
I loved Halo back in the day, I don't know how many hours I played just the first game, it was easily hundreds because my and my buddies were doing LAN parties like every weekend if we could, playing all night long, most of the time in full 16 player matches with multiple tv's and xbox's hooked up.  Our favorite game mode was no shields CTF, so we'd spend sometimes an hour or more on just a single match, because it was so easy to kill people with the magnum at distances, using all the glitches in levels like Sidewinder where you had to perfectly dismount a ghost before crashing into some bars which would squeeze you through, but half the time would just kill you, or the glitch in Blood Gulch that would launch you from a ghost up a cliff wall and you had a sick sniper spot on a cliff edge you weren't supposed to be on lol

I'm sure the campaign doesn't hold up as much as it use to, but I've been meaning to go through the CE version of it as I only played abit of the first level like last year.  I'm actually pretty stoked to get back into Halo with the new game when that releases as it's getting its first new PC release since Halo 2, though the only PC version I played was Halo 1 back when that game out, which was almost like its own game in a way compared to the Xbox release.

Re: Finished Halo CE for the OG XBoX Before 20th Anniversary
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2021, 08:11:44 pm »
Now if you want to continue getting the true Halo experience, you gotta start watching Red Vs. Blue.